Section 6 - Radar Technical Flashcards
If our SMR worked what labels would appear on inbound and outbound aircraft?
Inbound - orange label is transmitting SSR code, NAS codes will call sign convert, all others mode A
Outbound - labelling manual and optional, not to distract from primary tasks. Ensure correct before transfer to another position.
Why do you ensure the correct runway shown on the SMR?
Aligns the time and distance to touchdown for arriving aircraft to the correct threshold
In cat 1 conditions what stop bars and protected areas are selected?
Cat 1 stop bars, C&G and the OFZ
What does QNH FAILED in red on the SMR mean and what does it affect?
Erroneous or no QNH value, operation not affected
At HOW/ TOW the SMR should have standard settings, what are they?
Correct runway selected, correct weather conditions (LVPs) and M video selected
If the ATM fails can you use the SMR?
No, you can use the auxiliary window for situational awareness only and it should not block any of the maneuvering area.
If you deviate from standard setting what might you do?
Debden to stansted if a fault,
upper filter set at 010 to reduce clutter from over flights which can be removed
Any deviations need and info FDE and highlight on handover
What are the areas of no SMR coverage called and where are they vs the reduced radar coverage
Shadow areas have no coverage on echo and delta
Degraded detection have reduced coverage on B8 to B7
What system warning can show on the SMR and what do they mean?
Red - critical warning SMR to be immediately withdrawn from service unless its operating on batteries which give 60 minutes minimum operation
Amber - non critic warnings, do not affect integrity of system
Green - critical warning resolved
Blue - information message
Tell DEO of all warnings, if red call out of hours if needed. If time sources compromised tell them immediatel
Call AOCC if intruder or fire alarm alert.
When and why do you use SMR at Luton
Night and LVPs if u/s flow imposed and tell TC via GSA
Assist in conflict resolution at intersections and aid in priorities where possible conflict exists with issue of holding instructions
Can verify pilots vacated from runway report
Check compliance at runway holding points
What should the SMR not be used for?
To provide precise headings, taxi guidance should be the same as when visual
If an SMR screen fails what do you do
Ensure AIR have an operational screen so in LVPs and at night the runway environment can be fully monitored.
If on GMC in LVPs exercise caution and limit traffic if needed by delaying starts and holding traffic on stand, do not be pressured by pilots ect
What are the default ATM settings?
Runway 26 7000 codes filtered Lower filter FL000 - upper filter FL120 Range - 20nm Debden or Stansted for PSR and SSR
What must you do before issuing clearance to aicraft, vehicle or pedestrian to enter the active runway?
Final approach area scan of ATM (when available)
What advanced uses of the ATM can you use?
After ID, validate SSR codes and verify mode C readouts of departures
Monitor overflights identified by radar
Establish departure separation
Pass traffic information
Establish separation in the event of a missed approach
Assist in taking initial corrective action when separation between aircraft less than the prescribed minimum
What restrictions are there for the advanced uses of the ATM?
Only to be used when bandboxed if on AIR position
If ground based SSR failed ATM not to be used operationally
Traffic information only in respect of aircraft identified to AIR by TC luton
ID if departures to be achieved within 1 mile of the end of the runway
Validation of SSR achieved by correlating return with call sign
ID of inbound and overflights by validated 4 digit code assigned to call sign
In ATM or SSR outage all inbound instructed by TC luton to state DME range from Luton on first contact
Are mode A and mode C aircraft validated and verified by TC luton?
Use Mats 1 parameters if using mode C to establish separation in event of missed approach
Is checking mode S mandatory?
No but it does not substitute mandatory pilot readback and not to be used for separation.
If level wrong ‘check selected level. Cleared altitude is ….ft’
Inbound ac may select 30 missed approach altitide
What does AFDAS stand for?
Approach Funnel Deviation Alert System
Where should the alert boxes be displayed?
So they do not hinder the ATM scan, they can be hidden but automatically pop up on alert
If the AFDAS alert is left or right of the centre line what phraseology would you use?
…. you are left/right of the centre line. Confirm established on the Localiser or visual with runway …
If the AFDAS alert says an aircraft is not on the glide path what phraseology would you use?
… you are above/ now the glidepath. Confirm returning to the glidepath or visual with the runway in use
If the aircraft triggers AFDAS when still on TC luton frequency what do you do?
Call on priority line to advise them
What ATM alarm messages are there?
Debden/ Stansted - change radar source, if both unavailable call DEO
SDS - no action but if both servers fail fallout DEO
NTP - Remove from service and call DEO
CCDS - restrict movement rate and callout DEO
SUSP - no action or callout
UPS1/ UPS2 - no action required but call DEO
QNH - no GP monitoring or altitude info no callout required
SAMOS - Manually input QNH no callout required