Section 1 - General Operating Instructions Flashcards
What is the LUT NDB position?
3.94nm from runway 26 threshold
Min/max LUT NDB hold levels?
Min = 2000ft Max = 5000ft
Who do you tell if an aircraft hasn’t arranged handling at Luton and can’t land?
Who do you call if an aircraft without ground handling informs you they now have it?
Call AOCC, they decide if it can be accepted
Except in emergency, who has authority to decide if a particular aircraft can land at Luton?
Airport Manager
If deemed appropriate for safety, what shall be done with an aircraft landing at Luton without ground handling?
Allow to land
Remote hold on airport until departure to another aerodrome
STAR report to be filed
What do you do for aircraft diverting IN to Luton?
Send diversion message upon landing
Log in watch log.
What do you do if inbound aircraft diverts out to another airport?
Inform AOCC
Divert on EFPS
Log in watch log.
Who do you tell if a Royal flight diverts IN to Luton and who will make arrangements?
Inform GM or senior management
AM to make arrangements
What are the directions for circuit traffic at Luton?
Runway 08 = RIGHT
Runway 26 = LEFT
Does circuit traffic need release? If yes from who?
YES, TC Luton
What circuit traffic has to follow NPR and what restrictions do they have to follow?
All jets + prop aircraft >5700kg MTOM
Runway 08 = No crosswind turn until 1500ft height. Runway 26 = No turn before end of runway AND reaching 500ft, fly heading 215 degrees until 1500ft height.
Who has to approve training aircraft at Luton and who considers workload/weather/airspace concerns?
AOCC for approval
AIR controller + GSA to give tactical decision.
Can Luton ATC question the purpose of special flights?
When giving traffic information on special flights, how are they to be referred to?
“Priority Traffic”
Special flight, callsign “DOUGHNUT”, what category are they to be given?
If an aircraft loses RVSM capability before departure, who has to update the flight plan to reflect this?
Airline operator
If copperchase is U/S, who needs to be informed if an aircraft loses RVSM?
FDS North or FDS GW
If ATC receives an airspace restriction (MDI, ADI, Flow), if time permits who will ATC inform and what will they tell them?
Tell AOCC:
What is the restriction? (ADI, MDI, flow, etc…)
Where the restriction is (sector/SID)
Why the restriction is in place? (weather, staff, capacity)
How long is it expected to last?
When a departure restriction exists, ATC should tell pilots why if workload allows. What are some of these restrictions?
ADI/MDI (non-flow)
Delays due weather
Delays due en-route capacity
Delays due traffic (Northolt, CAS joiner)
What are Luton taxi times during daytime hours? (Standard + LVP)
Standard = 20 mins LVP = 30 mins
What are Luton taxi times during night hours? What are the night hours as they apply to taxi times?
Standard = 15 mins
LVP = 20 mins
Night hours = 2300 - 0600L
Who is responsible for updating EOBTs and under what circumstances does this change?
Usually Aircraft operator.
In exceptional circumstances, ATC may do this.
If an aircraft is ready in good time for EOBT but is delayed, ATC will update.
What are the EOBT tolerances at Luton?
+/- 15 mins
If a flight plan is suspended, what must be done before it can depart?
Delay message sent by operator/handling agent/ATC
How long is the NAS Pending Code Retention Interval for squawks?
90 mins
What are the CTOT tolerances?
-5 to +10 mins
How long before EOBT can a ready message be sent?
-15 mins, if longer message is rejected
(TOI 026.19) During LVPs when areas of poor SMR coverage are not visible from VCR, what minimum gaps are to be requested?
If this is not possible due short notice, what should controllers consider?
Consider reducing outbound flow
(TOI 026.19) For 0415 flow call, what gaps are to be requested if LVPs are forecast from 0630-0900L if due to:
A) Cloud only
B) Cloud and or visibility
A) 12nm
B) 15nm
(TOI 026.19) During LVP B ops, for multiple block occupancy, what is the requirement for the SMR?
Subject movements must be tracked on the SMR.
Temporarily replaces: ‘SMR must be serviceable’
What does an MDI of 1 per 5 mean?
Minimum time between subject departures should be no less than 5 mins.
What does an ADI of 1 per 5 mean?
Average time between departures should be no less than 5 mins.
E.G. 4 min gap, followed by 6 min gap = 5 min average.
What aircraft are subject to NPR at Luton?
All jets.
All fixed-wing prop aircraft with MTOM >5,700kg
All helicopters are exempt.
To what altitude are aircraft subject to NPR?
Altitude 3000ft during daytime.
Altitude 4000ft during night (2300 - 0700L)
Aircraft routing to OLNEY and NW are to avoid overflying Luton under what level?
Altitude 4000ft
When may Luton Tower allow deviations from NPR?
Only for safety reasons, all deviations to be logged.
What is the minimum range from touchdown that NPR aircraft are to be instructed to intercept final approach?
A) Day
B) Night (2300-0700L)
A) 7nm
B) Runway 08 = 10nm
Runway 26 = 8nm
What is the minimum level NPR aircraft can descend to before establishing on final approach?
