Scullard mithridic wars also some 3rd century duplicates but ignore that Flashcards
P. Servilius v pirates
78- attacks Lycia76 takes pamphylia75-Cilicia
Senate vs pirates- 74
Establishes base at Cyrene,Hines command to m. Antonius
M Antonius; anti piracy campaign
74-73- focused in the west helping against sertorius 72 defeated Cretan waters
Pirates in 69
Sack Delos
Metelus vs pirates
68-67 focused around Crete
Pompey vs pirates
Pompey wins
Cause of the 3rd mithridic war
Senate refuses to ratify the treaty of dardanus after Sulla dies
Mithradates in 74
Overruns bithynia no wa Roman province, defeated Aurelius cotta at Chalcedon
Roman commander mithradates war 3
Licinius lucculus
Siege of cyzicus
Lucullus unites Roman forces to help the city leading to mithradates being routed in the winter of 74
Battle of Lemnos
Lucullus beats mithradates again
73 lucculus attack
Attacks as far a lycus in the heart of pontus
End of the third mithridates war
Roman decisively win at cabra in 72and mithridates flees to arminia leaving Rome to plunder for the next two years before turning to arminia
Tigranes accomplished
Expanded arminia to mount Lebanon with wars with Parthia, cappadocia, and the Seleucids
69 lucculus
Invades arminia, takes tigranocerta in minutes
68 lucculus
Mutiny forces him to halt his advance
Battle of Zela 67
Lucullus lieutenant triarius looses to the now re e stated mithradates
End of lucculus in Asia
Politics take his army, make Pompey in charge
Battle of nicopolis
66 Pompey routs mithradates who flees only to be trapped by his son pharnaces in the citadel of panticapaeum where his committed suicide in 63
Tigranes vs Pompey
Tigranes surrenders before a battle
Pompey from 66-65
Attacks Albanians makes a treaty with Parthia finds the caucus mountains, goes back to Pontus
Pompey in 64
Starts the year attacking the Nabateans in Arabia but then mediates a dispute between the claimants to the Jewish throne, aristobulus and John hyrcanus, leading to a capturing of Jerusalem after a 3 moth siege from the partisans of aristobulus even though he withdrew his claim
Pompey made it
Consolidated Parthia friendly to Rome in 66 until betrayed by Pompey
Orodes 2
Successor of phraates in Parthia, anti Rome after being disrespected by gabinus during a succession crisis
Pompey vs Parthia
Pompey wants glory, Pompey attack’s Parthia in 53
Parthian line
Called arsacids
Crassus killed his army destroyed by the army of a Nobel from the suren family of Parthia- 53
Orodes 2 at the battle of carrhae
In a different battle against Tigranes’ successor artavasdes
mithridates in 104
occupies galatia and cappadocia
103 - saturninus
insults mithridates’ envoys in rome
98- saturninus
insiults mithridates in asia minor
96- sulla
installs ariobarzanes in cappadocia, is proconusl in cilicia, deals with piraets
King of armenia in the time of sulla
over run sophene
tigranes father in law
who made first contact with the parthians
winner of the second slave war
L. cassius
roman gov. of asia who gave his troops to aquilius and nicomedes
asiatic vespers
asian cities who supported mihridates over rome
boetian mountains
timeline 1st mithridoc war:
89: aquilius and nicomedes raid pontus and mithridates sweeps aisia and greece
87: sulla arrives in greece with 5 legions ( 30,000)
86: sulla takes athens and piraeus, then routs achelaus at chaeronae and orchomenus
repeating eumenes’
sulla at orhamenus
l.licinus lucullus in 85
collects navel support in asia nd greece on sulla’s orders
battle of rhyndacus
85- fimbria crushes mithradates at pergamum and nearly defeats him
end of fimbria
at thyatira- all his troops dessert and he is left to commit suicide
replaced fimbria and held down the fort in asia while sulla went to rome
second mithridic war
murena moves into cappadocia and pontus, mithradates beats him and calls on sull, sulla tells murena no(83-82)
cornelius scipio and norbanus
norbanus’ legions defated, scipio’s defected
most importent in sulla’s first masacre
q. mucius scaevola governer of asia
marian in spain beaten by annius
domitius ahenobarbarus
cinna’s son in law, supported by iarbas grandson of gauda who opposed sulla
end of domitius
by pompey in 80
Sempronis Asellio
paetor urbanus who repealed the lex Genucia in order to allow usery them was lynched
tribune 88
sulpicius rufus
consul 88
anti senators
sulpicius’ equites who followed him and protected him
of legions for sulla
here does all ne buisness go under sulla
comitia centurita
POMPEY STRABO and sulla in teh appanines
command transfered from teh former to pompeius rufus as a safegaurd against rebellion.
