Sec 2 Class 15 Flashcards
NOTICE: your internal dialogue to see where you’re at
THINK: change your questions
ACT: strategies to navigate the phases of change and move towards a thriver’s mindset
Thrive through change- neuroscience of change
problem focused: why do I have to? why do I bother? What’s wrong with me?
Solution focused: how can I solve this? What’s the first step? How do I prepare?
Think: ask positive, solution-focused questions
denial: reality hasn’t sunken in resistance: uncertainty, blame, overwhelm
explore: experiment, baby steps, ideate
thrive: empowered, learning, contributing
The change curve - usually a zigzag
deny: seek information, what is imaginary vs real fear
resist: acknowledge feelings, shift your control
explore: practice perspective, imagine outcomes
thrive: focus your strengths, capture the learning
personal change strategies
movement- every 90 minutes while sitting
stress management: reframing, boundaries, solo-tasking
environment: noise and distractions, time in nature, screen time
relationships: time with positive energizers
food: nutrition, hydration, meal frequency
take care comes first in order to have good personal change management
seek information: talk to other people; all viewpoints, learn why the change is happening
real vs imaginary: distinguish between real and imaginary fears, separate wishes from reality
move through denial- what’s really going on?
acknowledge feelings: expect and allow feelings, seek out support, talk to those who have a positive outlook
shift your control: be aware that choices always exist, brainstorm all possible courses of action
move through resistance: where do I stand?
practice perspective: move the camera- optimistic vs pessimistic explanatory style
imagine outcomes: begin with the end in mind
try things out first
move through explorations: what’s possible?
focus your strengths: focus where you can make a difference, expand your greatest value, mentor and enable others
capture the learning: look back to better go forward, anticipate and prepare for future
support and sustain thriving- how can I give my best?
deny–> communicate
resist–> listen, prepare for resistance
explore –> facilitate participation
thrive: lead from the front, acknowledge and reward, significance and meaning
strategies to lead others through change
- explain realities of marketplace
- set direction, not destination
- take time
- prioritize one on one messages
strategies to lead others through change - communicate to lead others through denial
listen: validate individual reactions, interact with teams further along, manage your own resistance; keep sense of humor/hope
prepare for resistance: intellectual, personal, cultural
strategies to lead others through change - listen and prepare to lead others through resistance
facilitate participation: speak to personal motivators, take a few concrete steps, provide tools and training; share knowledge, be tolerant of mistakes,
strategies to lead others through change - facilitate participation to lead through exploration
lead from the front: set an example
acknowledge and reward: acknowledge results and productivity, reward ownership, celebrate progress
significance and meaning: connect work to meaningful impact, provide immediate and ongoing feedback
strategies to lead others through change - lead, reward and connect to support others to thrive
- begin with an end in mind
- provide validation and hope
- learn from your network
- protect people’s sense of status
- provide more certainty
- support people’s sense of control and autonomy
- encourage social connection
- promote fairness
additional strategies
phase: denial –> wake up announcements - convey reality with data, announce details and next steps, create a compelling destination
resist –> listening: understand loyal resistance, practice active listening
explore–> examine possibilities: focus efforts, provide reality checks, prioritize, short term focus
thrive –> committing to implementation: take stock by acknowledging the journey, celebrate successes, look ahead
change communications
- constantly communicate clear goals and a vision of the new situation
- hold open “forums” where loyal resistors can raise concerns
- involve those affected as much as possible in decision-making processes
- establish regular informal meetings to discuss progress of the change process and next steps
- whenever possible, assign roles and responsibilities according to people’s strengths, ensure training for new skills that are needed
tips to increase employee engagement