Section 3, Section 3 - Federal Financial Accounting And Reporting Foundations Flashcards
What does the Financial Managers Financial Integrity Act of 1982 require?
- agencies to establish and maintain effective internal control and financial management systems in compliance with government wide requirements
What are the internal control requirements that resulted from the Financial Managers Financial Integrity Act of 1982?
Controls over:
- the effectiveness and efficiency of operations
- the reliability of financial reporting
- compliance with applicable laws and regulations
What does the Financial Management Improvement Act (FFMIA) of 1996 require?
- Requires the head of each agency to provide annual assurance statements to the president and Congress, on the basis of testing and evaluations
- Corrective action plans are required for any material weaknesses identified
What does the OMB Circular A-123, Management’s Responsibility for Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control, contain?
- It contains guidance for implementing the FMFIA and for integrating these efforts with broader enterprise risk management requirements
- detailed guidance is found in appendices to the OMB circular. Example: appendix a focuses on management of reporting and data integrity risk
What did Congress find in 1990 that led to change?
- fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement is widespread and costly
- Improved central coordination of internal controls, and financial accounting can produce these costs by providing complete, consistent, reliable, and timely information
What is the purpose of the CFO act?
- Bring more effective general and financial management practices to the federal government through statutory provisions, which would establish a deputy Director for management in an office of federal financial management, headed by a controller in OMB and designate CFO in each executive department, and each major executive agency within the government
- Provide for more improvement systems of accounting, financial management, and internal controls to ensure the issuance of reliable, financial information and term fraud waste, and abuse of government resources
- provide for the production of complete, reliable, and timely and consistent financial information for the use of the executive branch of the government and Congress, in the financing, management and evaluation of federal programs
What does the CFO act require?
- the enactment of the management functions by OMB
- giving OMB duties
- The appointment of CFO’s in at least 24 largest agencies
- The preparation and submission of audited financial statements that reflected the overall financial position, results of operations, cash flows and changes in financial position of specified entities, including departments and agencies
- Annual independent financial statements and/or agencies
The CFO act required OMB to report to Congress, three years after enactment, on the benefits and costs of audited financial statements. What did the audits reveal?
- revolving funds which were intended to be self-supporting, were losing millions of dollars a year
- billions of dollars of taxes, recorded, as when collectible, were either not valid receivables, or were not likely to be collected
- Trust funds, expected, sufficient resources, would run out of funds considerably earlier than projected
- The initial cost of audits but dropped significantly after the first year
What did GAO GAO’s Comptroller General state about financial audits?
- improved cost and performance information for use in making key decisions
- Identified in efficiencies and highlighted gaps and safeguards over assets
- uncovered actual and potential savings of hundreds of millions of dollars through the recovery of funds due to the government and more efficient uses of funds
What did GAO GAO’s Comptroller General recommend as a result of audits?
- The CFO act provisions be made permanent
- expand beyond the initial covered activities
- audited government wide financial reports to be issued
What does the Government Management Reform Act of 1994 require?
- The head of each department and large agencies covered by the CFO act to prepare and submit an agency wide audited financial statement to OMB by March 1 for the proceeding fiscal year (this expanded the limited requirements for audited financial statements in the CFO and accelerated the required due date)
- requires the secretary of treasury to prepare consolidated financial statement for the US government must submit it to the presidential Congress by March 31
- Requires that the comptroller general of the US audit this consolidated financial statement
What does the Government Management Reform Act of 1994 authorize?
Authorizes agencies to combine, on a pilot basis, all of the legislatively required financial management reports into a single accountability report
What is the purpose of the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996?
- provide for consistency of accounting by an agency from one fiscal year to the next uniform accounting standards throughout the federal government
- federal financial management systems to support full disclosure of federal financial data, including the full cost of the federal programs and activities to citizens; Congress; the president and agency management; so programs and activities can be considered based on their cost and merits
- Increase accountability, incredibility of federal financial management
-Improve performance, productivity and efficiency of the federal government financial management - establish financial management systems to support controlling the cost of federal government
- build upon and contemplate the CFO act of 1990, the GPRA of 1993 and GMRA of 1994
- Increase the capacity of agencies to monitor the execution of the budget by more readily permitting reports that compare spending of resources to results of activities
What did the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 require?
Each other departments and large agencies covered by the CFO act to
- conformant to applicable accounting standards
- meet federal financial system requirements
- Use the US standard general ledger at the transaction level
What did the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 require of auditors?
Federal auditors were directed to report on compliance with act
Not complaint, entities were required to develop plans for future compliance
In January 2000, congress provided permanent authority for the accountability reports permitted on a pilot basis by the government management reform act. What did congress find?
