Self-Assessment Flashcards
- How do you call the liquid portion of and anticoagulated blood?
- The antibodies produced by one infected with covid -19 are of what type of plasma proteins?
Gamma globulin
- What is the color of a blood that contains large amount of oxidized hemoglobin?
Bright red
- This blood cell has is normally 150,000 450.000 per microliter og blood.
- (True or False) Blood transports O2 from the lungs where the O2 tension if low, to the tissues where the O2 is high.
- Define Dysmyelopoiesis
Abnormal BM production
- Define Hematoma
Swelling of blood vessels
- Define Leukocytopenia
Deficiency in white blood cells
- Identify: Term defined as an inflammation of the vein caused by a blood clot formed within.
- Identify: Term defined as increased variation (of size) among cells/Lack of uniformity among cells.
Contains large red-orange granules
Has an elongated and curved nucleus
Neutrophilic band
Has a light, sky-blue cytoplasm
Has a kidney beanshaped nucleus
Represents approximately 56% of normal adult leukocytes in the peripheral blood
Segmented neutrophil
What leukocyte is increased in allergic reactions?
As the cell matures, the cell diameter decreases, except
Refers to the division of chromosomes without complete nuclear division nor cell division.
Phase of hematopoiesis where synthesis of fetal hemoglobin begins.
Hepatic stage
The BFU-E and CFU-E are ________ progenitors.
The stage in the granulocytic series where secondary granules start to appear.
The last stage in the erythrocytic series to undergo mitosis.
Polychromatophilic normoblast
Some physiologic factors affecting test results include posture, diurnal rhythm, exercise, stress, diet, and smoking.
Presence clots in a red stopper tube is a ground for rejection of the sample
E vacuated tubes fo llow a universal color coding system in which the stopper color indicates the type of additive contained in the tube.
The gauge numbers of needles relate directly to bore size
Drawing blood from a patient with IV fluid running in one arm requires first line for 2 minutes.
Heel puncture on infants less than 1 year adequate amount of blood
Hematoma can form if the needle punctures both walls of the vein.
The posterior curve of the heel is acceptable for the collection of capillary blood from an infant.
Failure to obtain blood by venipuncture may occur because of inadequate vacuum in the tube
Blood gas analysis tube is filled before the coagulation tube
When the coagulation of fresh whole blood is prevented through the use of an anticoagulant, the fluid separated is called a
What is the most commonly used anticoagulant in hematology
Heparin inhibits the clotting of fresh whole blood by neutralizing the effect of
What is the second best option for phlebotomy if the median cubital vein of the right arm is not prominent.
Cephalic vein
What is the standard gauge and length of the needle in phlebotomy?
Why is it necessary to compute for corrected WBC count in the presence of significant number of nucleated red blood cells?
Compute for the dilution factor of the RBC pipet if blood is sucked up to 0.2 mark and the diluting fluid at 11 mark.
A manual white blood cell (WBC) count was performed. A total of 39 cells were counted in all 9-mm2 squares of a Neubauer hemocytometer. A 1:10 dilution was used. What is the WBC count?
A 1:200 dilution of a patients sample was made and 330 red cells were counted in an area of 0.2 mm2. What is the RBC count?
Blood is sucked up to .8 mark and the diluting fluid until the last mark of the RBC pipet. A total of 164 cells were counted in only 2 WBC (large) squares. Compute for the total cell count.
What is the volume of blood added to the Drabkins reagent?
20 cumm
In which condition is hemoglobin level low?
Which Drabkins composition will convert the Fe++ form of hemoglobin iron into Fe+++?
How will maternal red cells appear compared with the newborns red cells on the acid elution test?
On hemoglobin electrophoresis performed at an alkaline pH, a protein band is observed at the Hb S region. What next step should be done to identify the hemoglobin?
Explain the effect of high levels of hemoglobins S and C on the hemoglobin measurement using cyanmethemoglobin method.
Will non-fasting of the patient have an effect in the cyanmethemoglobin method? Explain
Explain the levels and distribution of hb in thalassemias and in hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin.
- Inclusion of buffy coat in the reading.
- Hemodilution.
- Length of the clay-paraffin sealant is 3 mm
- Presence of many anisocytes and poikilocytes
- Inadequate mixing, sample was aspirated just from the upper portion of blood.
APPLICATION: Compute for the following:
RBC count = 4.8 X 10 12/L
Hematocrit = height of PCV= 47 mm ; height of whole blood = 100 mm
Hemoglobin= 13.8 g/dL