Section 2, Chapter 4 - accounting and reporting for specific asset and liability transactions Flashcards
What does cash include?
- Cash on hand
- Cash in transit
- Cash on deposit with financial institutions
Where are most investments reported?
The statement of net position or balance sheet at fair market value 
What’s the notes to the financial statements say about investments?
It should summarize the investments by typing such as:
- United States government securities
- repurchase agreements
- Equity securities
- Fixed securities
Briefly describe their deposit or investment policies related to custodial credit risk, concentration of credit risk, interest rate risk, or foreign currency risk
What type of investments should not be aggregated into a single investment type?
Dissimilar investments, such as US treasury, bills, and US treasury strips
What are note disclosures for cash and investments required to describe?
The restrictions on their use and legal and contractual provisions
What does GASB Codification Section C20, Cash Deposits with Financial Institutions do?
It specifies the note disclosure related to cash deposits with financial institutions
The disclosures are intended to benefit financial statement users to assess the risks, a government entity, and investing public funds. Professional judgment is required to determine the level of detail to provide.
What should disclosures on cash deposits take in to consideration?
- Whether they apply to the primary government, including its blended component units, and for governmental and business type activities
- risk exposures at the fund level.
When should risk exposures be disclosed?
Whenever the risk exposures are specifically greater than the deposit and investment risk of the primary government, they should be disclosed.
Example: although a government entities, total investments may not be exposed to concentration risk, if the government entity has a capital project fund that has all of its investments in one issue of corporate bonds,, the funds exposure to a concentration of credit risk should be disclosed
If required, what should exposure risk disclosures include?
- legal or contractual provisions for deposits
- Deposits as of the balance sheet date and during the period
Significant violations during the period of legal or contractual, provisions for deposits, and actions taken into address violations should be disclosed
What is a custodial credit risk?
For deposits, it is the risk that in the event of failure of a depository financial institution, a government will not be able to recover deposits, or will not be able to recover collateral securities are in the position of an outside party
When are deposits exposed to custodial risk?
If they are not covered by the depository insurance, and the deposits are:
- uncollateralized
- Collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution
- collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institutions, trust department or agent, but not in the depositor- governments name
If a government has deposits, exposed to custodial risk at the end of the period, what should it disclose?
- The amount of these bank balances
- The fact that the balances are uninsured
- Whether the balances are exposed, be on either (previous card)
What GASP codification contains the most accounting and financial reporting standards support investments?
Modification section I50
Specific guidance, for types of investments is contained in the following sections:
- D40 derivative instruments
- I55 reverse re-purchase agreements
- I60 investments - securities lending
- I70 irrevocable split interest agreements
- In5 investment pools (external)
How are note disclosures for investments similar to notes for cash deposits?
The underlying principles of restrictions, legal or contractual provisions, risk and separation of disclosures for the primary government, separated from the disclosures for the component units, apply to investments
However, statutory requirements for investments are usually more complex than provisions for cash deposits. Therefore, the paragraph outlining the legal and contractual provisions should include per requirements for investments.
How should investment disclosures be organized?
By investment type
What should risk disclosures be made for?
The primary government and its component units
How should disclosures be made when the funds have taken together fiduciary fund types or the deposit and investment risks of the primary government for the governmental and business type activities??
The disclosures should then be provided at that level
What is the determination of which disclosures to make for component units??
Professional judgment is used
Disclosures are required for specific categories of risk. When are investments exposed to custodial risk?
When the securities are uninsured and not registered in the name of the government and are held by either:
- the counterparty
- the counterparty’s trust department or agent, but not in the government’s name
Investment securities exposed to custodial risk at the end of the period should be disclosed. What should the disclosures include?
- The type
- Amount
- how the investments are held
What method can be used so governments can disclose information about the interest rate risk?
- segmented time distribution
- Specific identification
- Weighted average maturity
- Duration or simulation model
When our disclosures about the concentrations of credit risk required?
