Scullard republic - domitian 500+ Flashcards
Social war
Law 97
Banns human sacrifices
Livius drussus younger
Made a plea for Italian citizen ship, son of Livius drussus the elder,
Rutilius Rufus’ death
Killed by unjust equestrian’s enfranchised by G grac
Drussus’ response, to Rufus
Gave courts 1/2 senators or made 300 equites senators
Popaedius silo
Mastic cheften in social war- first to march
Death of drussus
The consul Philipus made his laws void and then he was assasinated
Aemilius scarus
Prosecutor against Italians defeated by his own commission
Asculum affair
Gaius servilius causes a massacre in asculum by being bad
Picentes marrucini frentani marsi paeligni samnites hirpini lucanians
Seat of secession
Confinum in paeligni
social war in the north commanderfs North
Rutilius lupus vs popaedius silo
social war commanders fighting in the south South
L. Ceaser vs. papius mutilus
Really in control against silo
Marius and his legat poppy Strabo
Lex Julia
Gave citizenship to allies 90bc
Lex plautia papaeria
Expanded Italian enfranchisement 89 bc
Latin voting power
Limited electively initiataly
Southern campaign
Sulla took over, metelus pius defeated popaedius
Sempronius asellio
Anti usery- lyched in the forum
Sulpicius Rufus
Proposed Marius over mithradates, debt limit for senators, and Italians to be equally divided among the tribes
Sulla consulship
88- vs mithridates
Sulla first taking of Rome
He took it easily-88
Sulla’s reforms #1
Recind Rufus’ laws, made Marius and Rufus marked men, All business submitted to the people go to centuriata after approval for the senate, disarmed Strabo , made cinna promise not to change any laws -88
Cinna+ Marius take rome partially due to plauge
Marius’ “reforms” after taking Rome
Mass murder of the aristocracy, made him and cinna consuls without an election, died of plauge in 86
Cinna’s rule
86-83/82- Italians added to all tribes, debt relief with valerius flaccus, metal prices fixed
Consuls 85/84
Cinna and carbo
SCU effective;y made leagle in the trial of opimius
Vestal virgin struck be lightning- caused trial under Cassius Longinus and the sacrificing of a Gallic and greek couple, lead by sextus peducaeus
Censor 119
Metelus baelericus
Censor 115
Gaius metelus delemachus
Campaign against scordisci by metelus capricious
M. Metelus established order in Corsica and sardinia
Aemilius scaurus
Metelian pro equite politician
Tribune 119
Marius after military success in numantia
Marius hometown
Mithradates and his early conquests
King of Black Sea empire, conquered around Black Sea including scithia and samerita
Mthradates papa gets Phrygia peacefully from rome
Senate sends m. Antonius to deal with pirates
Ptolemy apron bequeaths Cyrenaica to Rome
Founded cirta, son of massinissa, willed his kingdom to jugertha heimpsal, adherbal
Jugertha kills heimpsal after the death of micipsa
Jugertha’ s career
Distinguished in numantia, king of numidia during jugerthine wars
Numidian question
Rome sends opimius to divide numidia between adherbal and jugertha
Jugertha masacars adherbal and Italians at cirta
Suggested jugertha bribing senate, caused war to be declared
Bestia’s campaign in numidia
Attacked, bribed, left
Jugertha naming names
Memmius offers jugertha immunity, jugertha reveals that… vetoed
Postumis albinus’ jugerthine campaigns
Showed up, bribed, left with his brother aulus in charge
Aulus’ campaign against jugertha
Attacked suthul by coup de main, then attacked jugertha then was walked under yolk by jugertha
Mamilius names names
L. Opimius, aulus/spurius albinus, calpurnius bestia
Metelus numiducus takes command against jugertha
Numidicus takes cirta, defeats jugertha at muthul, jugertha gets boccus as ally
Marius’ firstconsulships
107- granted command in Africa
Marius’ army
Volunteers from proletariat, more training/rigor
107 battle
Capsa- Marius takes it
106 battles
Muluccha- Marius sacks it
Cirta- Marius defeats jugertha despite being overwhelmed
Bocchus and the end of the jugerthine war
Bochhus negotiates with the quaestor Sulla leading him to capture and kidnap jugertha
Jugertha’s half brother got eastern Numidia
Cimbri and Teutones
Driven from Jutland and Frisia- invaded Italy
Cimbri and teutones beat carbo
Iunius silanus
Commander who was beaten by the cimbri and teutones in 107
Cassius longinus in Gaul 107
Killed by Cimbri and teutones at Gascony in ambuscade
Poilius laenas’ escape
Passed under the yolk now hugest ranking formerly a lieutenant
Seevillius caepio takes it but is rumered to have embezzled 100,000 pounds of gold
