scullard 41 Flashcards
who supplanted Severus alexander
238 maximinus thrax
rank of maximinus
maximinus beats germans
gordian the 1st proclaimed
238 by senate and african landowners he is proconsul of africa and 80
gordian the second
238 proclaimed by dad
end of gordians
238 in battle with the governor of numidia
senate picks after gordians
pupienus and balbinus- 238
death of maximinus thrax
battle of aquilonia- 238
son of thrax
death of pupienus and balbius
praetorians in 238
successors of p&b
gordian 3–13– appointed by praetorians
gordian 3 pp
timistheus- app in 241
gordian 3 conquests
242- w/ timistheus aginst shapur 1 son of ardashir
death of timistheus
desease in 243
2nd pp of gardian 3
iulius phillipus(phillip the arab)
end of gordian 3
244 when phil beats up
Pta ascendancy
End of pta
249- supplanted by Messius Decius(traianus) at Verona
PTA’s son
P the second
Taken by goths under Decius
End of Decius
Killed in 251 by the gothic king cniva at abrittus in the Dobruja( he’s notably Pannonian)
Rise of trebonius gallus
Recognized by senate after he secures peace with the goths that killed Decius in 251( he’s notably moesian)
Son of gallus
Volusianus - Augustus
Rise of Aemilius Aemilianus
Moorish successor to trebonius’ moesia command starts civil war against the emperor in 253
End of aemilius aemilianus
Killed by troops after beating trebonius
End of trebonius
Killed by aemilianus at interamna
Last Republican emporer
Start of the franks
Cherusci + chatti invade north in 256
Start of saxons and jutes in brittan
Valerian’s plauge
Reached Italy in 262 5000 dead a day in rome
Valerian proclaimed in?
Valerian son
Pretender to the throne beaten by gallienus in mursa
2nd pretender put down by gallienus