Section 2 (theory/harm) - Grouping triads, progression types, voice leading, melodic motion, chord extensions, harmonizing melodies, cadences Flashcards
Grouping triads, progression types, voice leading, melodic motion, chord extensions, harmonizing melodies, cadences
What triad is not apart of a group
The tonic
What triads are in group 1?
Dominant V
Leading tone triads
And Aug 3 in harmonic and ascending melodic minor
Group 2 triads?
Subdominant 4
Supertonic 2
Subdom function
Group 3 triads?
Submediant 6
Tonic function
Group 4 triads?
Tonic function
What establishes a key?
When group 1 moves to a tonic
What is a normal chord progression?
Tonic groups 4 to 1 tonic
But starting on group 4 is not a requirement
Tonic 3 to 1 tonic is also possible.
Any chord can follow tonic
1 3 6 4 2 5 1
1 6 4 5 1
What is elision?
When one chord group is skipped in a left to right sequence
1 3 4 5 1
What is neutral tonic?
When a tonic appears anywhere in a normal chord progression.
Does not affect normal progression
What is retrogression?
When chord groups move from right to left.
1 2 4 2 5 1
What writing format is known as chorale style?
SATB within a grand staff
What direction do SATB voices stems go?
Bass - down
Tenor- up
Alto - down
Soprano - up
Most common chord tone doubled in root position triads?
Closed voicings? SATB
Octave or Less than an octave between tenor and soprano
Open voicings? SATB
Greater than an octave between soprano and tenor
What is conjunct motion?
Motion by a step or half step
Soprano is mostly conjunct to support clear ideas
Discjunct motion?
Leaps greater than a whole step?
Inner voices use conjunct whenever possible
Bass frequently moves in large leaps
Contrary motion?
Two voices moving in opposite directions
Parallel motion
Two voices moving in the same direction by the same interval without regard for qualitt
Similar motion
Two voices moving in the same direction but by different intervals
Oblique motion
One voice moving up or down while the other remains the same
What is a common tone?
When two chords have one or more notes in common
What do you usually do with common tones?
Keep them in the same voice
How common tones are created when a triad moves up or down a fourth or fifth?
How many common tones are created when a triad moves up or down a third?
When there are no common tones how do the upper voices move?
Contrary to the motion of the bass note
What are parallel fifths and octaves?
When two voices move in the same direction at the same interval of a perfect fifth or octave.
They create strong movement and detract from melody (avoid)
What is a tendency tone?
A tone that is harmonically or meldically unstable.
How is a tendency tone resolved?
It tends to resolve itself either up or down in as few steps as possible.
Should you double tendency tones?
Large leaps do what to a melody?
Create interest and excitement but overuse can make a melody confusing
What do major and minor 3rds do in part writing?
Do not interrupt the clarity of the melodic line especially when preceded or followed bu stepwise motion.
Successive 3rds are good for outlining arpeggios
Part writing perfect 4ths and 5ths?
Should be followed by motion in the opposite direction, but can be followed by stepwise motion in the same direction.
Leaping in the same direction is only done when arpeggiating a chord.
Major and minor 6ths and octaves in part writing move
Are always followed by stepwise motion in the opposite direction
Major wnd minor 7ths in part writing
Rare and always resolve in the opposite direction of the leap
What is voice overlap?
When a voice crosses over the previous position of another voice.
Should be avoided
What is voice crossing?
When two voices change position
Example: alto above soprano
Can happen occasuionally on inner voices in closed position
How do you resolve a V7-1
The 3rd of the V7 goes up a half step to the root of one. (Leading tone)
The 7th if the V7 resolves down a half step to the third of the tonic. (Subdominant)
Why is the V7-1 the strongest diatonic harmonic movement?
The diminished 5 closes to a major third
The root falls a P5 or rises P4
It establishes key
What are the variations of 9 chords?
Maj9. Major9 1 3 5 7 9
-9. Minor9. 1 b3 5 b7 9
9. Dominant9. 1 3 5 b7 9
-9 (maj7) minor major 9. 1 b3 5 7 9
Maj9(#5) major 9 sharp5. 1 3 #5 7 9
What are the variations of 11th chords?
Maj9(#11) major 9 sharp 11. 1 3 5 7 9 #11
-11. Minor 11. 1b3 5 b7 9 11
9(#11) dominant 9 sharp 11. 1 3 5 b7 9 #11
13 chord variations?
Maj13(#11) major 13 sharp 11. 1 3 5 7 9 #11 13
-13. Minor 13. 1 b3 5 b7 9 11 13
13(#11) dominant 13 sharp 11. 1 3 5 b7 9 #11 13
What is an altered dominant chord?
A dominant chord where at minimum the 5th and 9ths at chromatically altered.
Third stays major 7 stays dominant (tritone)
What scale is an altered 7th chord based on?
Super locrian or altered dominant or diminished whole tone scale
What are the possible chromatic alterations of an altered dominant?
b5 #5 b9 #9 #11 b13
What is a suspended chord?
A sus chord is a harmonic alteration where the third is replaced with a 2nd or 4th.
What are the two sus chords?
Sus2 sus4
What does add mean in a chord symbol?
Add that chord tone but not any other extensions
Ex: c9 add 13
Dont play the 11th
What do extended chords with a sus mean?
Example: C13 sus
The sus means play the 4th instead of the 3rd.
For C13 sus the chord tones are 1 4 5 7 9 and 13.
11 isnt needed because it is the 4th(sus)
What often appears instead of writing min7(b5)
The figured bass half diminished symbol
In extensions what do the dim and aug signs do?
Ex: Cdim9
They only alter the 3rd and 5th and any extensions.
Cdim9 is 1 b3 b5 bb7 9
What is a chord tone? And non chord tone
The notes of the melody that are in a given chord.
Non chord tone is the opposite
What is an anticipation?
When the meloldy moves to a chord tone of the next chord before it happens
What is a chromatic approach tone?
Non chord tones that approach a chord tone chromatically and do not belong to the scale/harmony in use.
What is a scale approach tone?
Non chord tones that approach chord tones diatonically
What is a scale chromatic approach tone?
Approaches the target by a half step and is a note from the scale of the moment
What is a cadence?
A series of chords that indicates closure of a musical statement of phrase.
What is an imperfect authentic cadence
V or vii° moving to tonic at a cadential point.
Either chord can be inverted.
Tonic not found in melody
Percect authentic cadence?
V or V7 to 1
Must be in root position
Tonic of one in the soprano voice.
What is a half cadence?
Leaves the music with the feeling it should continue at the end of a phrase.
Any chord to 5.
What is a deceptive cadence?
When the ear expects a V-I
Usually 6 but can be other stuff.
What is a plagal cadence?
IV - I
amen cadence
What is a plagal half cadence?
Weak rare cadence
I - IV
What is a motive?
The smallest musical idea.
Can be a pitch, rhythm or both
What is a phrase
An indepent musical idea concluded by a cadence
What is a period
Two well constructed periods