SCROTUM Flashcards
testicular neoplasms are the most malignancy in men ______ to ______ years.
______ are the most common testicular cancers.
germ cell tumors
germ cell tumors are either classified as ______ or ______ based on their histology.
______ is the most common germ cell type
risk factors of testicular tumors (seminoma) include:
cryptochidism family hx infertility klinefelter syndrom (XXY) down syndrome smoking white race
What lab tests (tumor markers) are elevated for testicular cancer?
______ is associated with nonseminomas
______ is associated with both seminomas and nonseminomas
______ masses consist of a mixture of cell types.
______ is the most common testicular tumor in infants and young children
yolk-sac tumor (endodermal sinus tumor)
yolk sac tumors are associated with ______
______ is a rare stomal (non-germ cell) testicular tumor occuring in boys (5-10 yr) & men (30-60 yrs)
leydig cell tumor
leydig cell tumors produce ______
______ are normally located near the mediastinum testis and probably originate from the rete testis
intratesticular cysts
______ cysts are benign tumors of germ cell origin. These well-circumscribed solid tumors lie beneath the tunica albuginea.
epidermoid cysts are well defined, solid, hypoechoic masses with ______ formed by multiple layers of keratin.
echogenic capsule (onion ring pattern)
testicular abscesses are often a complication of ______
calcifications (scrotal pearls) may be located within the testicle or between the layers of ______
tunica vaginalis
segmental testicular infarcts typically present as a ______ lesion
triangular, avascular
a hydrocele is a serous fluid collection that accumulates within or bewtween the ______
tunica vaginalis layers (visceral & parietal)
Most hydroceles are congenital (found in boys 1-2 yrs) caused by failed closure of the ______ at the internal ring.
processus vaginalis
______ is seen when blood fills the scrotal chamber associated with trauma
a varicocele is a dilatation of the ______ of the testicular vein which drain the testicle
pampiniform venous plexus
90% of varicoceles are on the ______ side.
the left testicular vein drains into ______
left renal vein
the right testicular vein drains into the ______
______ is the most common correctable cause of male infertility
scrotal hernia results from bowel protruding through the inguinal canal into the ______ of the scrotum
tunica vaginalis
the most common extratesticular tumor is the ______ tumor.
______ tumors usually involve the epididymis
______ are cystic masses of the epididymis that result in dilatation of the epididymal tubules
______ are composed of clear fluid whereas ______ are composed of thick, milky fluid containing spermatozoa.
epi head cyst
______ usually occur at the epi head
sonographic findings of epididymitis include:
enlarged, hypoechoic epi
reactive hydrocele
scrotal wall thickening
acute epididymitis is usually caused by ______
sexually transmitted organisms (chlamydia & gonorrhea)
sonographic findings of orchitis include:
enlarged, hypoechoic testicle
decreased arterial resistance
______ is when the testicle can rotate freely on the spermatic cord
bell clapper deformity
decreasing ______ will better optimize slow blood flow to rule out testicular torsion
pulse repetition frequency (scale)
______ torsion occurs outside the tunica vaginalis, when the testis and gubernaculum can rotate freely. This occurs exclusively in NEWBORNS.
extravaginal testicular
______ torsion occurs when the testicle can rotate freely on the spermatic cord because it is not attached to the tunica vaginalis
intravaginal testicular
______ is a treatment of cryptochidism and is usually performed on patients 2-10 yrs.
______ & ______ are complications of cryptorchidism
______ is the congenital absence of the testicle
the testicle is surrounded by a fibrous capsule, the ______
tunica albuginea
multiple septations (septula) arise from the tunica albuginea to form the ______ which is sonographically seen as an echogenic linear band extending longitudinally within the testis
mediastinum testis
The septula forms wedge-shaped compartments that contain the ______
seminiferous tubules
the seminiferous tubules converge to form the ______
tubuli recti
The ______ connect the seminiferous tubule to the rete testis
tubuli recti
the ______ is an anastomosing network of delicate tubules located in the hilum of the testicle (mediastinum testis) that carries sperm to the epididymis.
rete testis
the ______ carry the seminal fluid from the rete testis to the epididymis
efferent ductules
This is where the efferent ductules converge to form a single convoluted duct (ductus epididymis)
epi head
the ______ is a remnant of the mullerian duct, is a small ovoid structure located beneath the head of the epididymis
appendix testis
Torsion of an appendix testis can occur in boys aged 7-12 resulting in a ______ sign
blue dot
the ______, representing a detached efferent duct, is a small stalk projecting off the epididymis.
appendix epididymis
an appendix epididymis is derived from the ______ duct
the ______ is a layer of muscle beneath the scrotal skin and dividing the scrotum into two chambers
the division of the 2 scrotal chambers in the 3rd trimester is called the ______
scrotal raphe
the ______ is a saccular extension of the peritoneum into the scrotal chambers
tunica vaginalis
the inner or ______ layer of the tunica vaginalis covers the testis and epi
the outer or ______ layer of the tunica vaginalis lines the scrotal chambers
route of sperm:
seminiferous tubules tubuli recti rete testis efferent ductules ductus epididymis vas deferens