Scullard republic - domitian 1-500 Flashcards
Death of Domition
Domitia, his once ex but now just wife conspired with with the household orderly, stephanus to kill Domition as he read about a false conspiracy
Petronius secundus
Praetorian commander who colluded with domitia and made shure the senate was in charge of choosing the next emperor
Elderly senator and first of the 5 good emporers the most important thing he did was adopt Trajan
Calpurnius Crassus
Revolted under nerva, forgiven
Casperius aelianus
Praetorian commander demanded the death of Petronius secundus leading to Nerva adopting Trajan to keep the troops in order
Trajan’s wife
Plotina, accused of secretly making Hadrian emperor without permission from Trajan
Trajan’s title
Optimus princeps
Hadrian’s nickname
Hadrian’s succession
Went two generations, Antonius pius then Lucius versus 2 (son of his first heir with the same name) and Marcus Aurelius (originally annius verus)
L. Verus on the throne
Given equal power at the insistence of m. Aurelius, largely insignificant and irrelevant until his death in 169 ad
M. Aurelius on the throne
Stoic philosophy Nobel introvert super cool
Julius ursus servianus
Killed in 136 fort ring to supplant Hadrian with pedianus fuscus
Avidus cassius
Proclaimed emporer on a false rumor of Aurelius’ death, defeated easily in 175
Hadrian’s tours
Very touristy spent over 1/2 Hist time outside of Rome
121-125- north
129-134- east
Trajan’s home town
Italica in Spain \
Hadrian’s hometown
Italica in Spain
M. Aurelius hometown
Cordoba in Spain
Antoninus hometown
Lanuvium but family from nemausus in narbonese gaul
Hadrian’s visit to Mauritania
Trajan in Africa
Moved the hq from theveste to lambaesis
Fossatum africae
Seige works built in Africa by Hadrian
Annexation of Nabatean Arabia
In 106 by Trajan
Anti Roman king of Parthia took the crown from his nefew the Roman ally parthamasiris in 112
Parthian annexation of arminia
Chosores dies it in 113 despite protest from the ruler axidares and a pretender to his crown
Trajan’s annexation of arminia
He takes it in 114 despite Parthia and a conference with axidares at Erzurum
Trajan vs Parthia
Mesopotamia in 115
Ctesiphon(the capitol) and Assyria in 116
Persian golf in 117
Then also in 117 he crowned parthamaspates in ctesiphon to quell revolts then retreated to Antioch with the help of his lieutenant Lucius quietus he then dies due to illness
Hadrian and Parthia
Immediately abondons Trajan’s conquests and reinstalls Orodes even returning to him his daughter in 129
Vologeses 3 vs Antoninus
Invades arminia In 155 then surrenders when Hadrian says stop
Pisonian conspiracy
Calpurnius piso and faenius Rufus revolt against Nero in 65 ad- are put down
The revolt of vindex
Governor of gallia lugdoninsis revolts against Nero in march 68 put down by virginius Rufus in at vesontio
Galba(where is he and who told ‘em)
Governor of hispania tarraconensis told he was emporer by icelus
Cornelius laco
Galba’s praetorian prefect
Galba’s age in 69
Galba as a ruler
Utterly incompetent, recalled virginius executed Nero’s men, punished Gauls who supported Nero
Otho’s conspiricy
On January 15 69 after being passed over as successor in favor of piso Licinianus he took com and of the praetorians and killed Galba
Vitellius’ revolt
Fabius valens who began to revolt under Galba proclaims vitallius emporer in the rhine and Germany on 3 January 69
Vitellius’ advance to Italy
Rapid and lead by his lieutenants vs,ens and caecina but was prone to attacks from alpine tribes such as the helvetii
1st battle of Cremona
Vitellius beats Otho Otho commits suicide
Vitellius’ reign
Executed otho’s centurians had lavish parties was clearly inept
People who proclaimed Vespasian
Tiberius Alexander-Egypt r, licinius mucianus- Syria
1 July 69
Vespasian officially announces his campaign for the empire
Vespasians rebellion strategy
Leisurely effectively a seige of Italy from Egypt at first
Antonius primus
Danubeleader who supported Vespasian and invaded its;y without the permission of the higher ranked officer licinius mucianus
2nd prattle of Cremona
Antonius primus defeats the vittelian armies
Vespasian made emporer
December 69 after primus takes Rome for him
First equestrian emperor
Vespasian hometown
Asleep while Nero sang
Vespasian’s death
Darling of all mankind
Titus untill plauge in 81
Dominus est deus
All purple robes
Flavian constitution
Adlectio begun
Equites replace feedmen
Senate neglected
Mt. Vesuvius
Erupts in 79 destroys Herculaneum Pompeii and stabiae
Flavian economy
Good soldier pay increased under Titus even Domition did well with the economy
Command Jerusalem after Vespasian
Taken over by Titus in 70
Seige of Jerusalem
Slow and difficult for 6 month in 70-71
Jerusalem after the sacking
Retreated to three forts, herodium machaerus and Masada the last of which held out untill 73
Seige of Masada
Lead by flavius Silva lasted 6 months in 73 ended in a mass suicide after a land bridge is made to enter the fortress 2 women and five children survived
Flavians vs Judaism