105 mallius Maximus and servillius caepio disastrously defeated by Cimbri and teutones
Marius’ prep vs Cimbri and teutones
Made a canal, consul 104-100
Aquae sextiae
102- Marius crushes teutones
101- Marius beats Cimbri with lutatius Catullus
End of the tigurini
Sulla beats them in 101
Marius’ mules
Part of Marius’ reforms- men carried there own supplies
Sordisci victories
Beat Cato in 113
Sordisci defeat
113-112 metelus capricious and livius drussus drive them back to the rhone
93 Spain
Titus didius earns triumph
Occupied by crassus
2nd servile war
Athenion and salvius defeated by manilius Aquilius
King triphon
Caepio’ s politics
Proposed a bill to put senators back in the judicial system, got popillius impeached for treason
Cn. Domitius moves priestly collages to popular assemblies
103 poly
Caepio condemned, his judicial law revoked and his colleague Mallius exiled
Tribune 103
Saturnius- prosecuted basically everyone
Saturnius’ policies
Re-enstated Gaius’ grain law, gave 60 archers to jugerthine vets
Saturnius’ poly sci
Mob violence
102 Saturnius
Beats up metelus numidicus for trying to impeach him
101 Saturnius
Mobs the tribal assembly
101 re election
Saturnius murders his competitors
Saturnius 99
Kills Memmius to stop servilius glauca
Saturnius’ end
Scued by Marius
Tribune 133
T grac
151 poly
Brief squall in which consuls are imprisoned by tribunes acting on the will of the people(draft dogging repeats in 138
Tribune 139
Aulus gabunius- attempted to reform voting
Tribune 137
Cassius Longinus attempts to extend power to judicial assemblies of the people
Tiberius pedigree
Father t sempronius gracchus twice consul once censor
Mother Cornelia daughter of Africanus
Tiberius accomplishes pre 133
First over the wall at Carthage , negotiated Numa Tia with hostilius mancinus
Tiberius gracchus’ tutors
Diophanes, blossius of cumae
Tiberius’ motivation
Poor servile conditions in Etruria, Spain and the first servile war
First servile war
135-133- Syrian eunus, and cicilian cleon revolt in Sicily
Tiberius’ land reform
Proposed in 133 caps land owner ship at 500 iugera and distributes excess to the poor
Gaius lailius’ land reform
Similar to Tiberius’ but withdrawn due to opposition c. 145
Tiberius’ supporters
Appius Claudius pulcher, the princps senatue, p. Licinus Crassus( still not that one), and mucius scaevola( not that one)
Gaius flaminius’ land reform
Like Tiberius’ didn’t go to senate in 232
Tiberius’ senate shenanigans
He slips the senate and goes straight to the people
M. Octavius
Fellow tribune, Vetoed tiberius’ bill causinga delay until Tiberius had him recalled and beaten out of the concilium
Tiberius’ commission
Himself Gaius and appius Claudius pulcher ran redistribution
Funding the commission
Intitially the senate refused to fund but after Attilus’ death Tiberius bypassed the senate to get the money from his will
Tiberius’ second tribunate
Tiberius in a time of poor polling attempts to become tribune again which was illegal
Law 180 bc
Lex villia- consecutive magistracy is illegal
Tiberius’ death
After tense debating a mob including senators lead by ex consul scipio nasica beat Tiberius to death along with 300 supporters
Consul of 132
Publius popillius - mass murdered gracchen supporters
Scipio nasica’s death
Honorable exiled to Asia died of old age
Gaius attinius
Attempted to mob metelus macedonicus off a cliff but was luckily stopped by fellow senators
Tiberius’ commission after Tiberius
Continued on triberius was replaced with Crassus
Leges tabelariae
Proposed by papirius carbo in 131 allows tribunes to be reelected
Aemilianus’ quote about Tiberius
If Tiberius intended to seize the state then he was killed justly
Aemilianus poly 129
Stoped non citizens from having their land redistributed
Aemilianus’ death
Possibly suicide possibly antoninia
Iunius pennus proposes anti foreign law that would expel foreigners from Rome
Fulvius flaccus proposes more open citizen ship expanding it to all Allies he is sent to Gaul to help massilia against the saluvii
Tribune in 123 and 122
Gaius gracchus
Gaius’ policies
Removed restrictions on the agrarian commission , built roads, founded colonies including junonia on the site of Carthage, socialized grain, provided cloths to recruits and made the minimum army age of 17
Gaius’ political reforms
Exiled popillius, moved the courts to the equestrian class, made senate decide consular provences before the election, stopped the tax exempt status of pergamum handeled poorly giving power to corporations.
