Section 2. Chapter 5 - Revenue, Expenditure/Expense and Other Operating Statement Transactions Flashcards
What resources measurement focus and basis of accounting is used at the government fund level and government wide level?
- Government fund level is based on the current financial resources measurement focus and modified accrual basis of accounting
- Government wide level and proprietary and fiduciary fund transactions are based on the economic resources measurement focus in the accrual basis of accounting
Regardless of the measurement focus and basis of accounting, how should all revenues be recognized?
All revenues should be recognized net of estimated refunds, discounts, or allowances
What are the three ways of government may report revenues?
- Report revenues net, showing discounts and allowances parenthetically. [Ex: charges for net services (net of bad debts $5000 and discount of $15,000) $350,000]
- Report revenues gross, reporting discounts and allowances separately. [Charges for services $350,000. Less: bad debt and discounts. $20,000]
- Report revenues net and disclose the discount and allowances in the notes
What do governmental fund operating statements record revenue transactions based on? When do these funds recognize revenue?
The receipt of current financial resources
As a result, these funds recognize revenue in the period when it becomes both measurable and available
When is revenue considered available?
If it is received during the current period, or soon thereafter, so it can be used to pay the liabilities of the current period
What does GAAP limit the availability period for property tax revenue?
To know more than 60 days after the end of the fiscal year, unless unusual circumstances justify a greater period
If so, this should be disclosed in the notes
When is the period of availability for revenues other than property tax revenue?
It may be more than 60 days, but only if it is received soon enough after the year end to pay the reported liabilities
However, governments are encouraged to use the same period of availability for all revenues
Governments also are required to disclose their period of availability
How should revenues not received within the availability period be reported and recognized?
As deferred inflow of resources, and recognized in the period when they become available (typically the period when they are received)
If the government recognized revenue, when the receivable was established, what journal entry should be made to defer the revenue?
DR: property tax revenue $1000
CR: deferred inflow resources-property tax $1000
When do the operating statements of proprietary funds, fiduciary funds, and government wide statement of activities recognize revenue and record revenue?
They recognize revenue, based on the receipt of economic resources and record the transaction in the period they were earned, or when owed to the government
How is revenue that has not been earned or is not yet owed to the government reported?
As deferred inflow of resources until it has been earned or is due
How do you proprietary funds report revenues?
As either operating or non-operating
What are operating revenues?
Those that are directly attributable to the goods and services provided
Where are non-operating revenues reported?
Below operating income
What do non-operating revenues result from?
Other activities, such as investment revenue, grants, interest expense, and the gain or loss on the sale of assets
How are inflows reported as investing or financing activities on the statement of cash flows generally reported as?
Non-operating revenue
What are three types of transactions?
- Exchange transactions.
- Exchange like transactions.
- Non-exchange transactions.
What are some types of government exchange transactions?
Park and recreation, admittance, copying, registration, and other charges for services
Exchange transactions must have equal value between the government and the other party
What type of transactions involved exchange like transactions?
The issuance of a permit, or granting of a license
In an exchange like transaction, there is an identifiable exchange between the reporting government and another party but the values exchanged may not be quite equal, or the direct benefits of the exchange may not be exclusively for the parties in the exchange
Under the accrual basis of the accounting, when is revenue from exchange and exchange-like transactions recognized?
In the period the exchange takes place
Under the modified, accrual basis of accounting, the revenue must be available
What are non-exchange transactions and what are four ways to classify them?
Transactions that do not involve an exchange
- Derived tax revenue transactions.
- Imposed non-exchange revenue transactions.
- Government mandated non-exchange transactions.
- Voluntary non-exchange transactions.
When do derived revenues result?
They result when a government imposes a tax on an exchange transaction
Under the accrual basis of accounting, how and when should derived revenue be recognized?
Net of estimated refunds and estimated uncollectible amount in the period when the exchange takes place, or when resources are received, whichever occurs first
Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, when should derived revenue be recognized?
Tax revenue should be recognized in the period. The exchange takes place providing the revenue is available.