Banned proselytizing, taxed heavily, Titus burned the temple, Jewish government abolished
Civilis’ rebellion
Initially declared for Vespasian then attacked anything Roman including the town of vetera 69
Classicus’ rebellion
This Cheif of the treviri In an attempt to make a Gallic empire rose an army with tutor and helped civilis conquer vetera in 69- 70 in the so-called Batavian revolt
Fall of classicus and civilis
Petilius cerialis with the army if mucianus suppresses their revolt in a battle at trier in 71
Vettius bolanus
Romans invest trooos in side of the brigantines under him from 69-71
Cerelius in brittan
Appointed in 71 defeated the divorced husband of cartamandua with the help of Agricola legate of legion 20
Sextus Julius frontiers
Appointed in brittan 74-78-> advanced into wales against legio 2 Augusta to a new fort at isca silurium
Defeated the silures destroyed their town llanmelin woods then settled the rest of wales
British governor 78 +
Agricola’s advances under Titus
Defeated ordovices by over running Mona in 78
Advanced from deva and eboracum in order to overrun brigantia in 79
Conquered the lowlands of Scotland in 80
In 81 forts were built from bodotria to Clyde along the side of the future Antonine wall
Agricola under Domition
Advanced into Scotland culminating in 84 at the battle of mons graupis where he earned his triumph
Mons graupis
Agricola captures Scotland definitely near Inverness
Flavian brittan after Agricola
Abandoned Scotland left the rest to the control of the following legions: 2 Augusta at isca, 20 Valeria vitrix at deva, 9 hispania at clyde
Chatti vs Domition
Two attacks in 83 and 89 after the flavians had taken the Black Forest and Neckar both personally seen to by Domition
Domition’ s frontier system
Highly Effective and underrated
Pinarius Clemens
Defeated the suebi and rattae in 74
Invaded moesia from 68-69 put down by infantry assault during civil war
First Dacian invasion in 69
Brief, defeated easily
Samaritans in 70
Killed moesia governor killed by his successor
Powerful Dacian king, invaded moesia in 85 ad
Adamklissi battle
Decebalus defeats the legate of moesia, oppius sabinus
Cornelius fuscus vs Decebalus
Decebalus defeats him in 86
Tettius iulianus vs Decebalus
The former defeated the latter at tapae only for Domition to declare peace soon after 88/89
Domition in the Danube
Sensible defensive reforms
Vespasian titles
Restitutor orbis, divus
Caecina’s revolt
Put down out of hand by Titus whose succession was opposed
Antonius Saturninus vs Domition
He revolts then is put down by the army of lappius Maximus Norbanus
Flavians vs poets
Flavians were largely opposed by the artistic community and oft slanderedthey offered little retribution until Domition who reopened mainstas trials
Revolt in Mauritania under Julio claudians
Started when Caligula killed ptolomy son of Juba king of Mauritania put down by Suetonius paulinus under Claudius 41-42
Revolted under Tiberius in 17 was formerly Roman now raided in Sahara was trapped by Iunius blaesus but eventually beaten by Cornelius dolabella uncle of sejanus in 24- marched imperial command in Africa
King of Axum
Zoscales- almost invaded by Rome under Nero
Augustus’ policies in judea
Religious tolerance which was met with sciarii or knife men- assassins who spread the civil unrest in the province
Caligula in judea
Almost built a statue of himself in the temple but was stopped by Petronius (ordered to commit suicide) and Herod Agrippa
Antonius Felix
Procurator in judea who was famously corrupt was brother of Pallas 52-60
Pontus Pilate
26-36 terrible procurator of judea who was so bad he was recalled by the legate of Syria Vitellius
Jewish revolt of 66
Nation wide revolt of Jewish population left procurator florus and the legate cestius gallus powerless due to the letter’s failure of nerve in his initial invasion attempt
T. Flavius Vespasian in judea
Took Galilee in 67 when Josephus defected trans Jordania in 68 and then he left because politics
Antiochus 4
Deposed by Tiberius 17 reinstated by Caligula deposed by Caligula reinstated by Claudius 41 deposed by Vespasian 72
Artabanus 3
Ruler in Parthia after the death of Augustus
Germanicus’ nominee for the Arminian throne in 18 under Tiberius
Parthian invasion of arminia
After the death of artaxes in 35 - stopped by the Iberian adventurer mithridates and the pretender of arsaic blood, tiridates
Caligula’s Arminian policy
Randomly imprisoned. Mithridates leaving arminia to be conquered by artabanus
Claudius’ regaining of arminia
He reinstated mithridates
Claudius’ loosing of arminia
Radamistus takes arminia from his uncle mithridates then looses it to tiridates who was loyal to vologeses 1 of arminia
Domitius corbulo in arminia
At the command of Nero re conquered arminia by sacking araxes and then repeating lucculus’ invasion of tigranocerta and installed the new prince tigranes 58-60
Tigranes vs vologeses
Tigranes attacks vologeses vologeses then sieges tigranocerta
Nero/ corobulo’s reaction to Tigranes vs vologeses
