ch31 Flashcards
son of Constantiu Chlorus
Maximian’s ceaser important
CTG’s mom distorted by historians
CTG’s bday
272,273 near naissus or nis or nish in moesia(dardainia/serbia)
Chlorus’ re mairage
289 to theodoro daughter of maximian
diocletion’s ward
rise of constantine
constantine’s first command
successful in galerius’ persian wars
senior augustus in 305
chlorus in name only
army advisor in galerius’ court
the death of constantius chlorus
constantine disobeys galerius and joins his dad to defeat the picts in 306 they meet up in gesoracum(not york like is commonly said) then constantius dies at eboracum
immidiate events after constantius’ death
constantine is declared augustu sin the west by troops in july 25 306 he refuses then becomes severus’ ceaser and shares a consulship with galerius in 307
maximian’s rebellion start
declares himself augustus in rome after he gets nothing from the death of chlorus
severus vs maxentius/maximian
fails and surreers to maximian in rome in 307 then is killed by maxentius in the fall of 307
constantine after the death of severus
sides with maximian and maxentius agenst galerius in extange for becoming augustus
constantine’s first wife
minervina- mother of crispus divorced after he sides with maximian
constantine’s second wife
fausta- daughter of maximian they were previosly betrothed 14 years earlier
betrail in 308
maximian betrays maxentius and flees to constantine while galerius consolidates
conference in april 308 - maximian resigns, maxentius is denounced as a traitor, licinius made augustus in the west, constantine and daia do not attend and refuse to be demoted
galerius yeilding
in 309-310 made constantine and daia as augusti
maximian’s 2nd revolt
against constantine ended in his suicide in 310
constantine’s new claim in 310
deifies himself as sol invictus(patron of claudius gothicus and aurelian) and decendent of claudius gothicus
the edict of religios tolerence
passed in 311 days before galerius dies of cancer after whicg daia overruns galerius’ provences
stae of affairs at teh end of 311
constantin e and licinus are allied agains daia and maxentius east vs west