Altitude 2,500ft
What is the minimum level NPR aircraft can be instructed to orbit?
Altitude 2,500ft
Where shall aircraft performing engine runs be positioned if at higher than idle power?
Engine run bay OR location agreed by AOCC.
What are your actions if the runway is to be used at night for engine runs?
- TC Luton to be informed runway is unavailable.
- Aircraft + associated vehicles must vacate before landing aircraft reaches 10nm from touchdown.
- AOD to perform surface inspection before any movements take place.
What time past the hour are the regular weather updates for the ATIS?
H +20, H +50
When the tower receives a met warning, what actions are to be taken?
- Fax/email copy to AOCC
- Inform WM/SCOD
- Place copy on clipboard
- Record times in watch log
What must arrival FDEs display when they establish 2-way R/T with AIR?
‘C’ toggled
What is the minimum size of the runway bay on EFPS and can it ever be closed?
Size = Four large FDEs
Can never be closed
Where will overflight FDEs be placed?
In arrivals bay, not runway.
Can ATC use request code function to get SSR for aircraft early on EOBT?
No, they have to update flight plan.
What actions are to be taken and what tools can be used during an EFPS failure?
- Paper strips printed from boca printer.
- Controllers have EFPS failure quick reference cards
- All free-flow is suspended; SID, SDR or route to be confirmed verbally to FDS N or FDS GW.
- Vehicle + tow movements can be tracked using scrap paper.
What is the NAS saturation code and what will be done if an aircraft is designated one?
Call FDS GW or FDS N for discreet squawk BEFORE departure.
Aircraft not to depart with 7100.
What weather data is automatically updated and presented to ATC?
- Surface wind
- Temperature + dew point
- CB + TCU
- Thunderstorms
- Barometric pressure
- RPS for hour
What non-auto information can be input into the weather system?
- Runway surface conditions (contamination + extent)
- Braking action
- Essential aerodrome information
- Wind shear reports
- Weather warnings
What weather conditions require manual intervention to add?
- Freezing rain
- Freezing drizzle
- Minimum directional visibility
What regional pressure settings are displayed to ATC?
Cotswold + Chatham
When an ATCO is acting as DMO, when should met related or non-essential tasks be ignored due to traffic?
- When an aircraft is less than 3DME until parked on stand.
2. When a departing aircraft has commenced taxi, until passed to appropriate onward frequency.
When no DMO is available, who should be informed and what action taken?
- Inform Met office
2. Record in ATC watch log
If a primary met system screen fails, what action should be taken?
Second screen should be used where available.
If the Met AFTN link fails, what actions should be taken?
- METAR transmitted by other AFTN or sent to CACC
2. SPECIs will not be transmitted, DMO should inform forecaster
If a complete met system failure occurs OR loss of METAR coding support, what actions should be taken?
- Observers evaluate weather from backup instruments
- Met observation recorded and transmitted to VCR/approach by paper or fax
- Routine observations passed by phone to met office for compiling TAF.
- If wind/temp/pressure/IRVR not available, airlines and operators will operate in accordance to their own procedures.
If the ATIS is unserviceable, what actions should be taken?
Met report passed by RT to each aircraft.
If there is a total loss of wind sensors, how will wind be measured and passed?
ATCO/DMO will estimate wind speed/direction from wind sock.
Info will be passed to aircraft as an “Estimate”
Met forecaster will be informed.
No METAR shall be issued.
If visibility sensors are unserviceable, how will this be measured?
Observations for METAR and SPECIs will be performed by DMO based on documented met vis points.
What residual tasks are ATCOs responsible for from 2200-0700L?
- SS messages/MET warnings
- ARR/DEP messages
- VFR booking in/out
- Diversion requests/actions
- ATIS updates
- Phone call to network rail, where appropriate
- Laser strike, call 999
- Logbook/paper forms
- Coordination with LLAO
- Answering emergency phone
- Operational telephone calls
What categories are LVPs separated into?
LVP Temporary Suspension
What is the purpose of LVP A?
Ensures protection of localiser sensitive area
What is the purpose of LVP B?
Ensure protection of localiser sensitive area, additional protection of manoeuvring area using intermediate stop bars.
What is the purpose of Safeguarding?
Preliminary stage that involves closing of perimeter road, implementation required for LVP.
What is the purpose of LVP Temporary Suspension?
Where met conditions require ILS CAT 1 protection only. Allows Luton Tower to utilise appropriate final approach spacing without formally cancelling LVP.
A) What are the criteria for Safeguarding?
B) What vehicle restrictions are there?
A) BEFORE met vis reaches 1000m and or cloud ceiling is 300ft AND the weather is anticipated to deteriorate.
B) No restrictions. Perimeter road access controlled by LLAO.
A) What are the criteria for LVP A?
B) What vehicle restrictions are there?
A) Touchdown IRVR less than 800m and or cloud ceiling less than 200ft.
B) No free ranging except vehicles approved by LLAO.
A) How long will LVP Temporary Suspension last?
B) What vehicle restrictions are there?
A) WM/SCOD to decide.
B) B) No free ranging except vehicles approved by LLAO.
A) What are the criteria for LVP B?