Corbulo attempts compromise but Nero makes it so that they go to war
Caesinius paetus the new governor of cappadocia is routed by vologeses and tiridates is reinstated as king from 62-63
Roman amicitia with Parthia and arminia
Tiridates goes to Rome after being intimidated by corbulo and becomes BFFs with Nero temple of Janus is closed in 65/66
Thrace in the first century
Revolted in 25 put down by pompeius sabinus made a province in 46 by Claudius under a procurator
Ti. Plautius silvanus
Secured the Danube lands and moesia in 62
Crimea in the 1st century
Augustus’ govnt deposed by aspurgus aka asparagus who was deposed by king polemo who founded a dynasty that would last for 4 centuries
Germanicus in 14
Devastated the lippe basin
Germanicus 15 and 16
Moves against cherusci and arminius wins at idistaviso then us recalled
Fristii expelled their prefect Tiberius doesn’t care
Corbulo in 47
Earns his reputation by fighting North Sea pirates
Inner German war
Arminius of the cherusci wars with mariboduus of the Marcomani, wins
Death of arminius
Turns out he was a bad king and was deposed by his own subjects
Gallic uprising in early 1st century
Aeduan iulius sacrovir and triviran iulius florus revolt in 21 Tiberius stops them
Caligula and brittan
Gathers at gesoriacum and prepares to cross the channel but abandons it and collects seashells ina “war against neptune” 40ad
Claudius’ reasons for war in brittan
Pleas from amminius (sent to Caligula) and verica sent out of fear of the kingdom of Cunobelinus
Powerful warlord in brittan in the early empire succeeded by his sons caratacus and togidubnus in 40-43 ad, Claudius’ need for a military rep, narcissisus’ desire for profit
Brittan in 43
A. Plautius land in rutupiae defeats caractus in the medway then crosses the Thames where he waits for Claudius
Claudius in brittan
arrived in time for the conquest of camalodunum the left for the conquest of east anglia and the south coast to be completed by his lieutenants
Brittan in 49
Plautius or his successor ostorius scapula organizes a defensive lie from execter to Lincoln
Ostorius scapula
Commander in brittan 47-52- dissatmed all tribes south of fosse, marched against the deceangli of flintshire to uriconium in 49, established a legionary base at glevum and with the help of cartimandua captured caractus
Queen of brigantines important Roman ally in brittan Eren stated by Roman’s after being deposed by her consort
3rd Roman commander in brittan
Suetonius paulinus
59-61 brittan
Seutonius paulinus sacks Mona the Druidic center burning the sacred groves and colonizing the area
Queen of the iceni led a revolt after her tribe was unjustly taxed and her husband’s estate was stolen
Boudicca at camalodunum
She takes it
Boudicca’s first Roman adversary
Petilius cerialis - she wins after he attacks from Lindum
Towns sacked by Boudicca
Camalodunum, londinium, verulamium
Battle of lichfeild
Boudicca defeated and killed by seutonius paulinus her revolt collapses
Britton after lichfeild
Now under the curator Julius cassicianus seutonius is recalled and the south quiets down
Tiberius date of birth
42 bc
Tiberius’ attitude
Hated being emporer
Minor conspiracy against Tiberius
Scribonius libo drussus-16
Gaius Sirius- 24
Tiberius’ son
Drussus 2
Tiberius’ first heir
Tiberius’ rhine revolt
Quelled by germanicus and drussus 2 14-16ad germanicus gets massive triumph in 17 ad and a consulship in 18
Germanicus’ death
When he returned to Syria from Egypt rumor says that calpurnius piso poisoned him agrippina the elder widow of germanicus blames Tiberius
Drussus consulship
Drussus 2’s death
In 23 ad leading to Nero and drussus 3 (sons of agrippina) being recognized as heirs
Aelius sejanus
Tiberius’ praetorian prefect, basically emporer palapatine
29ad internal affairs
Agrippina exiled with Nero and drussus at the order of sejanus via Tiberius
Sejanus 23
Becomes effective master of the city via his praetorian guard’s intimidation
Sejanus 26
Convinces Tiberius to stay on Capra forever
Sejanus revealed
Antonia tattles
Sejanus’ downfall
Sutorius macro takes control of the praetorians and vigiles and traps sejanus while in a senate meeting presided by Memmius regulus where he thought he was to be made heir but was instead sentenced to death
The death of agrippina the elder
Her and her sons save Gaius who was imprisoned on Capri were executed
Murderer of drussus 2
Tiberius’ reign of terror
Became hugely suspicious after the affair with sejanus and wildly prosecuted treason
The end of tiberius’ reign
Spent on capri untill his death in 37 his powers falling to germanicus’ son Gaius by default who will hereafter be referred to a Caligula [
Caligula’s early reign
Great, games abound, taxes reduced, exiles rescinded, praetorians given double their promised bounty, and good finances maintained
Caligula’s latter reign
After a stroke in 37, he colloquially speaking, went off the rails of the metaphorical crazy train, he killed macro and Tiberius gemmellus, he squandered money, tried to be defied in life, made his horse inctatus consul etc.