Gaius’ franchise bill
Similar to flaccus’ opposed by Gaius fannius killed by a veto by livious drussus
Livius drussus
Vocal opponent of Gaius gracchus, amended and improved many of his bills and was a direct challenge to Gaius unparalleled political power
Gaius’ election for 121
Failed because of rumors of returning to the site of Carthage
Minucius Rufus
Senatorial pawn deleted Gaius’ colony of iunonia in 121 when he was tribune
The scuffle with Gaius
Gaius gets in a scuffle with opimius’ men, the senate does SCU him’
The SCU of Gaius
He and flaccus flee to aventine are killed and there supporters executed or arrested over 3000 die
Messalina asks for help against French Ligurians leading to an uneventful attack on Liguria
Messalina complained about Liguria again
124 campaign
Fulvius flaccus fights in France against ligurians culminating in a success at isere in 124
Sextius calvinius in France
Founds aquae sextiae and desemates ligurians
Domitius ahenobarbarus fights first trans alpine battle at Avignon
Defeat of the averni
Fabius Maximus defeats averni under bituitus with a smaller force, “120000 for only 15”
Fate of bituitus
Betrayed and held in Roman prison in 120, Rome takes medeterrainian France
Early Roman freinds in Gaul
Metellus belearicus conquers balaeric islands
Antiocus conquests Asia
Antiocus gets into pact with Philip 5 against ptolomies
Antiocus founds Ephesus as new capitol
Rome asks Antiocus to not disturb Rhodes he agrees
Eumenes 1 of pergamum asks Rome for help against Antiocus
Conference at lysimachia
Antiocus politically routes flaminius avoiding war
Flamininus withdraws from gallipoli peninsula
Hannibal goes to and is received by Antiochus, scipio elected consul and takes more aggressive stance toward Antiochus
Antiochus attempts to treaty with Rome but fails
193 bc
Roman’s put ceopatera 1on the ptolomaic throne
Due to aeotolian miscommunication Antiocus moves into Greece which Romans interpret as an invasion of Europe and eventually Italy causing the Seleucid war against Antiochus
Antiochus evacuates Greece
Roman navy
Under livius, flaminius and eumenes vastly superior to Antiocus’
Cape corycus
Naval victory for Roma opened the way for invasion of Asia
191-190 winter
Antiochus rebuilds fleet/ gives Hannibal command
Antiochus’ admiral defeated kRoman supporting rhodines
Naval victory where romans defeat Hannibal
Roman’s under eudamus and aemilius regulus defeat Antiochus in the last notable Roman naval victory
Land commanders in Seleucid war
Scipio africanus and Lucius scipio
Roman vs Seleucid armies in Seleucid war
Roman+ pergamene= 30000
Mid war negotiations
Antiochus offers all previous concessions Roman’s up the ante with the interior of Asia Minor
189/190- winter
Magnesia Roman’s under Domitius ahenobarbarus and eumenes crush Seleucid’s due to Seleucid over engagement and poor elephant management
Negotiations after magnesia
L scipio was replaced by manilius vulso
Results of Seleucid war
Rome fines 15,000 talents, Antiochus must surrender navy except 10 ships, and looses all territory wast of mt. Taurus
Manilius joins negotiations, terms signed
Fate of annexed land
Pergamum got Syria, half of Asia Minor, several Greek city states, rhodes got the rest
Fulsome further expeditions into Asia Minor
Attacking and blackmailing tribes in Southern Asia Minor to help eumenes
Roman’s end eumenes’ war against Prussia’s b/c Hannibal
Hannibal evades Roman extriditors
Hannibal dies as a part of a war against pharnaces of Pontuswhich the senate doesn’t join
Rome liberates rhodine colonies
Rhodians make political blunder before pydna leading to resentment even fete the treaty in 165
Eumenes dies senate sides with Attilus 2 over Prussias over his succession
Roman envoys don’t support nicomedes as Prussias’ successor but then flipflop
Attulus 3 dies bequeaths pergamum to Rome stipulating no tributes
