Schllard 10 Flashcards
Gallic interactions in the 4th century after 390
360-Roman’s go behind walls and hide
349- Roman’s and Latins scare off some Gauls
331- Roman’s make peace with sennones
360 cont.- Roman’s make a special fund for Gaul emergencies
Campaign 389
Aequi soundly defeated
Campaign 360-358
Vs tibur praeneste and hernici, lead to the Latin ledge being made dependent states rather than equals
Etruscan campaigns
Started against Tarquinii in 359 but by 356 all Etruria joined in and Rome defeated them by no later than 353
Migration of the Oscan speaking sabellians
From about 423-350 took over most of southern and eastern Italy but not tarentum, or apuleia
What happened to the sabellians
They split over time into the rustic samnites, the Hellenized lucanians, and the etruscanish campaignians
Initial Romano-Samnite encounter
354- were nice and signed a treaty
1st Samnite war
343-341 - small conflict between Roman’s and Samnites over capua, initial Roman successes that are reversed by quinctius’ revolt in the end no real changes
Renewal of romes treaty with Carthage
348 in response to Latin discontentedness
Causes of the GLW
Roman’s vassal are the Latins back in 358 and then use them in war a couple of times including vs the etruscans and the Samnites so the last say “we don’t wanna be your puppets anymore!” But Rome says no in 340 so war
Sides in GLW
Rome+samnites vs Latins + Volsci + campaignians
Battle 340
Seussa aurunca - Roman’s defeat and dispatch the campaignians in the GLW
GLW after the campaignians were beat
A few unimportant campaigns which the Roman’s won, the taking of antium and the rostra, then a peace style meant in 338
Settle,ent in 338
Romans annex most everyone giving some greater degrees of autonomy and even just peppering some others, antium is given special treatment
What did the Samnites get from GLW
Why Samnites mad in 334
Romans make treaty with tarentum for like no reason despite the fact that the Samnites are actively at war with them
Why Roman’s mad in 327
Samnites retaliate for the whole tarentum thing by taking Naples a previously mostly independent Romanish place
Ware 326-304
2nd samnite
Seige 326
6 month seige of Naples by Romans vs Samnites
Campaign of 325
Romans traverse the lacus fucinus winning over a few tribes and defeating another leads Rome an open road to apuleia which they promptly squander in 321
Claudine forks - 20000 Roman’s defeated 600 made to walk under yolk by Samnites
Roman reforms after 321
Bigger army
Roman start up hostilities with Samnites again
Romans under Fabius rullianus get out maneuvered and destroyed by the Samnites
Response to lautukar
Campaignians waver in support an capua defects
314 recovery
Romans take back capua and restore their line by the liris and they take luceria
Outcomes of the 2nd Samnite war
Romans spare the Samnites but practically ensure a victory in the next war
Rullianus redemption
Battle of lake vadimo (#1) defeats and effectively annexes the etruscans after marching through a forest and mountains
New allies after 2nd Samnite war
Umbrian’s and the colony of narnia
Causes of the 3rd Samnite war
Lucanians don’t want to be killed by Samnites and ask for help
Barbatus vs Samnites in. Lucanians
Scipio Barbatus crushes them driving them from lucanians in 298
Gellius egnatius initial campaign
Gets an alliance of Samnites, Gauls and etruscans through the Roman lines at carseoli and defeats scipio Barbatus decisively at camerinum in 295
Battle of sentinum
F. Rullianus + Decius “devotio” mus (#1) defeat egnatius and end the war in 295
Linen legion
Defeated by papirius cursor in 293 at aqulonia
Consul 290
Curious dentatus- ended the 3rd samnite war and puppet Ted the Samnites
Final supplication of the sennones
They rebel in 284 and cause trouble but are summarily defeated by curius dentatus creating the ager gallicus
Dollabella and the boii
Fearing what happened to the sennones they revolt and are put down at the 2nd battle of lake vadimo by dollabella in 283
1st guy who helped tarentum
Archidamus of Sparta- fought the lucanians
2nd guy to help the tarentines
Alexander of Epirus, secured tarentum and secured neutrality of Rome then was betrayed and killed by lucanians
3rd guy to help tarentum
Cleonymus of Sparta did nothing
4th guy to help tarentum
Agathocles of Syracuse- was totally awesome and beloved by all but kinda did nothing
Acronym for the guys who helped tarentum pre pyrus
As Ae Ascs
(As I asks)
(Archidamus of Sparta, Alexander of Epirus, agathocles of Syracuse, cleonymus of Sparta)
Spark that starts the Pyrex wars
Thurii needs help for some pirates so Rome helps but due to a miscommunication about the treaty made by Alexander of Epirus it causes war with tarentum
What happened 278-275
Pyrus in scicily for reasons and Rome is fighting the last of the oscans
When pyrus die