When investments represent 5% or more of total investments. Except for those issued or explicitly guaranteed by the US government, investments in mutual funds, and external investment pools.
How should investments exposed to foreign currency risk be disclosed?
Using the US dollar balances organized by currency denomination, and if applicable, investment type
Can disclosures for cash deposits and investments be combined in a single disclosure?
How are most investments required to be valuated at on the statement of that position or balance sheet?
Fair value
Required by GASB Stmt No. 31, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Certain Investments and for External Investment Pools; GASB Stmt No. 72, Fair Value Measurement and Application; and other authoritative literature
How can investments in mutual funds and in private equity, or in private credit funds be reported?
They may be reported at net asset value
However, governmental entities, other than external investment pools, generally are permitted to report non-participating investment contracts, and certain money market investments at amortized costs
How should all investment income, including changes in the fair value of investments be reported?
As revenue in the operating statement
The statement also requires specific disclosures about investments, including the fair value of the investments at year end
Disclosures have been added by GASB 72, fair value measurement and application. Depending upon the type of government, making the disclosure, the additional notes may be streamlined or complex complex entities including post, employment, benefit, plans, disclosures, similar to for profit, entities, segregating investments into what 3 levels of hierarchy?
- Level one inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical, assets or liabilities. These may be publicly traded securities, such as stocks and similar financial instruments.
- Level two inputs or inputs other than quoted prices, included within level one are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. These may be swap contracts and certain certificates of deposit.
- Level three inputs are unobservable inputs such as management, assumption of the default rate, among underline mortgages of a mortgage security. Examples may be commercial real estate.
Can disclosures for cash deposits and investments be combined in a single note disclosure?
What is a derivative instrument?
A financial instrument or other contract that has all of the following characteristics:
1. Settlement factors.
2. Leverage.
3. Net Settlement.
What are settlement factors?
One or more reference rates, and one or more notional amounts or payment, provisions or both. These terms determine the amount of the settlement or settlements, and in some cases whether a settlement is required.
What is a reference rate?
A specified interest rate, security rate, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates, and other variable.
It may be a price or rate of an asset or liability, but it is not an asset or liability itself, and maybe any variable that has observable changes or otherwise objectively verifiable
What are some common reference rates?
- structured overnight financing rates (SOFR)
- The securities interest and financing market association (SIFMA) swap index
- AAA general obligations index published by municipal market data
- Commodity pricing point
What is notional amount?
The number of currency units, shares, bushels, pounds or other units specified in the derivative instrument
The notional amount and reference rate our key factors of a derivative instruments settlement payment
When is leverage required?
Leverage requires no initial net investment, or a smaller initial investment then would be required for other types of contracts that would be expected. Do I have more response to changes in market factors
How is leverage achieved?
By either a small or no initial net investment to allows for the derivative instrument to have changing cash flow or fair values that replicate an instrument that normally would require a much larger investment
For example, an interest rate swap would require no initial net investment. The swap value, however, will change if the holder of the swap has made in initial investment in for example of fixed rate instrument with a principal amount, equal to swaps notional value.
How is a net settlement readily settled?
By means outside the contract or provides for delivery of an asset and put in the recipient in a position, not substantially different from the net settlement
When does a financial instrument or other contract meet the settlement characteristics?
If it’s settlement provisions allow for cash settlement or a settlement that is like cash such as a delivery of a US treasury bill
Where should derivative instruments be reported?
On the statement of net position or balance sheet
The classification depends on whether they represent assets or liabilities
How should derivative instruments be valued?
Fair market value
How is the fair market value of a derivative measured?
By the market price if there is an active market for the derivative instrument
If market rate is not available, a forecast of expecting cash flow may be used, provided that the expected cash flows are discounted
When should governments provide a summary of their derivative instruments?
During the reporting period and balances at the end of the reporting period, in the notes to the financial statements
How should information disclosed to be organized?
