Class 1 Flashcards
Labor welfare + change management + healthy organizations
managing change and organizational health
Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous- organizational reality
Change management efforts that are successful long term
Employees say that whether or not a change is successful is hugely dependent on __
whether or not the leaders embrace the change and understand how change affects employees personally
resilience achievement creativity innovation wellbeing
advantages of positive psychology and how it affects individual performance and well being
- view themselves as agile/resilient
- see change as opportunity
- say pace of change has gotten faster but remains predictable
- view themselves as having better change capacities
- engage in strategies to improve managers’ change management skills
higher performing organizations more likely to
- create agile, innovative and high performing teams and work cultures
- healthy, resilient teams and organizations don’t just survive change, they thrive under change
- managing change is greatest competitive advantage that differentiates today’s exceptional organisations from mediocre ones
happy employees and healthy organizations
Passive vs Active learning
Perception of active learning is that they learned less and enjoyed it less but when they measured performance, active learning retained more and learned more
State of psychology -
Good - victories of disease models, drug treatments, tests, efficient treatment
Not Good - become victimizers, forgot about high talent and normal people, rush to repair damage of only troubled people
Not good enough - didn’t think about interventions to make people happier instead of less miserable
New Era of Positive Psychology - Seligman
- psychology should be as concerned w/ strength as w/ weakness
- as interested in building the best things in life as in repairing the worst
- should be just as concerned with making lives of normal people fulfilling and with nurturing high talent as it is with healing people
New Era of Positive Psychology - Seligman
- measurement strength and virtues
- classification and causation between left and right hemispheres
- positive people are extremely social people (friends, relationships)
New Era of Positive Psychology - Seligman
three “happy” lives
- pleasant life (positive emotions) - having as many pleasures as can, learning skills to optimize them (drawbacks: heritable, habituates (you get used to it), not malleable)
- good life (engagement) - finding flow - time stops during flow, they enjoy it fully, knowing what your highest strengths are and recrafting life around these strengths
- meaningful life - knowing your strengths and using them for something bigger than you
New Era of Positive Psychology - Seligman
- gratitude visits
- 3 gratitude checks
postive interventions
Pleasure + engagement + meaningful life = a full life
not having depression/anxiety IS NOT the same as being happy, negative emotion can be 0 but you could still not be happy
full life according to martin seligman
if we study what is merely average, we will remain average. We should be studying the outliers so as to move up the entire average of everyone else
Happy secret to better work - Shawn Achor
it’s not reality that shapes us but rather the lens through which your brain views the world that shapes your reality- if we can change the lens, we can change how we view the world
Happy secret to better work - Shawn Achor
90% of long term happiness is predicted not by external world but by how your brain processes the external world
Happy secret to better work - Shawn Achor
75% of job successes is predicted by optimism levels, social support and ability to see stress as a challenge
-absence of disease is NOT health - if we can raise someone’s level of positivity in the present, then there’s a happiness advantage - your brain at positive performs better in terms of energy, creativity, intelligence - we should all be functioning at happiness and change the way we perceive attaining goals/happiness
Happy secret to better work - Shawn Achor
must reverse the formula and how we approach happiness
Happy secret to better work - Shawn Achor