the right and left hepatic ducts join to form the _______
the GB is located at the _______ end of the main lobar fissure
the gallbladder neck tapers to form the _______ which joins with the CHD to form the CBD
cystic duct
the CBD & the main pancreatic duct (duct of wirsung) join to form the _______
ampulla of vater
what does the portal triad consist of?
proper hepatic a
common hepatic duct
_______ is a spiral fold which controls bile flow in the cystic duct
valve of heister’s
_______ is an abnormaal sacculation (diverticulum) of the neck of the GB
hartmann’s pouch
A _______ is a fold between the body & the fundus of the GB
phrygian cap
A _______ is a fold between the body and the neck (infundibulum) of the GB
junctional fold
the CBD passes _______ to the 1st part of the duodenum and pancreatic head joining the main pancreatic duct at the ampulla of vater
the ampulla of vater empties through the duodenal papilla, controlled by the _______
sphincter of oddi
what is the sonographic criteria of cholelithiasis
what are gallstones composed of?
calcium bilirubinate
calcium bicarbonate
A gallbladder filled with stones may be seen as a strong shadow in the RUQ, this is called _______
double arc or WES
_______ is when there is gallbladder wall thickening due to cystic duct obstruction by a gallstone
acute cholecystitis
features of acute cholesystitis include:
gallstones murphy's sign diffuse wall thickening gallbladder dilatation sludge
_______ is defined as intense point tenderness transducer pressure directly on the GB
murphy’s sign
_______ elevated suggests obstruction at the level of the ampulla of vater
_______ is defined clinically by recurrent symptoms of biliary colic due to multiple episodes of acute cholecystitis
chronic cholecystitis
_______ is acute cholecystitis due to gallbladder wall ischemia and infection
emphysematous cholecystitis
emphysematous cholecystitis more commonly occurs in _______
diabetic men
with gangrenous cholecystitis, perforation is inevitable resulting in _______ & _______
the following causes of gas in the biliary system include:
ERCP sphincter of oddi papilotomy choledochojejunoscopy GB fistula emphysematous choleystitis
_______ is purulent material within the GB due to bacteria-containing bile associated with acute cholecystitis
empyema of the GB
empyema of the GB is initiated with _______
obstruction of the cystic duct
_______ is a complication of acute cholecystitis resulting in a localized fluid collection in the GB fossa
GB perforation
peritonitis, pericholecystic absecess, and biliary fistula are complications of _______
GB perforation
_______ is inflammation of the GB without the presence of a gallstone. it is typically a secondary event in critically ill hospitalized patients
acalculous cholecystitis
other causes of GB wall thickening include _______ & _______
increased hypoalbuminemia causing ascites
congestive heart failure
_______ is sludge like material with a high concentration of calcium
milk of calcium bile