By governmental activities, business type activities, and fiduciary activities
The information should be divided into the following categories:
- hedging Derivative instruments (distinguishing between fair value hedges and cash flow hedges)
- investment derivative instruments
Within each category, derivative instruments should be aggregated by type
What information should be presented in the summary?
- notional amount
- changes in fair value during the reporting period and the classification in the financial statements where those changes in fair value are reported.
- Fair values as of the end of the reporting period and the classification in the financial statements, where those fair values are reported. Derivative instrument values are based on other than quoted market prices, methods and significant assumptions used to estimate those fair values should be disclosed
- fair Values of derivative instruments reclassified from a hedging derivative instrument to an investment derivative instrument. They also should be disclosure of the deferral amount that was reported within instrument revenue upon reclassification.
What does hedging accounting require?
The changes in fair value of hedging derivative instruments be reported as either deferred inflows or deferred outflows
What note disclosure requirements should be presented for all hedging derivative instruments?
- objectives. - governments should disclose their objectives for entering into those instruments, context needed to understand those objectives, the strategies of achieving those objectives, and the types of derivative instruments entered into
- Terms. - significant terms, including notional amount, reference rates, embedded options, the date with the hedging instrument was entered into, and when it was scheduled to terminate or mature, the amount of cash paid or received, if any, afford, contract, or swap was under contract
- Risks - for hedging instruments, governments disclose, if applicable, they’re exposure to the following risks that could give rise to monetary loss: credit risk, interest rate risk, basis risk, termination risk, roll over risk, market access risk, or foreign currency risk
What should governments disclose for investment derivatives?
Their exposure to credit risk, interest, rate risk, foreign currency risk
What are securities lending transactions?
Transactions where governmental entities transfer their securities to broker dealers and other entities return of the collateral for the same securities in the future
What Is required to be reported on the statement for securities lending transactions?
Governmental entities are required to report securities lent (the underlining securities) as assets in their balance sheets
How should cash received from securities lending transactions be reported?
As collateral on securities lending transactions and investments made with that cash should be reported as assets
When should securities receive as collateral be reported as an asset?
Only if the governmental entity can pledge or sell them without a borrower default
Liabilities. Resulting from these transactions should be reported in the balance sheet.
Should securities lending transactions collateralized by letters of credit, or by securities that the government entity does not have the ability to pledge or sell unless the borrower defaults be reported as assets or liabilities?
What is impact on reporting cash and fair value investments on the measurement focus and basis of accounting used?
There is no impact
How should investments of each fund that participates an internal investment pool report its share?
As a component unit
Note disclosures should distinguish between the primary government and discreetly presented component units
When are accounts receivable established?
When a state or local government has a claim to cash or other assets
For resources reported in governmental funds, what is the difference in recognizing receivables between the accrual basis of accounting and the modified accrual basis of accounting?
There is no difference
The modification to the basis of accounting relates only to the recognition of revenue for the associated receivable
When does an exchange transaction occur?
When each party receives and gives up something of value, and the value is presumed to be equal
When do exchange transactions occur in the government?
When there is a charge for a service and often when there is a fee
When is revenue recognized for an exchange?
At the time of the exchange unless payment is not made at the time of the exchange.
If payment is not made at the time the exchange takes place, a receivable is established and revenue is recognized
What is an exchange like transaction?
Transaction when the value may not be equal, and the direct benefits may not be exclusively for the parties to the transaction. However the characteristics of the transaction are strong enough to justify treating the transaction as an exchange for accounting purposes. Therefore the difference between an exchange, and an exchange like transaction as a matter of degree
For example, the government charges a fee associated with a license or permit to do something in exchange for something of value.
What is the difference in recognizing a receivable and revenue for an exchange and exchange like transaction?
There is no difference in recognizing receivable and revenue between an exchange and an exchange like transaction. However, governments must ensure they do not classify an exchange-like transaction as a non-exchange transaction.
Governments have a number of transactions that do not involve an exchange. What are four ways a non-exchange class transaction can be classified?
- Derived tax revenue transactions.
- Imposed non-exchange revenue transactions.
