Section 2 - Materials and Parts Flashcards
Who has custody of the most up-to-date APML?
Director, Division of Plumbing
How can one obtain a copy of the APML?
mail a self-addressed stamped envelope to Division of Plumbing
Viega or ridgid propress must be installed
per manufacturers requirements and only sizes 1/2in -4in above slab only
Trenchless systems for repairing sewers must have
video recording of pipe before to be reviewed by plumbing inspector and then afterwards again. Sewer shall also be properly tested for leaks. In some cases a permit is required.
- SharkBite Evopex polymer fittings are approved for burial if _____
- Sharkbite Universal DZR brass fittings or Sharkbit EvoPex Dzr brass transition fittings are approved for burial if _____
- it’s not under or encased in concrete and not beneath a building
- same +wrapped in self-fusing, formaldehyde free and chlorine free, fully cured silicone tap with min .02 in.
CPVC must be stored how? why?
Under cover. to avoid unnecessary dirt accumulation and sun exposure
Each length of pipe, fitting, trap, fixture, or device used in plumbing or drainage shall be indelibly marked with the:
- weight or quality
- maker’s mark or name (manufacturer’s spec number)
CI Pipe Supports-Vertical
Approved clamps and hangers support at bases and at sufficient floor intervals to meet local code
CI Pipe Supports-Horizontal
not more than 18in from joint, terminal ends of runs or branches, each change of direction, firmly secure closet bends
CI stainless bands shall be
tightened to 60lbs torque
Steel and Wrought Iron Pipe-Vertical
screwed-ever other story with ferrous metal support
mechanical joint-every story height
Steel and Wrought Iron Pipe-Horizontal
1.5 in and above- 12ft intervals
1.25 and smalller-8ft intervals
Brass, Copper, Seamless Stainless steel tubing, and brass tubing-Cleaning
end of tube cleaned with fine sand cloth or special wire brush slightly more than required to enter the socket of the fitting
Copper -vertical
1.5 and larger - at each story
1.25 and smaller -at each story and 10ft intervals
1in and smaller-6ft intervals
1.25 and larger -10ft intervals