What type of revenue is income tax?
Derived tax revenue
What are the two main sources the government receives income tax?
- Employers are required to withhold income taxes from the payrolls of employees and remit them to the government on a periodic basis.
- Estimated payments paid by taxpayers. Some taxpayers make quarterly payments to the government and are required to file a tax return.
When we shut the government recognize the drive tax revenue of income tax that employers withhold from employees?
In the period when the employee earns the income
For example, the government requires employers to withhold income taxes for pay period ends December 31. Employer limits the withholding to the government on January 10. The government should recognize the tax revenue in the period that includes December 31. (payments not received within availability period should be reported as a deferred inflow of resources in the government funds.)
Which the government recognized derived tax revenue for the quarterly payments?
When the taxpayers earn the underlining income, which typically in the quarter the payments were due
For example, a taxpayer typically required to file estimated income taxes to the state by September 30 for the period July 1-September 30. Payments received after September 30 are recognized as revenue in the fiscal year that includes September 30 (payments not received within the availability period should be reported as deferred inflow of resources in governmental funds.)
When are taxpayers required to file tax returns with the state or local government?
April 15
What do tax returns show?
The additional amount due, or the amount to be refunded to the employee for the tax year
If a government has a December 31 year end,
On an accrual basis, what does the government need to recognize revenue from?
It must recognize revenue from payroll with holdings and quarterly payments
It also needs to estimate the April 15 adjustment for additional payments and refunds
For example, a government has received $50 million from payable withholdings and quarterly payments, by January 31 pertaining to the year ended December 31. The government has historically received additional 10% in settlements and has made refunds, averaging 4% of the amount received by January 31. For the year December 31, the government would recognize revenue of $53 million dollars ($50 million plus $5 million in addition to settlements plus $2 million in refunds)
On a modified accrual basis, when should income tax be recognized?
It should be recognized in this same way as a cruel basis of accounting, except that any amount not received during the availability period, Would be reported as deferred inflow of resources.
If the government has a 90 day availability period, any settlements received after March 31 would be revenue for the subsequent fiscal year, assuming it was received in that year
What is done for governments with a June 30 year end?
Accounting is easier. Most additional settlements made after March 31 would be available, and therefore reported as revenue in the current year.
What type of tax is tax on sale of goods and services by merchants?
Derived tax revenue
The merchant is required to collect tax and remit it to the government. Although revenue should be recognized when the sale takes place, from a practical perspective, when is revenue, often recognized?
It’s often recognized when remittances are received from the merchant if that does not result in a recognition in the wrong period
For example, merchants are required to collect the tax and remitted to government by the end of the month following the month the tax was imposed. Sales taxes collected through December 31 are due to the government by January 31. Some governments allow merchants with collections to remit on a quarterly basis. In this case taxes are due by March 31.
For sales tax, when should governments recognize revenue, when using an accrual basis?
In the period, the exchange takes place, net of estimated refunds
For sales tax, when should governments recognize revenue, when using a modified accrual basis?
Revenue must be available. In some cases, the merchant files through the document, but does not include full payment, or any payment.
How are sales taxes amounts not paid within the availability period reported.?
As a deferred inflow in governmental funds
Many states allow local governments to piggyback a locals sales tax with state sales tax. For example, the state imposes a 5% sales, tax and a county within the state imposes of one percent sales tax. The merchant collects a total of 6% and remit it to the state. The state then remit one percent to the county. In this situation, when would the merchant remit the sales tax to the state by?
January 31 for sales made during the month of December. The state distributes the money to the local government by the end of the month following the month the state receives payments (February 28 or 29). The local government should still recognize revenue in the period that includes December 31. (subject to availability in governmental funds.)
Governments imposed several other taxes on exchange transactions. What are some examples of these?
- gasoline taxes
- Alcohol and cigarette taxes
- Hotel taxes
- Property taxes
When are merchants or distributors required to admit the taxes to the government of other derived taxes?
On a periodic basis, just like sales taxes
For other derived taxes, when should the government recognize using an accrual basis, accounting?