- Government mandated non-exchange transactions.
- Voluntary non-exchange transactions
Where do derived tax revenue transactions result from?
The governments ability to impose taxes
The tax is imposed on an exchange transaction
For example, a sales tax is imposed at the time a sale takes place. The amount of taxed depends on the amount of the sale. An income tax is imposed when an individual exchanges labor for wages, or otherwise earns income. Gasoline taxes are imposed on each gallon of fuel that is sold.
Many derived tax revenue transactions are taxpayer assessed. What does this mean?
Employers withhold federal and state, income taxes and file returns at the appropriate time. Merchants collect sales tax and file returns at appropriate times.
When does the government recognize derived tax revenue transactions?
They would recognize a receivable and revenue when the underline exchange takes place
What are imposed non-exchange revenue transactions?
When governments impose tax based on something other than an exchange. Resources are required to be transmitted to the government be on an act committed, or omitted by the provider.
For example, a property tax is assessed on property owned by the provider. Another example is a fine being levied when the provider fails to adhere to a legal requirement.
For imposed non-exchange revenue transactions, when is a receivable and revenue recognized?
In the period when the government has an enforceable legal claim
When does an enforceable legal claim occur for property taxes?
When the government places the lien on the property, which is usually called “the lien date”
Other governments may use a different term for that event, such as that assessment or levy date. if this is prior to the start of the fiscal year, a deferred inflow of financial resources would be recognized. A revenue would be recognized at the start of the fiscal year.
When does an enforceable legal claim occur for fines?
When the period to contest the claim expires, or, if contested, when the court rules in favor of the government
When does a government mandated non-exchange transaction occur?
When are government one level, including the federal government, provides resources to a government at another level, and requires the government to use the resources for purposes established by the provider. The provider established purpose restrictions and may also establish time restrictions. For a transaction to occur, the recipient must meet the providers requirements.
When is a receivable and revenue recognized for government mandated non-exchange transactions?
A receivable and revenue are recognized by the recipient government when it meets all the eligibility requirements established by the provider.
When does the provider of a government mandated non-exchange transaction recognize a liability?
When the recipient government meets the eligibility requirements.
What are the eligibility requirements of a recipient government for government mandated non-exchange transactions?
- Recipient and secondary recipient, if applicable, must meet characteristics specified by the provider. For example, to receive a law enforcement grant, the recipient must be law enforcement agency
- Time requirements specified by the provider must be met. For example a federal grant may allow spending to take place from October 1 to September 30. Any spending prior these days would not be eligible. Therefore, revenue should not be reported before the period begins
- The provider specifies the resources will be available only on a reimbursement basis, also known as “expenditure driven grant”
- The provider may specify contingencies that must be met such as the recipient must match the funds.
What are voluntary non-exchange transactions?
When two or more parties will enter into an agreement either through legislation or by contract. The transactions are not imposed by the provider to the recipient. However, there may be eligibility requirements have to be met by the recipient.
Examples include entitlements, shared revenues, and donations
When are receivables and revenues recognized for voluntary non-exchange transactions?
When the recipient meets all eligibility requirements
A payable is recognized by the provider when the recipient meets all eligibility requirements
Does the government have the authority to make loans available to individuals and organizations?
Yes some governments.
What should governments do prior to making loans available to individuals and organizations?
Evaluate the collectibility of the loan, and establish allowances based on experience
For example, small business loans have a high default rate. The allowance should be established to allow for the probability of default
How should receivables be reported?
Net of allowances and discounts
What does GASP statement 38, certain financial statement note disclosures, require for disclosure of receivables?
Components of significant receivables must be disclosed in the notes of the financial statements, if they are aggregated on the face of the financial statements
For example, if the government reports “ taxes receivable” on the face of the statements which is made up of property tax, sales tax, income tax and other taxes, the notes should provide disaggregated disclosures regarding receivables from property taxes, sales taxes, income taxes, and other
Governments should also disclose any significant receivables that are not expected to be collected within one year
Governments have activity that takes place among funds. How can the activity be classified?
