ch 9 to pg 122 Flashcards
how did the romans first try to govern provinces
how did romans eventually start running provinces
praetors with imperium i.e. provincial govorners the also eventuallu propraetors and proconsuls
when did alexander the great die
323 bc
223 bc - syria
Antiochus 3 ascends to teh throne of selucia
antiochus early exploits
reconquered armenia and iran, and even crossed the hindu kush mountains reciving 150 elephants as tribute
egyption amicitia with rome
since 273
reasons for teh second macedonian war
Phillip 5 was becoming powerful and that threatened egypt pergamum and rhodes so pergamum and rhodes declare war then appeal to rome
Declaration of war in 200
P. sulpicius galba goes to phillip with demands to which he agrees but when he sees the centuriate will not declare war he breaks them so they declare war
first two years of second macedonian war
Publius sulpicius Galba makes winter camps and convinces aeotoleans and athens to join
macedonian war in 198
consul- Flamininus rallies support and coins his slogan, manuveres phillip to thesaly but fails to obtain a quick peace
197- roman maniple system proves decisive routing phillip despite equal forces. romans had 10 elephants. roman commander was flamininus
peace terms in 197
pretty light, aeotoleans are mad
flamininus’ slogan
“Freedom and self-determination of all Greeks.”
flaminius’ proclamation
freedom for all greeks! becomes the first roman with divine honors, coins are prointed with his name ect.
flamninus and sparta
king nabis of sparta ries democratic reforms abolishing teh helots, land redistribution ect. flamininus says no and quickly conqueres sparta
successor to attulus 1
eumenes 2
195bc- east
hannible arrives in ephasus/gives help to antiochus
antiochus arrives in aeotoia, given cheif command agianst the romans
191 east
rome, along with pretty much everyone else, team up against atiochus and aeotolians and win at thermopolae also CTE was there
roman command aginast antichus
lucius cornelius scipio technically in charge but makes Africanus his legate
Battle- 190bc
magnetia- romans win decisively over antiochus
treaty of apmea
188- rhodes gets some selucid teritory, pergamum gets lots, rome geta money
death of antiochus
187- assasinated after robbing a temple at susa
detah of hannible
after runninga ll around teh medaterrainian was eventually cornered by flamininus and prusias so he took poisen