Section 1b- Definitions Part 2 Flashcards
Sand, pea gravel, and limestone rock sizes 57 and smaller used for bedding for piping systems
Health care facility
hospital, nursing home, limited care facility, clinic, ambulatory care center, or office practice medical or dental office.
Horizontal branch drain
drain branch pipe extending laterally from a soil or waste stack or building drain, with or without vertical sections or branches, which receives the discharge from one (1) or more fixture drains and conducts it to the soil or waste stack or to the building drain.
Hose Bibb
Sill cock, wall hydrant, or similar faucet with downward angled threaded nozzle
Hot water
Water at a temperature of not less than 120 degrees F
House drain
Building drain
House sewer
Building sewer
Indirect waste pipe
Waste pipe not directly connected with the drainage system, but that discharges into the drainage system through an air break or an air gap into a trap, fixture, receptor or interceptor
Individual sewage disposal system
System for the disposal of domestic sewage by means of a septic tank, cesspool, or mechanical treatment, designed for use apart from a public sewer to serve a single establishment or building
Individual vent
Pipe installed to vent a fixture drain. It connects with the vent system above the fixture served or terminates outside the building into the open air.
Individual water supply
Supply, other than an approved public water supply, which serves one or more families
Industrial floor drain
Drain placed in the floor of a building other than in a toilet room or shower room to receive waster water
Industrial wastes
Liquid wastes resulting from the processes employed in industrial and commercial establishments
Contrary to sanitary principles and potentially injurious to health
Device designed and installed so as to separate and retain deleterious, hazardous, or undesirable matter from normal wastes while permitting normal sewage or liquid wastes to discharge into the drainage system by gravity
Altered, changed, or a new installation
Lowest portion of the inside of any horizontal pipe
Kitchen sink unit
Sink, double or single compartment, food waste disposer, and dishwasher placed in a unit so arranged that the dishwasher abuts the sink
Hand basin, such as in a bathroom
Leaching well or pit
Pit or receptacle having porous walls that allow the contents to seep into the ground
Solders and flux containing more than .2 percent lead and the wetted surfaces of pipes, pipe fittings, plumbing fittings, and fixtures containing more than a weighted average of .25 percent lead as calculated according to the formula established in 42 USC 300g-(d)(2)
Exterior drainage pipe for conveying storm water from roof or gutter drains
Liquid waste
The discharge from any fixture, appliance, area or appurtenance, which does not contain fecal matter
Load factor
The percentage of the total connected fixture unit flow that is likely to occur at any point in the drainage system
Local vent stack
Vertical pipe to which connections are made from the fixture side of traps and through which vapor and foul air can be removed from the fixture or device used on bedpan washers
Local ventilating pipe
Pipe through which foul air is removed from a room or fixture
Loop vent
Circuit vent that loops back to connect with a stack vent instead of a vent stack
Horizontal, vertical and continuous piping that receives the waste, soil, main, or individual vents from fixture outlets or traps, directly or through branch pipes
Main sewer
Public sewer
Main vent
The principal artery of the venting system to which vent branches can be connected
Medical gas system
Assembly of equipment and piping for the distribution of nonflammable medical gases such as oxygen, nitrous oxide, compressed air, carbon dioxide, and helium
Medical-surgical vacuum system
Assembly of central vacuum producing equipment and a network of piping for patient suction in medical, medical-surgical, and waste anesthetic gas disposal applications.
Mobile facility
Vehicle licensed and registered with the KY Dept of Transportation that contains plumbing fixtures and is intended for temporary use with regard to structure it serves
Structure or component that is wholly or substantially fabricated in an off-site manufacture in facility for installation at the building site
Multiple dwelling
Building containing more than two dwelling units
National Fire Protection Association
Nominal pipe size
Standard expression in inches and fractions thereof to designate the approx inside diameter of a pipe, conduit, or tube
Nonpotable water
Water not safe for drinking, personal or culinary use
National Sanitation Foundation
Dangerous to human life or detrimental to health including: A) a building, structure or premise not sufficiently skewered, drained, cleaned or lighted, in reference to its intended or actual use and B) an agent that renders the air, human food or drink, or a water supply unwholesome