- Reciprocal.
- Non-reciprocal.
What is a reciprocal activity?
An exchange transaction
What are the two types of reciprocal transactions?
- Interfund loans.
- Interfund services provided and used.
What are the two types of non-reciprocal activity?
- Interfund transfers
- Interfund reimbursements
Of the four types of reciprocal and non-reciprocal activities, what is the only type to involve assets and liabilities?
Interfund loans
Which type of loans affect the balance sheet or statement of net position?
Only loans between funds affect the balance sheet or statement of net position of the respective funds. There is no impact on the operating statement.
What does the fund making the interfund loan record?
What does the fund receiving the interfund loan record?
Making: Records an asset—due from other funds
Receiving: records a liability— due to other funds
A fund often doesn’t have sufficient cash to meet its obligations. This is particularly true of grant funds awaiting reimbursement from the grantor agency. How should this be recorded?
If a government has an internal investment pool, then a negative cash balance should not be reported. Instead alone should be made from another fund to bring the balance to zero and a “due from” and “due to” should be recorded
If an interfund repayment is not expected within a reasonable period, what should be recorded?
The transaction should be reported as a transfer between funds
What are governments required to disclose about interfund activity?
They are required to disclose the loans between funds in the notes to the financial statements. The details about the paying funds and receiving funds and the amount involved should be presented.
What are the two methods for reporting inventory?
- Consumption method.
- Purchase method.
What are inventories most associated with?
Proprietary funds and business-type activities
What is the consumption method?
Governments maintain goods in inventory until requested by the customer. In this instance, the inventory is an asset until it is used
For example, a government provides office supplies to other departments and maintains a supply inventory. The activity is accounted for as an internal service fund. Office supplies are assets until orders are filled. At that time, an expense is recorded.
What is the purchases method?
Governmental funds often do not maintain an inventory. Instead, when goods are purchased, an expenditure is recorded.
However, there is an exception for governmental funds. They can elect to use the consumption method for reporting the value of inventory.
What are the reporting requirements for governmental funds even if the purchases method is used?
The amount of inventory is required to be reported if there are significant goods on hand
For example, governments in the colder climates may have supplies of salt on hand. The value at December 31 could be significant.
For the consumption method, what is done in inventory purchases were made during the current fiscal year?
The expenditure would be reduced and an inventory account established
The value of salt on hand at December 31 was $200,000 and was considered significant. The purchase had been made during the past three months. What would the journal entry be to report accumulated inventory for salt?
DR: inventory $200,000
CR: expenditures— public services $200,000
The government should set aside an equal amount of fund balance in the governmental fund, since the asset is not in expendable form and is not available for appropriation. What would the entry be to report non-spendable fund balance for inventory?
DR: unassigned fund balance, $200,000
CR: nonspendable fund balance $200,000
What should be disclosed for inventory?
The method used to value the inventory
What is required if the government changes the inventory valuation method?
It’s required to restate its beginning balances
What do governmental funds commonly use for prepaid items?
The purchases method
However, GAAP allows the option to use the consumption method. Thus, prepaid items would be reported similarly to inventory items.
How are the issuance costs including, but not limited to, insurance cost (net of rebates from refunded old debt, if any), financing costs (such as rating agency fees), and other related costs (such as printing, legal, administrative, and trustee expenditures) treated?
They are expensed
What should be disclosed for prepaid items?
Governments disclose the method used to amortize prepaid items in the notes in the summary of significant accounting principles, if material
What do governments need to determine for capital assets?
They needed to determine the capitalization level for the capital assets and define the level in a capitalization policy
What is the capitalization level used for capital assets?
Different capitalization levels may be used for different classes of capital assets
What do capital assets include?
The right to use assets related to a lease
What funds do not report capital assets?
Governmental funds do not report capital assets
Capital assets are reported for governmental activities, business type activities, proprietary funds, and fiduciary funds