The first conspiricy on Caligula
Led by lentulus gaetulicus sought to make aemilius Lepidus emporer in Caligula’s place caused the exile of agrippina the younger and Julia
Caligula’s death
Cassius chaehrea executes Caligula while acting as his praetorian prefect and than pits Claudius in charge 41
Claudius’ age at assension
Claudius’ appearance
Ugly, had a stutter
Claudius’ final two wives
Manipulative and dangerous
Cammilus scribonianus
Led a conspiracy against Claudius as governor of Dalmatia with the help of annius vinicianus
C. Silius and Claudius
In 48 the former out of lover for messalina attempted a coup, thwarted by narcissus
Claudius’ first heir
Brittanicus, son of messalina
The succession of Claudius
Agrippina supplants Britainicus with Nero with the help of burrus
Claudius’ death
54 ad
Claudius and the Jewish
Allowed freedom of religion but prevented meetings in Rome and eventually expelled them from Rome
Nero’s age at accenssion
Nero’s regent
A point of contention between senaca the younger, burrus, and agrippina
Brittanicus’ death
After agrippina almost favors him Nero gas him killed
Nero and pompeia Sabina
She was wife of Otho and was not supported by agrippina who favored Octavia, a better political match, and so with the help of senaca and burrus got Nero to have his mother killed in 59
Killer of agrippina, first tried to have her drown then just stabbed her in 59ad
The games of Nero
Established new holidays, iuvenalia and neronia, celebrated with games In The style of the Greek Olympic Gamesand involving his public singing
The end of Nero’s good times
Burrus dies in 62 and senaca retires they are replaced by the prefect tigellinus
The divorce of Octavia
Nero divorces her and bannishes/executes her on trumped up charges of adultery with ancitus after Seneca’s retirement
Nero’s second wife
Poppeia Sabina ex of Otho
Incompetent evil enabler of nero
Nero’s tour of Greece
Despite alligatations of mass profligacy he goes on an arts tour of Greece from 67-68 ad which neat;y bankrupted the empire
Tigellinus’ reign of terrors
proscriptions forced suicides including senaca and Petronius - standered fare
Great fire of Rome
Nero actually does an ok job at managing it but he also builds a massive pleasure palace called the domus aurea which sours public opinion
Nero and Christianity
He blamed them for the fire and burned them at the stake
Paetius thrasia
A stoic philosopher killed in 66 ad by Nero for “occasional veiled criticism” of Nero
Cn. Domitius corubolo
General that Nero put to death without trial
Augustus’ consolidation
Slowly increases personal power from 27-17
Augustus’ reforms
Includes fire brigade, water supply, grain supply, provincial reorganization, judicial reform, public games
Arabian exebition- Augustus’ prefect aelius gallus conquers sabeaens
Augustus’ Arminian policy
Largely peaceful with diplomatic missions led by Tiberius (installed Tigranes in arminia over the anti Roman artaxes 20) and Gaius Ceaser (installed ariobarzanus in arminia)
Meroe the Candice of Ethiopia
Fought with c. Petronius about borders from 25-22 but gave up at Samos
Defeated in Africa by Cornelius balbus in 19
Defeated by sulpicius quirinus in Cyrene
Defeated by Cornelius lentulus in 5-6 in Mauritania
Campaigns against brigands in Asia Minor
12bc-1ad sulpicius quirinus defeats homonadeis in syria
Pacification of Spain
Agrippa does it from 26-19
Minor Gallic campaigns
Agrippa- 39
Valerius massala-30
Drussus’ invasions
12-9bc- conquering much of western Germany, opened relations with the batavi and frisii, died on the Elbe in 9 bce
Domitius ahenobarbarus in Germany
In 5bc advanced past the Elbe and built an altar to Rome
Tiberius vs marcomani
Launches a preventive attack against maroboduus of the marcomani they stop and become amicable tho 4-5 ad
Teutaberg forest
9ad varust tries to tax Germany prematurely and arminius of the cherusci crushes him in battle essentially loosing the. Ew German lands for Rome as no counter attack was made
Military zones in Germany/Gaul (belgica)
Ventera(double camp), novaesium, bonna, moguntiacum(double camp), vindonissa
Clearing of St. Bernard pass
Done by valerius messala
Clearing of the salassi
Done by messala then terentilius Varro murena
Military capital in the Danube alpine regions
Raetia and the upper Danube conquered
By Tiberius (rhine valley to lake Constantine) and drussus(adige to inn and the Danube) 15-9 bc-ad
Pannonia and Tiberius
12-9 bc- Tiberius conquers and enslaves Pannonia
Pannonian rebellion
Bato of Pannonia and bato of Dalmatia join forces to attack Rome by are then stopped by Tiberius and his companion Germanicus beat them 6-9 ad
Agrippa and the signet ring
Agrippa was augustus’ first heir, was given signet ring when Augustus had the plauge in 23bc but when Augustus didn’t die Marcellus was made heir
Marcellus as heir
2nd heir made heir because of his marriage to Julia dies after a few months of being heir from plauge in 23bc the title then goes back to Agrippa in 21
Agrippa as heir the sequel
Agrippa is heir and marries Julia in 21 bc and Effectively rules as a co regent until his death in 12 bc when the title passes to his sons Gaius and Lucius Ceaser who were adopted by Augustus but since they were under age it really passes to a decision between drussus and Tiberius
Drussus and tiberius’ succession claims
Tiberius divorces his wife and marries julia(unwillingly) drussus marries Antonia daughter of Antony and Octavia then dies in 6bc
Tiberius’ retirement pt 1
Goes to Rhodes from 5-2 bc-ad 7 years
Gaius and Lucius Ceaser;s heirship
After Tiberius left made consuls then became clear heirs then died in 4 and 2 ad respectfully
Julia’s scandal
Julia elder banished to pandateria, Agrippa postumus to planasia and Julia younger to ?
