Chapter 5 - Telecommunications Flashcards
Whose job is it to check the PTT facility before training?
What are the frequencies used at Luton? (5)
Which UHF is used on tower and ground
Air 132.555 GMC 121.755 GMP 121.885 Spare 126.725 ATIS 120.580 UHF 1 - ground UHF 2 - tower
Who do you tell if a frequency is blocked?
If the frequency needs to be changed contact AM with details and what you are changing too, they will tell AOCC who will tell RFFS, ODM, elec, Handling agents, security, Rover
If aircraft cannot use 8.33kHz which frequency should they use? Who do you need to co ordinate with?
126.725 if out of use cannot accept aircraft. Will need to cross couple and co ordinate with TC before departure.
If spare in use on ground give TC inbound clearance limit.
What is the distance the ILS must be available for inbound aircraft from? What are the types if approach that do not require it?
25nm from touchdown until lands or reports continuing visually
LOC only, SRA, NDB direct or visual
When changing the ILS what must you do?
Log it and select key to appropriate runway.
What actions are to be done within the hours of DEO attendance when changing the ILS status?
Contact for guidance and coordination switching off or downgrading ILS
Agree release of ILS with TC GSA, AM and alternative approach with TC Luton
Message on ATIS for type of approach to be expected
What actions are to be done outside hours of DEO attendance when changing the ILS status?
Agree release of ILS with TC GSA, AM and alternative approaches with TC Luton.
Switch of ILS
Message on ATIS
What must be done if the runway has changed while the ILS is switched off?
Switch key to the previous runway in use and allowed to power up for approximately 30 seconds
If the DME transponders fail what do you expect to happen and what do you do?
1 fails - usually the main one due to a loss of synchronisation it should continue but no redundancy.
Both fail - alarm on RSI, action as in ATE fault reporting. Tell TC and update ATIS
Range checks by TC and retained until 4nm from touchdown
What do the different colours on the ILS panel indicator mean?
GREEN - LOC and GP operating correctly
AMBER - ILS or part service available check IRVR display
RED - ILS not available or off
RED + AMBER - ILS not available, needs mx, dont use
Cat change - check irvr display
Tele fail - Failure of one of both telemetry system. Changing ILS not permitted, call DEO
Coordinate TC, tell AM, DEO if failure, unplanned downgrades occur
What are the categories of ILS?
3 - both cat lll 1 - both cat l 1L3 - GP cat l ILS cat lll (ILS cat 1) L3 - LOC cat lll GP off (LOC only) L1 - LOC cat l GP off (LOC only) NC - LOC and GP non cat OFF MX U/S Blank - not available due conflicting information eg AGL lighting for one runway ILS the other
What happens when the status of the ILS changes?
Red light and buzzer, irvr display flashes. Silence with Ack button.
Who did requests for access to ILS critical area, checking and flight calibration go to? What needs to be done?
DEO subject to GSA, AM, WM/SCOD Approval
Co ordinate with TC for ILS and alternative approaches.
ATIS - ‘ILS calibration flight checks in progress. Cat lll holding points may be in use’
Pass essential aerodrome information of cat lll stop bars in use
If pilot reports fluctuation in ILS signal what do you do?
Refer HQD - in aerodrome policy folder for guidance if further action needed
When grass cutting needs to go inside ILS critical area what actions do you take?
DEO attendance:
Ask WM/ SCOD, if authorised by AM use table 1 sec 5 2.13
Change ILS co ordinate with GSA, EFPS strip and log
Outside DEO attendance
Ask WM/SCOD, if authorised by AM use table 2 sec 5 2.13
ILS status change co ordinate GSA, EFPS strip and log
What do you do if runway de classified to non instrument runway?
Ask WM/ SCOD, LLAOs decision
Must co ordinate with GSA and NOTAM
No instrument approaches including SRAs
ILS off
EFPS strip created and log
If authorised by AM activities can continue to edge of strip
Leave C&G and OFZ overlay but add visual runway strip
When is ATE manned
Mon to fri 0700-1700L
What Is guardian 24?
Allows DEO to allocate time to expected activity, if time passes and not cancelled calls DEO
When out of hours why would you call the DEO?
ILS fail, RSI fail, Flight strip printers not available
If ILS downgraded, SMR fails or IRVR TD failed and safeguarding forecast
COMMs if lose frequency
ILS mx, coppercase, Samos or wind - call for guidance
If mains power fails what happens?
After 10 seconds generators start, tell AM ASAP
ILS, DME, NDB LUT all operate for 120 min on battery power
Who do you contact if radio interference occurs?
If malicious ATE, Beds Police, AOCC, GM
Log it
If the SID box is yellow what can an aircraft not do?
When bandboxing where must traffic be on EFPS?
Taxi 1 or 2 as GMC arrival panel not on ADC
If you drop a cleared or ready aicraft into the planned departures column what happens?
Sends Delay message to NAS
What EFPS actions send a message to TC
GMP Strip active - after pressing Enter on clearance box GMC At holding point - transfer to Air AIR cleared take off and airbourne Any position Delay message
Who is responsible for duplicate FDEs and what colours are they?
The controller
Black on grey in the duplicate panel if in planned
Blue highlight if active, do not delete until correct fde ascertained and cycles through from planned.
What colours show the state of efps health?
Green - link is serviceable
Blue - a connection has been lost
Red - a link failure
In EFPS failure what are your actions? What about in each position?
Use the EFPS failure quick reference cards in emergency actions folder. Call DEO
AIR - use the supervisor screen
GMC - Reposition to GMP, band box if split
GMP - band box with GMC
What happens if AFTN fails?
No new flight plan or CFMU messages. If NAS data received will get skeleton FDEs
CFMU data must be monitored using AFTN/DSM terminal in VCR enter CTOT on FDEs using IFR edit
What happens if NAS link fails?
All CIDs will be removed from active FDEs and flow needs to be put in place
FDEs will still be produced
No arrival estimates so verbal coordination with TC
Free flow suspended
When restored reconcile messages on all FDEs
Yellow SID box must be reconciled, re confirm clearance to aircraft and on strip.
What are the EFPS contingency procedures?
Alarm means power has been lost and system supported by UPS for up to 40 minutes
Print strips on BOCA printer, if it fails use copper chase (IFPS only)
Get NAS data from TS FDS east
Call DEO, GSA, TC luton (suspend freeflow)
Suspend TMA free flow, verbal co ordinate with pre notes for each departure
Reduced flow
Tell AOCC reverting to paper strips as require verbal notification of stand numbered they need info on ARR - flight plan, squawk, ETA, ATA and DEP - flight plan, squawk, SID/ SDR, ATD
What two networks provide data link?
What different colours do DCL turn?
Auto DCL are salmon no action required
DCL are blue, once populated turns salmon
What flights cannot use DCL? What do you do?
Olney departures
Revert to voice
If the transmitters fail on the VCCS what voice system do you use? What limitations does it have?
EVCS (red handset)
Shouldn’t be used for more than 30 minutes must be suspended after.
Local crash facility not available
Can operations continue without EVCS?
Up to 30 minutes
Up to 12 hours subject to
Main and standby radios A and B and conpmete VCCS serviceable
GMP not to be used after initial 30 minutes
Spare position must be available for use
Spare headset must be readily available
No expected events to disrupt system ef WIP or mx
Tell CAA at time by phone or email
If cannot be resolved after 12 hours ATC service to be terminated
No omni crash
Who has access to SCER?
Those on authorised list, check ID and sign out key and back in.