- existing law imposes numerous financial and performance management reporting requirements on agencies
- these separate requirements can cause a duplication of effort on the part of agencies and result in uncoordinated reports containing information in a form that is not completely useful to congress
- Pilot project conducted by agencies under the direction of the OMB demonstrates single consolidated reports, providing an analysis of verifiable financial and performance management information, produce more useful reports with greater efficiency
What is the purpose of the Reports Consolidation Act of 2000?
- To authorize and encourage the consolidation of financial and performance management reports
- to provide a financial and performance management information, and a more meaningful and useful format for congress, the president, and the public
- To improve the quality of agency financial and performance management information
- to enhance coordination and efficiency on the part of agencies in reporting financial and performance management information
What can agencies issue instead of publishing separate Accountability Reports and Annual Performance Reports (APR), as required by the government performance and results act?
Performance and accountability report (PAR)
OMB conducted a pilot in which agencies were permitted to produce an alternative to the PAR for FY 2007 and 2008. What three separate reports did the pilot require to be issued?
- An agency financial report (AFR) to be issued by November 15 following the fiscal year end
- An annual performance report (APR) with detailed performance information to be submitted with the congressional budget justification (CBJ) the first week in February
- A summary of performance and financial information (SPFI) (previously the citizens report) summarizing the AR and APR in a brief, user-friendly format, to be posted on the agencies website in February
OMB conducted a pilot in which agencies were permitted to produce an alternative to the PAR for FY 2007 and 2008. What were the goals of the pilot?
- To allow agencies to explore different formats to enhance the presentation of financial and performance information
- make this information, more meaningful and transparent to the public
- Allow Congress, stakeholders, and the public to make informed decisions about agencies performance
OMB conducted a pilot in which agencies were permitted to produce an alternative to the PAR for FY 2007 and 2008. What did OMB identify from the pilot?
- including the APR, along with the annual performance plan, in the CBJ allowed agencies to discuss future, programmatic resources directed at improving performance more fully
- a SPFI increase the focus on the public as a stakeholder in program outcomes, providing an easy to read summarization of agencies, performance, and financial information
- Some agencies achieve enhanced presentation of financial and performance information in the consolidated PAR. For example, PAR, facilitates, integration of financial and non-financial information.
Since fiscal year 2009, what reports have agencies been permitted to produce?
consolidated Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) or an alternate approach to produce a separate Agency Financial Report (AFR) and Annual Performance Report (APR)
What did the Accountability of Tax Dollars Act of 2002 require?
- it extended the requirement to produce annual audited, financial statements to all executive branch entities
- Provided waiver authority to OMB (OMB may exempt executive branch entities with budget authority available for the fiscal year of less than $25 million. Before granting the waiver, the Director must determined that requiring an annual audited, financial statement is not warranted due to the absence of risks, associated with agency operations, agency demonstrated performance, and other factors, the director considered relevant)
What did the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act of 2010 require?
This act provided requirements relating to prevention, recovery, and reporting on improper payments
What provisions did the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act of 2010 include?
- Agency annual risk assessments. A measurement of improper payments in that program if the program is found to be susceptible to significant improper payments.
- Types of programs required to conduct payment recovery audits were expanded from contracts to all types of programs and activities, including grants, benefits, loans, contract payments. The threshold for program and activities must conduct these reviews if cost-effective was lowered from 500,000,000 to 1,000,000 annual outlays
- Agency heads are authorized to use, recovered funds for additional uses, then currently allowed, including to improve their financial management, support OIG
- There are no repercussions if an agency does not reduce improper payments, or implement the existing law. IPERA List actions that an agency must take to be in compliance with a lot and agency IG is responsible for determining whether the agency isn’t compliance. It contains a series of actions that agency must take to improve its error reduction efforts
- A study of the CFO act
The CFO council and the council of inspector general on integrity and efficiency were required to jointly exam. The lessons learned during the first 20 years of implementing the CFO act. The resulting report was to identify reforms and improvements that would optimize the federal efforts to do what?
- published, relevant, timely, and reliable reports on government finances
- Implement internal controls that mitigate the risk of fraud, waste, and error and government programs
What two recommendations were made as a result of the study on the CFO act?