Tiberius’ heirship
Started after the death of Gaius Ceaser because germanicus was too young 4 ad
14 sept 14 ad
Augustus dies at Nola, is made god 3 days later
The Immidiate response to Ceaser’s assassination
Conspirators flee, Lepidus gets an army, Marc Antony takes charge of troops and basically institutes martial law in rome
17 march 44 senate proceedings
Conspirators granted amnesty via resolution from Cicero, approved a pubic funeral of Ceaser
Ceasar’s will
Octavius (his great nephew) is chief heir Decius Brutus is contingent heir 300 sesteces each and his private gardens go to the people of rome
The funeral of Caesar
The reading of the will, a speech by Antony( freinds, Romans, countrymen lend me your ears) led to a mob forming and the conspirators fleeing out of fear
Antony’s strategy in dealing with the consequences
Largely conciliatory giving many allowences to the conspirators
Antony’s spending habits
He spent most of Octavian’s inheritance and the public funds in his short time with complete power in Rome
Octavians initial reaction to the death of Ceaser
He demands his inheritance and when he is refused rallies Caesar’s armies around him
Antony vs Octavian pt 1
Happened in august Antony goes to Gaul Octavian pursues until Caesar’s soldiers persuade them to stop
Brutus and Cassius break the silence
In July of 44 they ask for better privinces Antony threatens them and they flee from Italy to amass an army\
Cicero’s philippics
In September 44 Antony insults Cicero publicly Cicero then evicera6es Antony in a speech and a pamphlet titled the first and second philippics respectively
Octavian vs Antony pt 2
In October 44 Antony falsifies a crime, Octavian rallies several thousand of Antony’s troops against him
D. Brutus vs Antony
Antony takes command of Gaul from Brutus
Cicero’s latter philippics and moves against Antony
On New Year’s Day 43 Cicero after giving the third and fifth philippics give Octavian command aginst Antony and declare Antony an enemy of rome while asking the consuls hirtius and pansa to raise troops
New Year’s Day 43
Cicero asks Octavian to take command aginst Marc Antony and orders the new consuls hirtius and pansa to collect troops
February 23 44
Senate declares Antony an enemy of the state
Battle of mutina
Hirtius pansa and Octavian beat Antony and save d. Brutus
Antony’s Allies in 43
Asinius pollio, munatius plancus, Lepidus (equal in rank to Antony unlike the other two)
D. Brutus’ end
His army deserts him as he flees over the alps and he is put to death by a brigand chief
Hirtius and pansa’ s fate
Both dies shortly after mutina leaving Octavian in charge and deeply vengeful towards the killers of Ceaser
July 43
Octavian takes Rome after presenting an ummeatable ultamatum
Octavian’s knights
Salvidienus Rufus, vipsanius Agrippa , maecenas
Octavian as consul
In 43- revoked amnesty of the conspirators, gave amnesty to Antony
Conference at bononia
Formation of the second triumvirate -peacemaking of Marc Antony and Octavian mediated by Lepidus
Lex Titia
Leagalized the second triumvirate passed in 27 nov 43 -the death of the republic
The triumvir’s proscriptions
massive and sudden primarily for monetary gain included Cicero
Wealthy women who protested when the triumvirs tried to tax wemon only with the phrase no enfranchisement no taxation this made them stop
Cicero’s death
Hands on the rostra - proscriptioned
July 44 comet
Seen as a sign that Julius Caesar was was now a god leading to his temple and deification
Brutus’ allies
Cicero younger and horatius flaccus
Brutus imperator
His troops called him this after he defeated the Thracian Bessi
Cassius and brutus’ armies
From Syria and Greece respectively
Dolabella on his way to Syria
Defeated the conspirator trebonius
Cassius defeats and causes the suicide of dolabella summer 43
The two battles of Philippi
In both Octavian and Antony defeat their adversaries in the first Cassius and 9n the second brutus
The disposing of Lepidus
Octavian and Antony reduce him to a non threat based on trumped up charges of bribery Octavian took Spain Antony took Gaul exempt cisalpine Gaul which was made part of Italy Africa was left to Lepidus
41 land confiscated
Octavian takes land for pensions and is bossed around by fulvia and Lucius Antonius the wife and brother of antony
Fulvia and Antonius vs Octavian
First in propaganda the Antonius attacks Octavian with troops in autumn of 41
Seige of persusia
Octavian with salvidienus and Agrippa defeat Antonius and spare his life
The war of brundisium
Antony and Octavian almost fight because of the events at perusia but are mediated by cilnius maecenas Antony marries octavia
Sextus Pompey
Son of Pompey, when proscribed he basically made a pirate army
Sextus Pompey in 42
Beats Octavian
Sextus Pompey in 40
Refuses to Moke peace after Octavian marries scribonia his kinsman
Treaty of misenum
Octavian grants sextus pompey amnesty and armistice in exchange for the ending of the blockade of Rome- Antony moderates
The breaking of the treaty of misenum