133-130 Unofficial heir of attulus3 was promptly defeated by peperna after killing the consul licinius Crassus (not that one) tried to utopia in sun city
Antiochus 4 invades Egypt - stoped by diplomacy of popillius laenas
Roman envoys regent Seleucids mutilating the elephants and burning some ships causing death of gnaeus octavius in riot
Demetrius 1
Replaced Roman regents in Syria
Senate threatens Demetrius by signing treaty with Judas Maccabaeus in Palestine
Jewish independence due to Antiochus 4 being stupid
Senate funds the rebellious balas in Seleucid kingdom
Egyptian rule when Antiochus invaded
Ptolomy 6 and eurgates 7 in civil war
Ptolomy 7 talks to senate about Cyprus
Eurgates says he will bequeath his kingdom to Rome upon his death, displayed knife scars in order to gain Roman trust
Eugates gets full control of Egypt
Scipio aemilianus visits Egypt
philip 5 allies with hannible after being onvinced by demitrius of pharos causing bad relations with rome
antigonus doson
predocesser of philip 5 reunited greece exept athens and aetolians
philip succeeds antigonus doson
valerius laevinius navys against philip 5
philip allies himself with the aetolians
rome allies with pergamum
roman greek allies fall out of macidonian war#1
rome declares a neutral peace in macedonian war#1
203 in the East
philip 5 makes traety with selucid, antiocus 3, to attack egyptian ptolomies
rodes and pergamum declare war with philip
rome gets involved in pergamine/rhodine conflict with pilip
sulpicius galba’s macidonian war #1 campaigns
consul in 200
sulpicius galba
200 bc
rome declares 2nd macedonian war
aetolians join 2nd macedonian war
achean leuge joins punic war #2
sulpicius strat macedon#2
attack coastal cities
flaminius strat macedon2
repeatedly attack philip causing hip to repeatedly retreat till he gets stuck at cynocephalae
197- flaminius decisively defeats flaminius
flaminius and senate free greece announced at the isthmian games
Roman troops leave Greece for 17 years
Antiochus 3 arrives in Greece after aeotoleans get mad at rome
191 first half
Acilius glabrio goes to Greece against Antiochus and flaminius’ peace terms are denied
191 battle
Thermopylae- Roman repeat history like the Persians Cato leads the pass force
L. Cornelius scipio replaces the uncompromising glabrio and makes the aetolians a vassle state through treaty
Philip 5’s kids
Demetrius- pro republican and peaceful (younger obvi)
Perseus- violent anti Roman older brother
Perseus’ rise
Convinced his father to kill his brother on trumped up charges then secured his succession when his father’s “premature death of unknown cause” in 179
Perseus’ policies in Macedonia
Built army, befriended Thrace and Illyria(anti Roman) married to loadice daughter of the Seleucid king seluces 4 and married his sister apame to prusias 2 of bithinia
Senate;s response to Perseus
Investigations that did little, hearing out eumenes of Pergamum against him in 172
Comitia declares war on Perseus
Greek city states in 3rd Macedonian war
Mostly neutral
Perseus Ally’s:Illyria, Boeotia and Epirus
Roman ally: Pergamum, Rhodes, and the Achaean leuge
171 battle
Thessaly- Perseus beasts licinius Crassus(not that one) and then fails to press the victory offering futile peace terms
Marcius philipus takes Olympus, Perseus flees in a cowardly way only surviving due to Philipus’ tiered troops and the general incompetence of the Roman line so far in this war
Veteran of several wars, actually competant, given command in Macedonia in 168
Paullus crushes Perseus decisively at pydna capturing him as he flees
Paullus in Illyria
Captures Illyrian king ye thins also in 168
Paullus in Epirus
150000 slaves taken, country devastated
Roman “reforms” in Greece after the 3rd Macedonian war
Anti Roman leader deported or killed Macedonian government dissolved and replaced with 4 republics s Al, tribute established, similar is done in Illyria but with three republics
