Section 2, Chapter 3 - Government-wide Financial Reporting Flashcards
What do government wide financial statements focus on?
- Activities of the government for both the governmental and proprietary funds
- Fiduciary funds are not reported on the government wide statements
- They don’t focus on funds
- Although funds are not reported, there’s typically a relationship between funds and activities
What’s the central focus of government wide statements?
The primary government
What two columns are presented in government wide, financial reporting?
- governmental activities
- Business type activities
What are governmental activities? And what do they consist of?
- Those primarily associated with governmental funds
- The assets in the liabilities of the internal service funds are typically included here unless the predominant participants are enterprise funds. If so, the assets and liabilities would be included under business type activities.
What are business type activities primarily associated with? And what do they consist of?
- Proprietary funds
- They consist of enterprise funds
What is done with interfund balances when preparing the government wide reporting
transactions within a category of funds (such as governmental or proprietary)?
They are eliminated for government wide reporting
What is done for interfund balances if a transaction is between governmental and proprietary funds?
It would not be eliminated. They are reported on the governmental activities and business type activity columns with a zero balance reported in the total column.
Exception: charges for goods and services
Where do internal services funds’ assets and liabilities go?
In the governmental funds
But if their primary customers are in the enterprise funds, then the assets and liabilities would be reported there
Where are fiduciary funds reported in the government wide financial statements?
- they are not presented to focus users with information about the resources available to the government to provide goods and services
- They reported at the fund level to demonstrate the government control of the assets
How are most component units presented on the government wide financial statements?
Discreetly in one or more separate columns, to complete the financial picture of the reporting entity
What totals are required on government wide financial statements?
- A total for the primary government is required
- the total for the reporting entity, including opponent units is optional
What are the two required statements for government wide reporting?
- Statement of net position.
- Statement of activities.
Where is MD&A presented?
Before the basic financial statements
It’s required supplementary information
What is the intent of management discussion and analysis?
- To provide an easily readable analysis of the financial activities of the government
- To discuss the current year results compared to the prior year
- Distinguish between the primary government and its component units
What is the primary focus of the management discussion and analysis?
The primary government
What should be included in management discussion and analysis?
General, not specific information, including:
- A brief discussion of the basic financial statements, how the government wide financial statements are related, and how they are different from the fund level financial statements
- Condensed financial information with comparisons to prior year, with the following elements:
1. Capital Assets, other assets and total assets
2. Long-term and other total liabilities.
3. Total net position, distinguished by its components.
4. Program revenues by major source.
5. General revenues by major source.
6. Total revenues.
7. Program expenses by function
8. Total expenses.
9. Results of operation before contributions, special and extraordinary items.
10. Contributions to capital
11. Special and extraordinary items.
12. Transfers.
13. Change in net position.
14. Ending net position.
How is RSI reviewed by auditors?
- RSI affects the auditor scope of work
- Auditor is not required to perform the same test for basic financial statements
- To ensure that all required items are present, if applicable
- Failure to include an item should be mentioned in the audit report but it will not affect the audit opinion
- auditors must ask management what methods were used to prepare the information in MD&A
Where can information that is not required in the MD&A be reported?
In the transmittal letter of the ACFR
What measurement focus and basis of accounting is used to prepare the government-wide financial statements?
- economic resources measurement focus
- accrual basis of accounting
What are the adjustments for proprietary funds on the government wide financial statements?
There are no adjustments for proprietary funds since the same measurement, focused and basis of accounting are reported as business type activities at the government wide level
Are governmental activities adjusted on the government wide financial statements?
Yes. Governmental activities, primarily reflect the transactions reported in governmental funds that use current financial resources measurement, focus and modified accrual basis of accounting. Thus it is necessary to adjust certain transactions from one measurement and basis of accounting to another
A government purchases vehicles for $250,000 that are paid from the general fund. How is the transaction reported? (to report the purchase)
D: capital outlay— vehicles
C: cash
It’s reported on the operating statement of the general fund since it requires the use of current financial resources. There’s no entry on the position statement of the general funds since it does not report assets.
A government purchases vehicles for $250,000 that are paid from the general fund. How is the transaction reported under the economic resources measurement focus?
D: capital asset— vehicles
C: cash
On the government wide operating statement , there would be no expense reported for the transaction. The only expense would be the depreciation on the vehicles. The transaction would be reported on the government wide statement of position as a capital asset.
A government purchases vehicles for $250,000 that are paid from the general fund. How is the transaction reported on the government wide operating statement?
