Ceaser, Sapin and brittan, and the fall of teh respublic Flashcards
Term: Ariovistus
Answer: Germanic chieftain of the Suebi tribe who led attacks against Northern Gallic tribes at the outset of the Gallic Wars.
Term: Aedui
Answer: A Gallic tribe with a longstanding friendship with Rome, sought Senate intervention against Ariovistus but received no action until Caesar’s involvement.
Term: Helvetii
Answer: Gallic tribe who migrated south into other tribes’ territory in response to Ariovistus’s incursions, leading to conflict with Caesar.
Term: Bibracte
Answer: The site of Caesar’s victory over the Helvetii in 58 BC, located near modern Autun.
Term: Publius Licinius Crassus
Answer: Caesar’s lieutenant and son of the triumvir Crassus, who played a crucial role in turning the tide of battle against Ariovistus.
Term: Divitiacus
Answer: Aided Caesar in his campaigns, Divitiacus was a leader of the Aedui tribe and a supporter of Roman interests.
Term: Belgae
Answer: A coalition of Gallic tribes, around 15-20 in number, who opposed Caesar’s forces in 57 BC.
Term: Nervii
Answer: One of the strongest Belgic tribes, defeated by Caesar at the River Sambre (Sabis).
Term: Veneti
Answer: Gallic tribe residing in strongholds on tidal estuaries, defeated by Caesar in 56 BC.
Term: Decimus Brutus
Answer: Caesar’s lieutenant who improvised scythes on long poles to cut the enemy’s rigging during the battle against the Veneti.
Term: Usipetes and Tencteri
Answer: Migrant German tribes massacred by Caesar at the confluence of the Rhine and Meuse rivers in 55 BC.
Term: Ambiorix
Answer: Leader of the Eburones tribe who defeated a Roman army at Liege and forced them to pass under the yoke in 54 BC.
Term: Quintus Cicero
Answer: Brother of the famous orator Cicero, besieged by the Nervii but rescued by Caesar in 54 BC.
Term: Vercingetorix
Answer: Leader of the Arverni tribe who rebelled against Caesar in 52 BC, leading to a series of battles.
Term: Avaricum
Answer: Location of a victory for Caesar against the forces of Vercingetorix in 52 BC.
Term: Gergovia
Answer: Site of a victory for Vercingetorix over Caesar’s forces, leading to further revolts against Roman rule.
Term: Titus Labienus
Answer: Caesar’s lieutenant who won a victory over minor tribes near Lutetia and fought alongside him in several battles.
Term: Alesia
Answer: Major victory for Caesar over Vercingetorix, where he used circumvallation and contravallation tactics to besiege the town.
Term: Triumvirate
Answer: A political alliance between Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus, which eventually broke down, leading to civil war.
Term: Marcus Claudius Marcellus
Answer: Consul who vehemently opposed Caesar in 51 BC.
Term: Lucius Aemilius Paullus
Answer: Consul who supported Caesar in 50 BC, while the other consul opposed him.
Term: Gaius Scribonius Curio
Answer: Tribune who supported Caesar and proposed a bill for mutual disarmament between Caesar and Pompey to avoid civil war.
Term: Ravenna
Answer: Location where Caesar mobilized his forces for civil war after Pompey refused mutual disarmament.
Term: Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus
Answer: Appointed to succeed Caesar in Gaul by the Senate in 49 BC, but was defeated by Caesar.
Term: Rubicon
Answer: River crossed by Caesar in 49 BC, marking the beginning of civil war when he defied the Senate’s order not to bring his army into Italy.
Term: Corfinium
Answer: Site of Caesar’s first battle in the civil war, where he defeated Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus in 49 BC.
Term: Brundisium
Answer: City where Pompey fled and sailed away to escape Caesar’s forces in Italy.
Term: Bagradas Valley
Answer: Site of Curio’s defeat by Juba I and Publius Attius Varus in North Africa during the civil war.
Term: Ilerda
Answer: Location in Spain where Caesar defeated Lucius Afranius and Marcus Petreius during the civil war.
Term: Dyrrhachium
Answer: Site of a battle between Caesar and Pompey in 48 BC, where Caesar’s attempted siege failed.
Term: Pharsalus
Answer: Site of a decisive battle in 48 BC where Caesar defeated Pompey.
Term: Egypt
Answer: Country where Caesar pursued Pompey and became involved in a dynastic dispute following Pompey’s death.
