Section 1c- Definitions Part 3 Flashcards
Device used in distilling liquids
Storm drain
Building storm drain
Storm sewer
Sewer used in conveying rain water, surface water, condensate, cooling water, or similar liquid wastes
Subsoil drain
Drain that collects subsurface water and conveys it to a place of disposal
Tank or pit which receives sewage or liquid waste, located below the normal grade of the gravity system and that is emptied by mechanical means.
Sump pump
Mechanical device other than an ejector or bucket, for removing sewage or liquid waste from a sump
Devices for supporting and securing pipe, fixtures, or equipment
Swimming pool
Any structure, basin, chamber, or tank containing any artificial body of water for swimming, diving, wading or recreational bathing
A period of time not to exceed 30 days of intermittent or continual use within 12 month period on the same premises
Fitting or device that provided a liquid seal to prevent the emission of sewer gases without materially affecting the flow of sewage or waste water through it
Trap arm
Portion of a fixture drain between a trap and its vent
Trap primer
Devices or system of piping to maintain a water seal in a trap, typically installed where infrequent use of the trap would result in evaporation of the trap seal, such as floor drains
Trap seal
Vertical distance between the crown weir and the top of the dip of the trap
Utility room
Workroom in the patient nursing area, designed and equipped to facilitate preparation, cleaning, and incidental sterilizing of the various supplies, instruments, and utensils involved in nursing treatment and care, exclusive of medications handled in nurses’ stations and bedpan cleaning and sterilizing
Any pressure less the exerted by the atmosphere
Vacuum breaker
Backflow preventer
Vacuum breaker, nonpressure type (atmospheric)
Vacuum breaker that is not designed to be subjected to static line pressure
Vacuum breaker pressure type
Vacuum breaker designed to operate under conditions of static line pressure
Vent pipe
Any pipe provided to ventilate a house drainage system and to prevent trap siphonage and back pressure
Vent system
Pipe or pipes installed to provide a flow of air to or from a drainage system or to provide circulation of air within the system to protect trap seals from siphonage and back pressure
Vertical pipe
Any pipe or fitting that makes an angle of 45 degrees or less with the vertical
Wall-hung water closet
Wall mounted water closet installed in such a way that no part of the water closet touches the floor
Waste pipe and special waste
Any pipe that receives the discharge of any fixture (except water closets or similar fixtures) and discharges to the house drain, soil, or waste stacks. If a pipe does not connect directly with a house drain, waste or soil stack, the pipe is considered to contain special waste.
Water closet
Flush toilet
Water distributing pipe
Pipe within a building or on the premises that conveys water from the water service pipe or meter to the point of usage
Water heater
Water heating device
Water lifts
Sewage ejector
Water outlet
Discharge opening through which water is supplied to a fixture, into the atmosphere (except into an open tank that is part of the water supply), to a boiler or heating system, or to any devices or equipment requiring water to operate but that are not part of the plumbing system
Water riser pipe
Water service pipe
Pipe from the water main or other source of potable water supply to the water distributing system of the building served
Water supply stub
A vertical pipe less than one story in a height supplying one or more fixtures
Water supply system
Water service pipe, the water-distributing pipes, and the necessary connecting pipes, fittings, control valves, and all appurtenances in or adjacent to the building or premises
Well, bored
A well constructed by boring a hole in the ground with an auger and installing a casing
Well, driven
A well constructed by driving a pipe in the ground. The drive pipe is usually fitted with a well point and screen
Well, drilled
Well constructed by making a hole in the ground with a drilling machine of any type and installing a casing and screen
Well, dug
Well constructed by excavating a larger diameter shaft and installing a casing
Wet vent
Vent that receives the discharge of wastes other than from water closets
Yoke vent
A pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack to a vent stack for the for the purpose of preventing pressure changes in the stack
Journeyman plumber
Person who engages in or offers to engage, either as an occupation or otherwise, in the construction, installation, alteration, maintenance, repair, remodeling or removal, and replacement of plumbing under the supervision direction and responsibility of a master plumber
Master plumber
Person who assumes responsible charge, supervision or direction of journeyman plumbers, plumbers’ apprentices, and other persons in the construction, installation, alteration of plumbing or who engages in, offers to engage in or advertises or otherwise represents that he is permitted or qualified to engage in the design, planning, superintending, contracting for, or responsible charge of plumbing
Public building
Building intended for public use or built with public funds , includes but not limited to, schools, industrial establishments, housing projects, restaurants, foodhandling establishments, private clubs, theaters, drive-ins, trailer coach parks, camping areas, hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, tourist courts, rooming houses, boarding houses, other establishments for furnishing public sleeping accommodations
Maintenance man
Person employed to maintain and keep plumbing in good repair
Farm dwelling together with other farm buildings and structures incident to the operation and maintenance of the farm situated on 10 acres or more of land which is located outside the corporate limits of a municipality
Commissioner of the Dept of Housing Buildings and Construction
KY plumbing law refers to
KRS 318
KY Plumbing code refers to
815 KAR Ch.20