There would be no expense reported for this transaction. The only expense would be the depreciation on the vehicles. The transaction would be reported on the government wide statement of net position as a capital asset.
A government purchases vehicles for $250,000 that are paid from the general fund. How would the fund information to the government wide statements be reconciled?
D: capital asset— vehicles
C: capital outlay— vehicles
A government borrows $500,000 to be repaid equally over 10 years beginning the following fiscal year. How are the governmental fund record the transaction?
D: cash
C: other financing sources— bonds
Since the transaction involves in inflow of current financial resources, it is recorded on the operating statement of the fund. There’s no entry on the position statement since there’s no current liability to be repaid.
A government borrows $500,000 to be repaid equally over 10 years beginning the following fiscal year. How would the transaction be recorded under the economic resources measurement focus?
D: cash
C: long-term debt
In this instance of financial source has been exchanged for liability. There’s no impact on the government wide operating statement.
A government borrows $500,000 to be repaid equally over 10 years beginning the following fiscal year. What adjustment would be made to reconcile the fund information to the government wide statements?
D: other financing sources—
C: long-term debt
Property tax Levy of a government is $1 million for the fiscal year (and is assumed to be 100% collectible). By the end of the fiscal year, the government has received $900,000. The government receives an additional $50,000 during the next two months. The remaining thousand dollars is received in the subsequent months. What is the entry under modified accrual basis of accounting in governmental funds?
D: property tax receivable $1 million
C: property tax revenue $1 million
(to record the property tax on lien date-the first day of the government’s fiscal year)
D: cash $900,000
C: property tax receivable $900,000
(to record property tax payments during the year)
D: cash $50,000
C: property tax receivable $50,000
(to record payments received during the 60 day availability period)
D: property tax revenue $50,000
C: deferred inflow of resources— property taxes $50,000
(to defer property taxes not received within the availability period) ** not made under a accrual basis of accounting. The entire $1 million would be recorded as revenue for the fiscal year.
Property tax Levy of a government is $1 million for the fiscal year (and is assumed to be 100% collectible). By the end of the fiscal year, the government has received $900,000. The government receives an additional $50,000 during the next two months. The remaining thousand dollars is received in the subsequent months. What is the adjusting entry for the government wide statements?
D: deferred inflows of resources— property taxes $50,000
C: property tax revenue $50,000
What is the starting point for preparing government wide statements?
The fund financial statements. Rather than posting journal entries for individual transactions, journal entries are prepared for grand totals
A government reported total expenditures of $500,000 for various capital outlays. What would be the adjusting journal entry?
D: capital assets $500,000
C: outlet $500,000
To eliminate capital outlays from the statement of activities, and capitalize the asset on the statement of net position
Where are most entries found?
The governmental fund position statement and operating statement. However, the beginning balances of the assets and related to depreciation, and the beginning balances of the long-term obligations and related amortization. Generally would have to be separately tracked and entered. This information would come primarily from the ending balances of the previous year.
What entry would be posted for the beginning balance for capital assets?
D: capital assets, net $750,000
C: net position $750,000
What entry would be done to post the beginning balance for long-term liabilities?
D: net position $500,000
C: long-term debt $500,000
What kind of journal entries would be made in preparing the government wide financial statements?
- Expenditures for principal payments on long-term obligations, bond issue costs, bond premiums and discounts, revenue deferred for lack of availability, proceeds from the sale of assets and similar transactions
- revenues and expenses that do not require the use of current financial resources, including:
- expense for compensated absences
- Expenses for noncurrent claims and judgments
- Net pension obligation
- Amortization for bond issue costs
- Amortization for premiums and discounts
- Other similar transactions
What are adjustments are made for business type activities?
Business type activities report the transactions of enterprise funds. No adjustments are usually necessary. An adjustment might be necessary because of a gain or loss from internal service fund charges to enterprise funds.
How is the statement of net position prepared?
+ deferred outflows of resources
- liabilities
- deferred inflows of resources
= net position
This is called a columnar and net position format
What two columns are used to report assets, liabilities, and net position of the primary government?
- governmental activities
- Business type activities
What should be presented on the statement of net position?
- A total column for the primary government should be presented
- Discreetly presented component units are then presented
- A total column for the reporting entity is optional
- Comparative data for the prior year also be presented
Although a net position format is encouraged, a traditional balance sheet format be used for the statement of net position. What is the format?
Assets + deferred outflows of resources
= liabilities + deferred inflows of resources + net position
How are governments encouraged to present assets and liabilities?
In the order of relative liquidity