Consuls 87
Cinna & ocatavius
Cinna kicked out
Octavius kicks ‘‘em out
Slaves, latins, soldiers, marines
Army of cinna and marius
Marius’ muderers
simultainious capture of biythinia and cappadocia
mithradates around 90 bc
lawful king of cappadocia when mithradates took it
nicomedes 4
son of nicomees 3 lawful king of bithynia
manius aquilius
comsul 101 along with marius, roman envoy, encouraged nicoedes 4 to raid pontus
90 bc east-retal
nicomedes raids pontus
mithradates vs nicomedes and aquilius
sweeps roman army and nicomedes in 90 and then pours molten gold on tyhe head of aquilius as retrebution
mithradates conquests in 88/89
murders 80,000 romans(exagerated) and takes much of asia but notably not rhodes
mithradates in delos
masaceres 20,000 italians, naval
mithradtes at athens in 88
makes athens rebel to join him, made the port, piraeus, his base of navel opperations in greece
consul 88
tribune 88
sulpicius rufus
gave up election in 89
sulpicius’ bill (lex sulpica? possibly publia?)
(1) to enroll the new Italian citizens as well as the freedmen in all the thirty-five tribes, \
(2) to recall all exiles,
(3) to exclude from the senate all members owing bills in excess of 2000 denarii (in orderto prevent bribery and corruption),
(4) to replace Sulla with Marius in the command against Mithridates.
sula run pout of rome
sulla leaves his army at nola
declares religios holidays to prevent sulpicius’ bill, caused a riot which sulla only survived by hiding in marius’ house and was then allowed to go into exile
sulla’s first march
Nola to Rome, declared marius, sulpicius and ten others enamies of the state, executed sulpicius afer he is betrayed by a slave, repealed sulpicius’ legisltion, exiled marus to north africa,
later after math of sulla’s first march
intrest rate to 10%, optimate power constitutionally enshrined, made cinna swear not to make changes untill he was back.
Licinius Lucullus no.1
aristocratic officer in sulla’s first march
consuls 87
cinna and gnaeus octavius
cinna driven from rome
mob caused by octavius
cinna and marius’ march on rome
marius cuts off ostia while cinna comes from nola, they take rome quickly
marius’ reigh of terror in 86
crshing and horrifing even to cinna
death of marius
desiese in 86 after his 7th consulship
marius’ replacement as consul
Lucius Valerius Flaccus
consuls 85, 84
Gnaeus papirius carbo and cinna
cinna and flaccus’ reforms
italians in all 35 tribes not untill 84 and then 70, flaccus forgave 3/4 of debt, cioinage resored
death of cinna
mutiny in 84 at Ancona
sulla v athens
seiges in the winter finally taking it in 86 agains archelaus
sulla victories in battle 86(not seige)
ochomenus and chaeroneia
Flaccus and fimbria
flacus is ppointed bu cinna, sulla doesnt give him the army but some go anyway flaccus merches east to fight mithradates ut is murdered by fimbria who defeats mithradtes’ son
treaty of dardanus
85- mithridic conquests undone, 2000-3000 talents given to rome, asia has to pay 20,000 talents, back taxes, and care for his troops, Bithynia and Cappadocia to their former kings and gave Paphlagonia
back to Bithynia.
Flaccus’ replacement
lucius licinius murena
sertorius when sulla showed up
rejected by former marians so he goes to hispania narbonensis
sulla landing in italy #2
in brundisium, takes over one consular army, beats the other
sulla recruits(generals)
cecilius mettellus pius, crassus, pompey
pompey brought to the table
three picenum legions, given name magnus
“consuls” 82
carbo and marous the younger
marius #2 defeated
praeneste in 82
colline gate
saminites rise against sulla, crass beats them on the right wing despite sulla’s left wing filning
sulla at bolona
6000 saminites executes while sulla speaks to the senate
90 senators, 15 men of consular rank and 2600 equites killed and their slaves freed and sold off their property
sulla vs his former opposing cities
suspected cities lost their walls, much of their teritory and indemnities
true resistors were destroyed and their populations were sold into slavery
cities destroyed entierely under sulla
praeneste, florence
lex valeria
made sulla the first dictator sice cunctator
sulla reforms
doubled senate mad esenate the juries, abolished principus senatus, abolished tribunate, reformed courts, 10 years between consulships, made minimus ages for offices,
lex villia annalis
codifies the cusus honorum
cyrenacia province
bequethed by ptolomy apion, made provice by sulla
governers cant start war, or do non governer things
retirement of sulla
after the consulship of 80 to puteoli then died of a hemorrage in 78
sulla grave inscription
no one supassed him in good for freinds or evil for enamie