Scullard 12 Flashcards
“Point at which Roman history emerges from the shadow land into the daylight”
264 bc
288 bc
Mamertines conquer messana
Heiro seiges messana, gets stoped by Carthage, Roman’s called in
Roman actions after messana
Protects the city after the consuls make the comitia choose war and the senate says ok I guess but then the city is seized by Carthage and Syracuse
Seige of messana #2
Romans break the seige via appius Claudius making syracusians and Carthage mad at each other
Siege of Syracuse #1
Manius valerius fails to take the city in 263 but ends up with a treaty with heiro
262 bc
Romans sack and seige argrigentum the Carthaginian stronghold home to 50,000 soldiers
260 bc
Mylae - Roman fleet of apprx 140 beats a Carthaginian one of apprx 130 perhaps using the Corvus
Roman commander at mylae
G. Duillius, got a commemorative column
Who was the inspiration for the 1st Roman invasion of Africa?
Agathocles did it a while ago
256 bc naval
Attius regulus and manlius vulso beat a Carthaginian army which tried to encircle them at cape economus
Hardest fought of ancient navel actions in the western Mediterranean
Height of regulus’ campaign
Makes camp 1 days march from Carthage and begins negotiations of surrender but Carthage rejects them for being too severe
Land battle 255
Bagradas valley- regulus captured, Roman’s routed using Hannibal’s esque tactics by xanthippus
255 naval battle
Cape hermaeum- Roman’s actually decisively win and secure naval dominance but they are left just to pick up the survivors of bagradas and then get caught in a storm and loose 250 ships
Battle 254
Panoramas carried by seige from the land and sea for the Roman’s
Battle 250
Roman’s successfully defeat the Carthaginians and defend panormus leading to further attacks
Seige 250
Roman fail to take lillybaeum despite trying out a scientific seige for the first time
Battle of drepana
Claudius pulcher after killing some birds gets badly beat by Carthaginian’s under adherbal
Cape passaro
249- Iunius pullus is driven ashore by carthalo, but ends up taking Eryx and the temple of Aphrodite isolating drepana
Hamilcar in 1st Punic war
Given command in 247, conducts naval raids on Italian coast, recaptures erynx and hercte, guirrilla raids panormus and Roman seiges in lillybaeum
242- march 241
Romans rebuild a fleet and use it under the leadership of lutatius Catullus to route the Carthaginians at aerates islands and take lillybaeum and drepana by sea
Outcomes of 1st Punic
Rome gets Sicily, lots of money
The forever war
After the peace of 241, Carthage gets almost taken by mercenaries who make a rebellion in Libya and the Roman help but not really then Hamilcar takes command and totally beats everyone and stabilizes Africa so Rome gets mad and takes Sardinia and Corsica threatening war if Carthage doesn’t just let them and pay them too
Temple of Janus doors closed in when ?
After 1st Punic war
236 bc- Gallic
Romans are briefly threatened by boii but they put an army in arminiaand it quiets down
Cape Telemon
225- Huge mass of Gauls (almost 70,000!) tries to take Italy but is surrounded and massacred by a Roman army of 130,0-0
224 Gallic
Romans take cisalpine Gaul
223 Gaul
G. Flaminius defeats insuberes after crossing the po and burning his bridges
222 Gaul
Marcus Claudius Marcellus spoelia optima’s virodomarus cheif of the insuberes at clastidium
censor 219
g. flaminius
consul 232
flaminius a novus homo
province 227
diplomacy 228
romans admitted to teh isthmian games after their affairs in illyria