Pretender to the Macedonian throne caused 4th Macedonian war
149 battle
Thessaly#2- Roman’s loose again
Caecilius metelous expels andriscus and annexes much or norther Greece including Macedonia, Thrace, and Epirus
Via egnatia
Roman road from apollonia to thessalonica called the high road symbolizes Roman dominion over Greece
Roman force clears out Dalmatia, annexes it
Roman force takes aquileia
Achaean envoy sent to Rome to advocate for the incorporation of Sparta, marked a new age of Roman control in Greece
Achaean war
Began in 146 with critolaus challenging the Roman dominance and political persecution in Greece, ended in 146 with the sacking of Corinth, dissolution of the Achaean leuge, and further subjugation of Greece by caecilius metelus and Lucius mummius
rome fights celtaberian and lusitainian tribes
destrucian of corinth & carthage
attulus bequeaths pergumum
insuberes, boii, cenomani attack placentia, cremona
M. claudius marcellus defeats north at clastidium causing insuberes and cenomani to sue for peace
Scipio nasica defeats Boii
bononia founded
mutinia and parma founded
via aemilius lepidus
built in 187 by aemilius lepidus
barren wasteland inhabited by “saveges” that rome for some reason wanted
via flaminia built
paullus makes his name attacking the inguani in liguria
the pacification of liguria
Ti. sepronius graccus enslaves the who,le population then settled it
spanish wars
more spanish wars
celtebarian rising occurs
fulvius nobilior
failed to invade castile
celteberian commander
spanish commanders
marcellus, galba, lucullus, servilianus, servilius,brutus,glaica,metellus,pompeius, mancinus
convinced cicero, ceaser’s & octavius CFO, basically satrted 2nd triumvirate, helped hirtius, de bello gallico dedicated to him, ceaser’s cheif engeneer.
hanibal is kicked out of carthagininan govnt’
massinissa expands like crazy and carthage gets fed up and attempts to declare war- massinissa calls rome, gets Tunisia ns avoids war.
nasica gives massinisa more punic teritory
roman senate discusses the fate of carthage
150 nasica speaks pro carthage cato goes cartago delende est he wins
rome delares 3rd punic war
seige of carthage be aemilianus
cartago delens est
scipio aemilianus fam
dad= aemilius paullus adoptive granddad= PCSA
death of massinissa
inherited by micipsa, age of 90, 143
ebro treaty signed
hamalacar dies
roman envoys say no touching saguntum`
carthaginian politician who opposed hannibal
hannibal attcks saguntum fpr 8 months
march 218
2nd punic war begins
ticinius river- fall 218
hanibal v. P.C.S.(e)
trebia river - late fall 218
hanibal v. sempronius longinus & P.C.S.(e) - major dissaster- flooded
lake trasmene- 217
flamininus killed by hanibal
216- varro& paullus attack hanibal at cannae - loose varro doies
tarentum defctts to hannible
capua defects to hannible
fulvius flaccus
retook capua in 211, called hannible’s bluff on attcking rome
metaurus river
C. claudius nero defeates hasdrubal and prevents hannibal from getting reenforcements
Phillip 5 allies officially with hannibal/ heiro dies
2nd punic war commander in scicily- successful aginst syracuse
son of hiero- allied with carthage(213)
dertosa - scipio beats hasdrubal
scipios retakes saguntum
baetis/new carthage
scipios die
PCSA sent to carthage
PCSA takes new carthge
PCSA beats hastrubal at baecula effectively
illipa- scipio beasts hastrubal son of gisco and later that year takes all of sapin
PCSA begins the assault on africa and is elected consul
204 less important
scipio+massinissa defeat syphax + carthage at night
204 more important
campi magni- scipio defeats syphax and gains full control of numidia installing massinissa as king in numidia in cirta
massinissa officially installed
summer 202
zama- scipio v. hannibal and mago- scipio wind thus deciding the war
treaty officially ends 2nd punic war