- Congress should consider enhancing the role of the CFO by standardizing the CFO portfolio to include leadership responsibility for budget formulation and execution, planning and performance, risk management and internal controls, financial systems, accounting. To provide continuity during the sometimes lengthy. Between appointments of agency CFOs, should also consider providing deputy CFO’s with the same breath of responsibility as the respective CFO
- Congress should consider directing OMB, GAO, and FASAB with CIGIE, to evolve the financial reporting model by examining the entire process with an eye toward how to further improve and streamline current reporting requirements, and to better meet the needs of all stakeholders holders
What did the improper payments and elimination and recovery improvement act of 2012 do? IPERIA
- enacted to further enhance improper payments requirements and give agencies additional tools to address improper payments
- Improved IPIA requiring OMB to provide an annual list of high priority federal programs for greater oversight, and review by agency inspector generals
- Established do not pay initiative
What does the do not pay initiative require?
Federal agencies to determine the program and award eligibility prior to the release of funds and includes a thorough review of available databases to assist in determining eligibility
In May 2014, Public Law 113-101, Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 was signed into law to do what?
- To establish government wide financial data standards, and increase the availability, accuracy, and usefulness of the federal spending information
- expand the federal funding accountability and transparency act of 2006 (FFATA)
Why was the federal funding accountability and transparency act up 2006 initially established?
- Established the requirement for a government spending website to be maintained by the US treasury
- The website was intended to make federal spending data, more accessible, searchable, and reliable to make it easier to understand how the federal government spend tax tax per dollars, and to provide a tool for better oversight, data centric decision making and innovation
How often do agencies provide spending data updates to the treasury for posting on USA
How can agencies review data on US
By agency, budget function, and object class and review data and a variety of formats. For example, users can select the award search option, allowing them to query data for a specific timeframe and/or place and reviewing information at the contract level. Users can also query contract recipient, such as a university or private sector contractor. Users can also download data in a variety of formats for individual analysis or review.
On May 8, 2015, OMB issued a memorandum (M-15-12) Increasing Transparency of Federal Spending by Making Federal Spending Dara Accessible, Searchable, and Reliable to do what?
Provides DATA act implementation requirements and identifies agencies. Ongoing reporting responsibilities for USA
What did the DATA act called for OMB to implement?
A pilot program that offers recommendations to eliminate unnecessary duplication in financial reporting, and reduce compliance costs for recipients of federal awards
OMB in partnership with HHS, the chief acquisition officers counsel and GSA implemented the pilot to focus on standardized grants data elements , in the context of the grants, lifecycle and associated recipient business processes. In conjunction with the pilot, recent work was done to expand to allow click and access to a full range of grant related resources. another area of work related to the pilot was on online repository of approved data elements of which there are more than 400 currently listed
What is the DATA Act Information Model Schema (DAIMS)?
The authoritative source for the terms, definitions, formats, and structures for hundreds of distinct data elements that tell the story of how federal dollars are spent
It gives federal agencies guidance about what data to report to treasury, where to get that data, and how to submit it
What is the Modernizing Government Technology (MGT) Act of 2007?
- A key component of continued efforts to improve federal technology by providing financial resources and technical expertise to agencies
- allows agencies to invest in modern technology solutions to improve service delivery to the public, secure sensitive systems and data, and save taxpayer dollars
What does OMB memorandum M-18-12 do?
- Provides implementation guidance for the MGT act
- Set for administration, objectives and necessary. Actions agencies should take in order to implement the MGT act.
How was the MGT act enacted?
As part of the FY 2018 NDAA on December 12, 2017
What are the two primary provisions of the MGT act?
It has two primary provisions the address agency IT modernization needs:
1. The establishment of centralized technology modernization fund (TMF) and technology modernization board
2. The authorization for all CFO agencies to establish IT working capital funds.
What guidance does the OMB memorandum M-18-12 provide?
Provide guidance to all agencies regarding the necessary planning for upcoming TMF activities, including the initial process for submitting project proposals to the board; additional guidance for CFO act agencies regarding the administration and funding of IT working funds; and where to find additional information on topics such as disbursement and repayment process for the TMF funds
How much appropriations does MGT act authorize?
The act authorizes up to 250 million in appropriations for the TMF for each of the fiscal years 2018 and 2019
In fiscal year 2021, $1 billion was appropriated to the TMF through the American rescue plan
Where legally possible what can the TMF fund be used for?
Used to accelerate monetization efforts already ongoing going
Under the MGT act, all CFO act agencies are authorized to use a working capital fund for services and capability development that include improving, retiring, or replacing existing IT systems to enhance cyber security of existing systems, and to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the life of a given workload. Agencies are also authorized to transition legacy systems to a cloud computing environment in addition to other related services
Why was the FASAB developed?
- Developed the applicable accounting principles for the newly required financial statements
- To provide a cooperative means for each of the three agencies (treasury, OMB, GAO) to meet its responsibilities, FASAB was created as an advisory board