Octavian moves against Pompey in scicily, divorces Scribonius on the same day Julia was born and marries Liviu who had a son, Tiberius Claudius Nero
Conference of tarentum
Antony gets trooos Octavian gets ships triumvirate is renewed
Octavian and Agrippa in 37
Prepping for war/ building fleet
36 Octavian is beaten by sextus pompey
Agrippa at Octavian’s command crushes sextus Pompey in the largest ancient naval battle
Lepidus’ rebellion
Falls apart instantly Octavian forgives him and lets him be pontifex Maximus
Octavian 35-34
Stops pirates, campaings and clears illyricum and the save river basin
Cleopatra’s sister and rival who Antony kills in 41
Parthia in 40 bc
Under Labienus’ command (son of that Labienus) conquers Asia Minor
Battle of gindarus
Antony’s general ventidus dives the parthians back in 38
Events in Asia Minor in 37
C. Sosius recaptures Jerusalem and puts the now king Herod in charge
Phraates 4
Succeeded Orodes in 37
Antony’s failed sieges of 36
Phraaspa, napoleon
King of arminia deposed by Antony in 34
Antony’s campaigns in 33
Almost attacked atropatne
Cleopatra and Antony
Have three kids Cleo has one other which she claimes is the son of Ceaser
Cleo’s claims
Baisically the whole of Eastern Europe 34
Antony and octavia in 35
Antony refuses to see her
Antony and Octavia in 33
Antony officially becomes cleopatra’s chief consort
Antony and Octavia in 32
Politics 33
Octavian “convinces” the Antony supporters in government at Rome to flee, triumvirate lapses and Octavian begins a smear campaign against Antony
32 politics
Antony’s will published and the provinces of the Roman Empire pledge feisty to Octavian personally which he described as a personal mandate against Antony
2 sept 31
Agrippa and Octavian crush Antony and cleopatra who desert their troops leading to mass desertion
Results of actium
The suicides of Antony and Cleo, the disappearance of ceserion, the provincializing of Egypt
13 year old ptolomy ceaser “natural born son of Ceaser”
Former cesarean spread lies about the mol of Ceaser’s men
Ceaser at corfinum
Routs ahenobarbarus and destroys 3 legions
Ceaser’s conquering of Italy
Taken in only 2 months at the start of 49
Atticus varus
African governor declares against Ceaser
Numidian king who hated Caesar
Curio in Africa
Scribonius curio success in landing in and taking Utica but is defeated in bagradas valley in 49
Ceaser’s Conquest of scicily and Sardinia
Short and without battles
Pompeian commanders in Spain
Afranius and petreius(conquer of Catalina)
Spanish battle in which Ceaser defeats afranius and petrius who he then causes to capitulate after a 40 day pursuit
Length of Ceaser’s conquest of Spain
40 days
Massila’s stand against Caesar
Short lived and defeated by d. Brutus and trebonius
Aemilius Lepidus
The political wing of Caesar’s civil war- made Caesar dictator in 48
Caesar’s first dictatorship
11 days long- he makes him self consul via emergency election the gives up the role
Parthians in Caesar’s war
Pompey’s headquarters in Greece
Ceaser’s crossing of the Adriatic
In two groups, heroingbas m. Antonius barely scrapes by a blockade
Pompey beats Ceaser in a botched seige Caesar and his troops barely escape to Thessaly 48
Ceasar devistates Pompey in an over rushed pitched battle, Pompey suffered 5x the casualties and more than 20x the amount of Ceaser’s men who dies]d were taken captive from Pompey 48
Pompey’s death
After he sought refuge in Alexandria with king Ptolemy 12 he was killed by king Ptolemy 12
Ceaser’s reaction to Pompey’s death
Choosing cleopatra 8 over Ptolemy for the throne of Egypt
Ptolomy;s reaction to Caesar’s decision about Cleo patria
Weighing alexandria while ceasar was in it 48-47
Relif to Caesar in Alexandria
Mithridates of Pergamum and antipater of Jerusalem free Caesar and defeat Ptolemy at a pitched battle on the Nile
Caesar’s second dictatorship
A one year one in 48-47 with Marc Antony as his magister equitum at first to suppress revolts by caelius Rufus and Cornelius dollabella but after handling these harshly the role was transferred to Lepidus
Caesar’s crack regiments
The 10th legion who marched on Rome after demanding more pension money until caesar showed up and told them to get out of uniform
The war with pharnces
In 47 after defeating domitius Calvinus at pharnaces the son of mithradates angered Ceaser who conquered Asia Minor and defeated pharnaces in 5 days veni vidi vici
Zela #2
Battle in 47 in which Caesar defeats pharnaces saying veni vidi vici
Caesar’s return to Rome in 47-46
Presented pardons, stabilized politics was elected consul again left for africa
Caesar routs and slaughters the remaining Allie’s of pompey who had gathered in Africa with Juba 1- 46
Cato’s death
after thapsus he committed suicide
Caesar defeats the sons of Pompey in Spain with the help of the Mauritanian cheiften bogud in the last significant battle in Caesar’s wars
Caesar’s reforms
Basically everything made better and pompeins granted clemency
Caesar’s economy
Confiscated much property from pompeian holdouts and became fabulously wealthy and minted the first gold coins
14 February 44 bc
Caesar mad dictator perpetua
Caesar Rex?