In the period, the underline exchange takes place, net of estimated refunds
For other derived taxes, when should the government recognize using a modified accrual basis of accounting?
Amounts not received within the availability period are reported as deferred inflow of resources.
How are derived local taxes that piggyback to state taxes accounted for?
In the same, same way as local sales taxes
What are imposed tax revenues?
Taxes and fines, imposed on an act, committed or omitted such as owning property or breaking the law with an act is not an exchange
When are revenues recognized for imposed tax revenues?
They are recognized net of estimated refunds, and estimated uncollectible amounts
What is recorded for property tax in the period the government has an enforceable claim — the lien date or assessment date?
A receivable for property tax is recognized
Revenue is recognized in the period the tax is intended to finance
When is revenue recognized for property tax?
In the period the tax is intended to finance
How are property tax payments that are received in advance of the period benefited recorded?
As a deferred inflow of resources
For example, a government place is a lien on a property on September 1, 2000 and send bills out on December 1, 2000 with a due date of January 15, 2001. Revenue is intended to finance the operation for the period January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001. For the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2000 the government recognizes a receivable for the property tax levy. However, since the period in which it is intended, to be used is 2001, the revenue is reported as a deferred inflow of resources. The deferred amount is reversed and revenue is recognized on January 1, 2001. 
For example, a government place is a lien on a property on September 1, 2000 and send bills out on December 1, 2000 with a due date of January 15, 2001. Revenue is intended to finance the operation for the period January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001. For the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2000 the government recognizes a receivable for the property tax levy. However, since the period in which it is intended, to be used is 2001, the revenue is reported as a deferred inflow of resources. The deferred amount is reversed and revenue is recognized on January 1, 2001. If a property owner paid the tax on December 30, 2000, the revenue would still be deferred since it is received in advance of the period it is intended to finance.
If a property owner paid the tax on December 30, 2000, how would the revenue be recorded?
It would still be deferred, since it is received in advance of the period. It is intended to finance.
On an accrual basis, when would the amount be recognized?
The entire amount levied for the year 2001 is recognized (net of estimated refunds and uncollectible amounts) revenue of 2001, regardless of when received
On a modified basis, when would revenue be recognized?
What the amount received during the year plus payments received no more than 60 days after the year end. The remainder of the levee is reported as deferred inflow of resources until the payments are available.
For example, the Lebby for fiscal and calendar year 2001 was $20 million; $18 million was received by December December 31, 2001. Another 1 million and $500,000 were received in January and February 2002 respectively. The remaining amount was received in March through May 2002.
The government would recognize tax revenue for 2001 on the statement of activities for $200 million. However, on the government fund, Aubrey statement of 2001, the government would recognize revenue of $19.5 million and would report it as deferred inflow of resources as $500,000 if the government availability period for property taxes was 60 days after the end of the fiscal year
Under the modified cruel basis, how would payments be recognized if they are made after March 1, 2002?
Revenue of 2002
This would be a reconciling item between the fund operating statement and the statement of activities
When are estate taxes recognized as revenue?
As revenue in the period when the estate settles, subject to deferral in governmental funds, if not available
When are fines recognized as revenue?
When the government has established an enforceable claim, or when revenue is received, whichever comes first
For example, an individual received a citation for speeding is given a court date. If the individual pays the fine prior to the court date, revenue is recognized when the fine is paid. If the individual appears in court, revenue is recognized when the case is settled. If the individual does not appear in court, the individual is probably found guilty and revenue is recognized. On the modified accrual basis of accounting, however the government must determine its availability.
For some offenses, such as operating a motor vehicle, while intoxicated an individual may be required to pay a bond prior to the court date. Since the government has not yet established illegal claim, what is established for the bond.? What happens when the individual is found guilty?
- A liability is established for the bond
- If the individual is found guilty, the bond may be applied to the fine, and because it is available that portion is reported as revenue
When are fines recorded as revenue when using an accrual basis of accounting?
