Sedimentary Rocks (exam 2) Flashcards
Rocks that form at Earth’s surface; majority of rocks on the continents
Sedimentary rocks
How do sedimentary rocks form? (in what structure/system)
Layers known as beds
Four type of sedimentary rocks
- Clastic
- Biochemical
- Organic
- Chemical
3 characterizations of Sed rocks
Siliceous, Argillaceous, Carbonate
Clay rich rocks
Contain calcite or dolomite (rock)
Quartzrich rock and are about 70%-80% of Sedimentary rocks
Made of particles of broken rocks cemented together; mineral grains and rock fragments; commonly shale and sandstone
Two types of lithification
compaction and cementation
happens due to burial that adds pressure to sediment; occur in basins; squeezes out air and water; compresses sediment grains
Minerals grow in pore spaces and glues sediment together
How to classify a Sedimentary rock
- Size
- Angularity
- Sorting
- Sediment maturity
- Character of cement
Types of grain classification
- Boulders
- Cobble
- Pebble
- Sand
- Silt
- Clay
As transport distance increases the grain size?
Super angular indicates
has not traveled as far
Not very angular
has traveled fr
If fragment is close to source it has?
Poor sorting
If fragment is far from source it is?
Well sorted
Has large angular clasts and found close to the source
Large rounded clasts that are slightly further than breccia; near rivers
deposit of alluvial fans; coarse sandstone with a lot of feldspar; immature sandstone
mostly quartz; close to beaches and rivers
Form from very low energy quiet waters; fine grained; furthest from the source; thin bed and breaks easily
Large clasts in muddy matrix; found in debris flows or glacial till deposits
form in tropical waters; mostly made of hell fragments from coral reefs/shell beds; made from hard parts of marine organism shells
biochemical Sed rocks
Types of Biochemical sed rocks
- Fossiliferous Limestone
- Micrite
- Chalk
Form in deep, cool marine environment after burial
Biochemical Chert
Altered remains of fossil vegetation; accumulates in lush, tropical wetland settings; requires deposition in the absence of oxygen
Shale with heat altered organic matter
Oil Shale
Form from precipitation of mineral; minerals precipitating from water; interlocking crystals
Chemical Sed Rocks
Types of Chemical Rocks
Evaporites, tavertine, precipitated chert
Form from evaporated sea water; base mineral is salt; crystallizes mineral over and over again
Concentrated in calcium and carbonate; related to volcanoes, thermal hot springs; common in sculpting
High concentration of silicate; forms layers; petrified wood
Precipitated chert
Three Types of Sedimentary Structures
Bedding (layers), Ripple marks and dunes, cross beds
small ridges and troughs on top
Large scale versions of ripple marks in the layer
What are ripple marks and dunes used to determine
flow direction
sediment moving up the gentle side of ripple or dune
slips down steep face
Cross beds
Sedimentary rocks can form in 4 types of plate tectonic structures
Rift basins, intercontinental basins, foreland basins, intercontinental basins