Term: Bellum Alexandrinum
Answer: Conflict in Egypt where Caesar was besieged but managed to escape with the help of allies.
Term: Cleopatra
Answer: Became Pharaoh of Egypt after the death of her brother Ptolemy, forming an alliance with Caesar.
Term: Zela
Answer: Site of Caesar’s victory over Pharnaces II in Asia Minor in 47 BC.
Term: Deiotarus
Answer: Galatian king who was forced by Caesar to cede half of his kingdom to Mithridates of Pergamum.
Term: Publius Servilius Isauricus
Answer: Governed Rome in Caesar’s absence and helped quell rebellions.
Term: Thapsus
Answer: Site of Caesar’s victory over Juba I, Metellus Scipio, and Labienus in North Africa in 46 BC.
Term: Munda
Answer: Location where Caesar defeated Pompey’s sons and Labienus in 45 BC, marking the final battle of the civil war.
where does ceaser defeat teh suebi
who didnt join belgica
where did ceaser first defeate belgae
aisne by waiting for them to run out of food
who subdues teh belgae along teh north sea
P. crassus
where was ceeaser’s second victory over versingetorix
result of curio’s bill
passes 370-22 but neither step down
scribonius at utica
lands there at the outset of war and wins a victory
results of teh bellum alixandriae
Caesar is able to escape with the help of Mithridates of Pergamum (an illegitimate son of Mithridates VI) and Antipater the Idumaean (a Jewish minister to John Hyrcanus II)
Ptolemy drowns in the Nile, and his sister Cleopatra becomes Pharaoh
early interaction with pharnaces
skirmished with Calvinus
what did Isauricus do while in power?
put down rebellions by dollabella and cornelius rufus with a little help form Antony
where did cato teh eleder die
utica after thapsus
what battle immidiately followed thapsus
who helps ceaser at munda
King Bogud of mauritania
when did caesar’s wife calpurnia die
consuls 43
hirtius and pansa
Where did marc antony beat hirtius and pansa
Forum Gallorum and Mutina (April 43 B.C.)
how did octavian become consul
invaded and occupied rome and declared himself consul sulfectus
who marrried marc antony in 43
Nov. 27th
lex titia made 2nd triumvirate leagle
where did cicero die after delivering teh philipics
battles of phillipi
cassius first then brutus both die of suicide
who was caesar’s consular college in 44
marc antony
what was lepidus’ position when ceaser died
he was governer of narboneese gaul and nearer spain
date of ceaser’s fueral
march 20
octavian’s granddad
a rich banker from velterae and husband of julia daughter of ceaser
give the provinces of the two conspiritors who went to them
gallia cisalpina- decimus brutus
Asia- Trebonianus
Marc Antony’s initial policy toward conspiritors
concillitory and forgiving
when was marc antony born
ca. 82
when was octavian born
where was octavian schooled
appolonia in epirus
where did antony want to get
cisalpine gaul
where did brutus and cassius want in july 44
crete and cyrene antony refuses and they go to parthia
who defeated dollabella
cassius in 44
battle of mutia (43)
Hirtius and Pansa come to teh rescue of decimus brutus in 43 octavian also helps with propraetorian power, teh consuls die but antony ios still defeated
results of mutina
senate rewards republicans but stiffs octavian so he marches on rom with 8 legions and becomes consul with Quintus pedius
octavian’s recation to teh reaction to mutina
becomes super ceaseian and beging ruthlesly prosecutin teh republicans and even starts to think abot a second triumvirate
the death of decimus brutus
killed by a gaul when he trie dto escape to macedoia
lepidus and antony and plancus after mutina
join up as a ceaserian army with 2 2legons in cisalpine gaul becausw antony was good at his job
formation of the 2nd triumvirate
after negotiations on bologna they forman executive comitte for the reconstruction of teh roman state.