When the government has established the claim
Governments need to establish the allowance for uncollectible fines
When do government mandated non-exchange revenues occur?
When the government, at one level, provides resources to a government at another level, and requires that, if a grant is accepted, the latter uses the resources for a specific, purpose or purposes, established in the providers enabling legislationL
What do voluntary non-exchange revenues result from?
Legislative or contractual agreements completed willingly by two or more parties
What does government mandated and voluntary exchange revenues consist of?
- grants (capital grant, operating grant)
- Entitlements
- Shared revenues
- Payments in lieu of taxes (or fees in lieu of taxes)
What is a grant?
A payment of cash, or other assets from another government to be used or expended for specific purpose, activity, or facility
Grants can be received from foundations or other, not for profit organizations
What is a capital grant?
A payment of cash or other assets restricted by the grantor for the acquisition or construction of capital assets, including donated capital assets
What is an operating grant?
Grants that are intended to finance operations, or that may be used for either operations or capital outlays at the discretion of the grantee
What is an entitlement?
The amount of payment to which estate or local government is entitled, as determined by the other government, pursuant to an allocation formula contained in applicable laws
Entitlement may or may not be restricted to use.
The term entitlement can also be used for certain payments made directly to individuals such as SSI and Medicare
What is shared revenue?
Revenue levied by one government, but shared on a predetermined basis, often pursuant to an allocation formula, with another government
What are payments, in lieu of taxes (or fees, in lieu of taxes)?
Amount paid by not for profit organizations, and perhaps other governments, to another to reimburse it for revenues lost, because the nonprofit organization does not reimburse it for revenues lost, because the not for profit organization does not pay taxes, particularly property taxes 
When should government mandated and involuntary non-exchange revenues be reported?
Regardless of the title, the transactions should be reported based on the substance of the transaction not their label
The substance of these transactions is that they are either government mandated non-exchange transactions (provider program) or voluntary non-exchange transactions (recipient government voluntarily accepts payments)
Regardless of classification, when is government mandated and voluntary non-exchange revenues recognized revenue?
Revenue is recognized when all eligibility requirements have been met (subject to availability in governmental funds)
Grants may have a number of eligibility requirements for compliance purposes, however, for accounting and financial purposes, eligibility requirements are limited to what ?
- The recipient and secondary recipient must meet characteristics specified by the provider. For example, to receive a law-enforcement grant, the recipient must be a law-enforcement agency.
- Time requirements, specified by the provider must be met. For example, a federal grant may allow spending to take place starting October 1. Any spending prior to that would not be eligible. if the provider is another government, and the grant does not specify the period of the grant, a grant period is presumed to exist and coincides with the providers fiscal year
- The provider specifies resources will be provided on a reimbursement basis. This is known as an “expenditure driven” grant.
- The provider may specify contingencies, such as providing matching funds.
How should resources from grants that are transmitted before eligibility requirements have been met be reported?
As assets by the provider and liabilities by the recipient
What are purpose restrictions?
Restrictions that a grant provider may also specify
They specify the purpose, for which revenues may be used
How do purpose restrictions affect the timing of recognition of the grant
They do not affect the timing of the recognition of a grant
What happens if Grant funds were used for purposes other than those specified?
The grantor would disallow the associated costs and request reimbursement
If this was an expenditure driven grant and funds had been received, Grant revenue would have been reduced (or an expense and liability recorded if the grant was reported in the prior year)
For example, funds from law enforcement grant May state that is only to be used for law enforcement purposes. A community development block grant may state it is only to be used to encourage low income housing or improvement blighted areas.
At the fund level, how should all grant transactions be recorded?
In a fund
What should be done to identify the proper fund?
The purpose and requirements of each grant should be analyzed
It is not necessary to establish a separate fund, provided that applicable legal requirements can be satisfied in an existing fund
What are pass-through grants?
Serve as a recipient of grant funds for passing them to the ultimate secondary recipient
Do the receipt and disbursement of past due grants affect the operations of the recipient government?
However, all cash passed through grants should be reported in its financial statement.