B) What vehicle restrictions are there?
A) Any IRVR reading less than 225m.
B) No free ranging.
Who is responsible for initiating and cancelling LVP?
If CATIII cannot be supported, who is to be informed?
Airport Manager
During LVPs, when should:
- Aircraft be established on final approach?
- When should aircraft be transferred to tower frequency?
- When should landing clearance be given by?
- What is the latest landing clearance be given by with a reason?
- Aircraft should not be established less than 10nm from touchdown.
- They should be transferred to tower frequency no later than 6nm from touchdown.
- They should be given landing clearance no later than 3nm from touchdown.
- Aircraft can continue to 2nm if given a reason, if landing clearance not available by 2nm, aircraft MUST be instructed to carry out a missed approach.
During LVPs:
- With a departure ahead, when can landing clearance be given?
- With a vacating aircraft ahead, when can a departing aircraft be cleared for takeoff?
- When the departure is overhead the localiser.
2. When the vacating aircraft is outside the LSA on the SMR.
During LVPs when the SMR is unserviceable:
- When is departure considered vacated from the runway?
- When is a vacating aircraft considered outside the LSA?
- The ATM is to be used to determine if it is overhead the localiser.
2. When the pilot reports at/passing the following: B: B3 H: B6/B5 C: D1, A4, A6 A: A3 OR when confirmed visually from VCR.
What are the standard initial holding points for aircraft vacating from: B H C A
B = B5 H = B6 C = Coordinated with GMC A = A4
If a departing aircraft that has requested taxi is not visible from the VCR, what is to be given with the clearance?
Does the SMR cover this requirement when available?
The taxiway routeing will be given with the initial taxi clearance.
Monitoring using the SMR is not sufficient to get around this.
During LVPs is it necessary to request a weather standby?
However, if other factors develop that require weather standby during LVPs, this should be requested.
What are your actions if a generator fails during LVPs?
- Contact airport manager for guidance.
- Notify aircraft on frequency and put message on ATIS:
‘Airport lighting operating on mains power, standby generators temporarily unavailable.
During LVP A, when aircraft are holding outbound at B6, how would you instruct aircraft/vehicles to taxi/proceed behind that traffic?
Aircraft/vehicles to route behind traffic at B6 on Alpha are to accept responsibility to avoid collision before being permitted to proceed.
Are you able to use visual holding points during:
- LVP A?
- LVP B?
- Yes
2. No
During LVP B, a ‘block’ on the taxiway consists of what?
An area of taxiway between two or more illuminated stopbars.
During LVP B, more than one movement may take place in a block if the pilot/driver reports visual with another. What do you need to consider if…
- The aircraft/vehicle is in an area of poor SMR coverage?
- The aircraft it is following has been instructed to enter the runway?
- (TOI 026.19) Subject movements must be tracked on the SMR. If you cannot track both movements, you can’t do it.
- This procedure is not to be used in taxiway blocks adjacent to the runway when a vehicle or an aircraft has been instructed to enter.
During LVP B, with an aircraft holding at C1, how may GMC transit an aircraft/vehicle behind?
- Coordinate with AIR.
- Confirm aircraft/vehicle is visual with aircraft at C1
- Confirm aircraft/vehicle accepts responsibility for maintaining separation
How would you perform a multiple pushback during LVP B and does it matter which aircraft pushes first?
- First aircraft has to have finished push back
- Second aircraft confirm they can see other aircraft on taxiway
- The aircraft pushing first can be in front/behind the other
With an aircraft/vehicle holding at B7 during LVP B, how can you have other aircraft/vehicles enter the B7-E1 block?
- Aircraft/vehicle reports visual with movement at B7.
- Pilot/driver confirms holding at B7, confirmed visually or by SMR, pushbacks may take place in B7-E1 without visual requirement.
- Aircraft facing North may proceed North without visual reference to movement at B7.
- An aircraft from E1 may be instructed to taxi to stand withing B7-E1 block with a follow-me. Follow-me requires a separate instruction to proceed.
If you are unable to vacate an aircraft from the runway during LVP Bs because of traffic at the next available holding points. How would you hold traffic on the runway?
- A single aircraft can hold on the runway.
2. The lead-off lights should be deselected.
During LVP Bs, what are the considerations for push backs on the North Apron whilst another movement takes place on Delta to/from D4?
- If North Apron is visible from the VCR and the push can be monitored it is permitted. SMR is not sufficient.
- Aircraft can push with an AOD vehicle at E2 to ensure protection of Delta.
- Flight crew are to be reminded not to infringe Delta.
During LVP B, which block is A4E part of?
During LVP B, can you taxi aircraft/vehicles past the ERUB with aircraft/vehicles holding in the ERUB?
Yes, traffic in ERUB needs to report taxiway vacated.
During LVP B, are aircraft/vehicles permitted to use D4 as an operational holding point?
No. Only aircraft under tow for push+start can use D4 during LVP B.
During LVP B, what should you consider for aircraft pushing back from stand 60?
Pushing back to face West will require aircraft to cross E1.
During LVP B, when a Code E aircraft is holding at B1, what is the next available holding point?