legalization of teh second triumvirate
lex titia- nov. 27, 43
ocatvian’s first wife
clodia, ex of publius clodis and daughter of fulvia
divistion of provinces at first in 2nd triumvirate
lepidus gets spain and and gallia narbonensis,, antony gets teh rest of gaul and octAVIAN GETS africa and teh medaterainin islands
how did teh triumvirs get money
proscribed 130 senators and 2000 equites, made a tax on italians
dec. 7 43 bc
cicero killed
tin (accessed via cadiz)
337 spain
hamilcar lands in gadis
229 spain
hamilcar drowns fleing horses
who succeds hamlicar
hasdruvbal the fair
226 spain
ebro river treaty
how does hasdrubal the fair die
disgruntled slave 221
where was gnaeus’ base
where does gnaeus capture
battle of ebro river
217- gnaeus vs hasdrubal
battle dertosa
215- publius and gnaeus win
battle 212- spain
saguntum captures by rome
death of publius and gnaeus
baetis river for publius and in the hinterlands of cartago nova for gnaeus
battle 209 spain
new carthage- africanus wins
battle of baecula
208 hasdrubal killed
battle 206
illipa- gisco beaten by africanus
spain- 197
turdetani rise up with help from malaca
spain - 194
Nasica beats turdetani
Spain - 195
Cato the elder leads 50,000 to spain
181- spain
Fulvius flaccus beats celtaberians at new castile
spain- 179
Sp. postumius and Ti. Sempronius graccus beat celtiberiaqns and sue for peace
2nd war with lusitanians and celtibarians start
154– lusitanians rise,, 153– celtaberians rise
first attempt of capture of numantia
fulvius noblilior, fails and dies (153-152)
Marcellus in spain– celtaberians
negotiates 8 year peace
masacre of vaccaei
done by L. licinius lucculus in 151
masacre of teh lusatainians
done by S. Sulp. Galba in 150
viriathus – 141
defeates F. Maximus SErvilianus
Caepio vs Viriathus
in 140, makes senate sy it’s ok then hires assasins to kill virathus
2nd atempt at numantia
Quintus Caecilius metelus and Quintus popeianus fight and fail to catpture numantria from 143-140
trapped by numantians and saved by T Grac
triumph in 93
Didius gets trumph for reducing cetltaberians
who arrived in spain in 78 to fight sertorius
metelus pius
school- sertorius
at osca and gave aid to mithridates
sertorius victories over pompey
Lauro, and Sucro river
Lucius Hirtuleius
defeated near segovia in 75
end of sertorius
assasinated by pereperna in 72
Gnaeus calpurnius Piso in spain
appointed quaestor, killed by a spaniard in 65
pompey and spain
given control at luca in 55
battle of llerda
49 BC, Caesar defeats Afranius and Petreius
55 bc- britan
1st Roman landing in Britain; small force (Caesar) on East coast of Kent
54- brittan
5 legions vs. chieftain Cassivellaunus of the Catuvellauni; defeated and captured Wheathampstead (Cassivellaunus’s stronghold)
augustus and cheiftens in brittan
they ask for help he says no
succession of catuvellianins under augustus
Cassivellaunus → Tasciovanus → Cunobelinus
caligula in brittan
invades in 40- gets triumph for his seashells
43 ad- brittan
Aulus Plautius leads 50,000, defeats caractus at medway
captuer of camolodunnum
claudius is present and nameshis son brittanicus
49- brittan
plautius organizes limes
Ostorius Scapula
47-52– goes on rampage and captures caratacus with help from cartamandua
king of iceni, husband of iceni bequaeths part of kingdom to roma and part to his daughter and wife
after having her daughters raped, prising and does a lot of damage; destroys Camulodunum, defeats Cerialis, burns cities; Verulamium is destroyed
brittan 60/61
suetonis paulinus wins
petillius cerialis
govonor of brittan, defets venutius at stanwiick
Sextus Julius Frontius
Defeats Silures buit stuff
AGRicola reign
78-84 – conquered the lowlands of scotland, said” ireland could be conquered by one legion”, defeated calgacus
Battle 84
mons graupius - agricola beats caledonians, recives triumph
Stanegate road
built by agricola
Hadrains wall
Tyne-Solway – govoner= plautorius nepos
Antonine wall
built by lollius urbicus, Forth-clyde, abandoned by Ulpius marcellus after being overrum by tribes
Dived brittan in 2
Septimius severous
Lucius Alfenus Senecio
repairs hadrians wall under SS
SS in brittan
attempts to quell tribal revolt, dies at eboracum
Saxoin shore forts
made by carausius
Caraausis origins
commander at gesoriacum, revolts and founds imperium brittianum
end of carausius
assasinated and userped by allectus
battle of silchester
Asclepiodotus defeates allectus’ army
Battle of london
Constantius saves it and ends teh revolt