Declared king multiple times notable on the 15 February 44 declined each time
Caesar’s death
At the hands of 60 to 80 senators lead by m. Brutus and c. Cassius but in clouding caesarians like d. Brutus and c. Trebonius in the theater of Pompey on march 15 44 (the ides of march)
Caesar’s last words
Et Tu brute(and you Brutus, or, kai su teknon(and you brother)
Dacian king in the time of ceaser
Gallia in parte tres
Bellegae, celts(Gauls), aquitani
Gallic govnt
A loosely tied together set of city states and small nation states and tribes largely agrarian, mostly aristocracy not bellagae
Cheiften of the Suebi attacked the aedui and threatened the helvetii leading to the aedui asking for Roman aid
Ceaser at bibracate
Defends aedui against the helvetii wins
Aeduan leader ahi asked Ceaser against ariovistus 58
Vosges Ceaser
Conquers suebian confederacy with help from p. Crassus 58
Ceaser at vesontio
Winters here in 58/57 effectively annexing aedui and sequani
Battle of aisne
Ceaser fights coalition of belagae not the remi tho, masterfully didn’t attack, conquers bellegae
Ceaser at sambre
Ceaser is ambushed by a larger force of nervii, Ceaser wins, Ceaser conquered bellagae once and for all 57
P. Crassus in western gaul
Western Gaul surrenders to crassus for fear of Ceaser
Ceaser annexes Gaul
He just … does it in 57 the Gauls were not pleased
Ceaser in 56
The veneti “rebel” but Ceaser and his admiral d. Brutus crush them using scythes on the side of their ships end the “rebellion”
Usipetes and tencteri
Germans who drift into Gaul, negaotiste with Ceaser and then are massachered down to the last woman and child 55
Ceaser in 55/54
Invades Britton
British leader who fought Ceaser and lost but sustained enough guerrillascyivity that Ceaser took no mate than a foothold in Britton
Chief of the euburones attacked a Roman fort at liege leading to unrest in Gaul in 53 which was initially held off by q. Cicero(brother) and then put down by Ceaser
Chief of the averni greatest foreign adversary of Ceaser leader of a Gallic insurgence
Ceaser takes it in 52
Ceaser looses here to versengetorix
beat rebels in lutetia, joined up with Ceaser
Ceaser finally defeats versengetorix using earthworks and subdues the main gallic force
Ceaser finishes subduing and peacemaking in gaul
P. Clodous
Ceaser’s henchman- pushed Ceaser’s legislative agenda with gang violence through his artisans club, baneshed Cicero, deposed Ptolemy of Cyprus, took Cyprus for rome
End of clodius
Pompey hires thugs to deal with him and un exile Cicero
Pompey in 57 after clodius
Dealt with famine, feuded with Crassus
55 politics
Cicero attacks Ceaser’s land commission in order to pit Pompey aginst Ceaser, l. Domitius ahenobarbarus promises to recall Ceaser if elected consul
Luca in 56
Triumvirs reunite, strategies made
Consuls 55
Pompey and Crassus
Lex licinia pompeia
Ceaser stays in Gaul till 49!
Crassus proconsular province
Pompey proconsular province
Spain - glued from Rome
Re e statement of Ptolemy
Done by a. Gabinus asked to by Pompey
Politics 52
Milo kills clodius in mob riots burn the senate house
Pompey policies in 52
Cracked down on corruption and made new rules regarding Proconsulships to which Ceaser was exempt
Death of Julia
Death of Crassus
53 battle
Ceaser’s primary enamies
Domitius ahenobarbarus and Cato the younger
Claudius Marcellus vs Ceaser
Outspoken enemy of Ceaser attempted to call hi. To Rome early in 50 bc in order to prosecute him Before he could become consul again
Pompey’s reaction to the request to shorten or lengthen Ceaser’s time in Gaul
No more no less time
Scribonius curio
Ceaser’s tribune who vetoed Pompey’s motion not to change his time in Gaul
Curio’s solution to the senate disarming Ceaser
A joint disarmament of Pompey - passes 370-22
Pompey and marcellus’ response to curio’s compromise
Building an army to confront Ceaser’s at the border of trans alpine Gaul
New Year’s Day 49
Ceaser makes a final offer of compromise Pompey refuses and the senate transfers command of cisalpine Gaul to domitius ahenobarbarus
Cicero’s proposal
Ceaser keeps illyiacum and Pompey goes to Spain- refused by the extreamists under lentulus
7 January 49
Senate give Pompey full control
Jan 4 49bc
Ceaser invades Italy after 1 hour of deliberation by crossing the rubicon with the phrase “allia iacta est”, “the die is cast”
Aemilius lepidus (not the triumvir)
Revolted in 78 in order to reverse Sulla’s policies
Lepidus’ revolt
78-77- lepidus+m. I. Brutus march on Rome Brutus defeated by Pompey and killed in mutina Lepidus defeated by Catullus at the milvian bridge
Aurelius cotta domestic affairs
Restores much of tribunal power
Pompey to Spain
Threatens to march on Rome, is given command in Spain along with metelus
Aurelius cotta and licinius lucullus
Consuls in 74 given command vs mithridates
Pirates problems
M. Antonius sent to deal with them while terentilius varro and Cassius Longinus consuls in 73 made protective grain laws
Sertorius revolts
Metelus’ sole command in Spain
79-78-un eventful
Sertorius gains almost full control in Spain due to refugees from lepidus’ forces
Sertorius actions in Spain
Built a school, allied with mithridates via pirates
Pompey’s command vs sertorius
In kind with the scipioes
L. Hirtuleius
General under sertorius, defeated by metelus
Humiliating defeat by Pompey at the hands of sertorius 76
Segovia battle
Metelus defeats hirtuleus
Sucro River
Sertorius beats Pompey again 75
Pompey tie sertorius
Metelus and Pompey beat back sertorius
Peperna betrays and then replaces sertorius then is defeated by Pompey
Thracian Spartacus breaks out of barracks and leads slave revolt
Crassus defeats Spartacus in apulia 6000 crucified along the via appia
Licinius macer
Anti Sulla’s tribune ally with pompy
Pompey threatens the senate into giving him consulship senate sends Crassus to deal with it
Pompey and crasssus join forces and become coconsuls
Pompey’s consulship
Begged Varro for a memo on senate procedures, made courts non senatorial
Corrupt governor of scicily, prosecuted by Cicero
Verres’ defense v Cicero
Consul elect q. Hortensius
Tribunate under p&c
Fully restored
Lex gabinia
Passed by Aulus gave Pompey command vs pirates
Lex manilia
Passed by Cicero and Gaius gave Pompey command against mithridates
Crassus’ Spanish go near
Calpurnius piso
Crasssus and Egypt
Tried to take it over and appoint ceaser, stoped by Cicero
Catalina in 66
Attempted to become consul failed tried to murder the successors saved by crassus
Catalina conspiracy
Defeated by Cicero and Heyerdahl in 63
Servilius rullus
Attempted to consolidate land in Italy for Crassus stoped by Cicero
Ceaser in 63
Pontifex Maximus and praetor
Catsaline conspiricy
After loosing to Cicero agin he attempts to overthrow govnt again but deatails are leaked and he is prosecuted
27 October 63
Catalina conspirators planned to attack
21 October 63
Senate stops Catalina
8 November 63
Catalina builds an army
3 December 63
Cicero arrest severak\l catilinary ringleaders
5 December
Ceaser valiantly argues for life imprisonment of the conspirators against Cato the younger and Cicero, the conspirators are executed that day
Cataline’s death
After being pursued by metelus celer he dies in battle against m. Petreius at pistora
Concilium ordinum
Intended to prevent constitutional issues and unite the orders created and chaired by Cicero “headed” by Pompey
Proprietor of farther Spain 62
Consulship of 59
Ceaser is consul refused a triumph and made to only work routinely in Italy
For,action of the first triumvirate
Pompey marries Ceaser’s daughter Crassus joins out of fear of Pompey mostly and Cicero refuses for moral reasons
Pompey’s rewards as a triumvir
Land for his soldiers
Reforms of the triumvirate
Attacked extortion, informed the citizens of laws
P. Vatinius
Ceaser’s pawn
Opposition to the triumvirs
Ceaser’s coconsul calpurnius biblius and also Cato the younger - stoped semi forcefully by Pompey’s troops
Ceaser’s reward as a triumvir
5 years of command in Gaul starting mar 1 59 bc
Mithridates takes Galatia and cappodacia
Saturninus insults mithridic envoys
Saturninus Tours Pontus to insult mithridates
Nicomedes 3 of bithinia
Precipitated mithridic war 1 over cappadocia
King of cappadocia supported by rome
Tigranes of Armenia
Defeated by Sulla on his way to mithridates
First contact between Rome and Parthia
Sulla gets envoy on way to mithridates
90/91 mithridates
Takes bithynia and cappadocia aquilius sent to help and tigranes joins mithridates
Aquilius bullies nicomedes into wearing on pontus
Mithridates’ invasion of Asia Minor
He takes it and slaughters ove 80000 Italians
Mithridates takes Athens
His lieutenant Ariston takes it via coup
Archalaus in the 1st mithridates war
Takes Delos as an admiral then takes Piraeus
87 Mithridates war
Sulla arrived
86 mithridates war
Sulla takes Athens and Piraeus
Sulla routs archeleus 86
Sulla agin routs archelausby digging trenches thus ending mithridic advance into Greece 86
L. Licinius lucculus
Took lavant for Sulla
Valerius flaccus
Sent by cinna to attak mithradates and mabey Sulla too killed in mutiny lead by flavins fimbria
85 mithridates
Fimbria takes back Pergamum and nearly captures mithradates
Peace after 1st mithridic war
Sulla makes mithradates release all properties and pay but is made ally of rome
Sulla v fimbria
Sulla defeats and causes the suicide of fimbria at thyatria
2nd mithridic war
83-82 murena sulla’s legate needlessly attacks mithradates is told to stop by Sulla gets a triumph
Sulla lands in brundisium
Sulla’s recruits
Metelus pius, licinus Crassus, a young Pompey the great ( the cuter triumvirate)
G. Norbanus and Cornelius scipio
Norbanus is defeated by Sulla in an attempt to stop the second march on Rome and scipio’ s soldiers desert him for Sulla in campania
People who fought Sulla in his second march
Cinna, Marius minor, samnites
Sulla crushes Marius younger here
Colline gate++- Pompey and Crassus take the Tiber basin, metelus attacks flventia, Sulla slaughters every last man at colline gate
Taken by Sulla 1n 79
Spanish leg of Sulla’s civil war
Annius defeats sertorius
Cicilian leg of Sulla’s civil war
Pompey wins over carbo who dies in 81
African leg of Sulla’s civil war
Pompey defeats domitius ahenobarbarus and the supplanter iarbas re e stating heimpsal son of gauda
Proscription lists
Sulla kills all enemies by utilizing bounties
Shaves of murdered men made into Sulla’s personal guard
Sulla’s money and land
Massive amounts taken from proscription lists, and all other perceived deviants much given to vets
Sulla’s construction of a new constitution
Made dictator for life, streangthened senate
Sulla’s senators
Increased in number by 300, all former quaestors(20) are now members, veto available
Sulla tribunate reforms
All tribunal powers reduced
Praetorian reforms
Increased to 8
Sulla pro magistrate reforms
Added treason law prevented over step
Sulla curses honor un
Quaestor at 30 praetor at 39 consul at 42
Sulla religious reforms
More -theists more preistly control
Sulla’s provincial reform
Made cisalpine Gaul a province
Sulla judicial reform
Trial be jury expanded
Sulla retired to camoania
Sulla dies
80 bc
Pompey denied triumph then Pompey triumphs
82 strange proscription
Lucretius ofella- ran for consul early