All living things, like human beings, are able to to breed offspring through this process
Role of Male Reproductive System
To produce and transport sperm cells
Role of Female Reproductive System
To produce egg cells and for child-bearing
It is a tube that passes through the penis to the outside of the body which carries urine and sperm
A soft, tubular organ that hangs front of the body and is the external sexual organ of the male through which the sperm are delivered into the female’s body
Are made up of coiled tubules in which the sperm are produced
A coiled J-shaped tube located on the back of each testicles
Stores the sperm after they have been produced
A tube that receives sperm from the epididymis of each testicle
Vas Deferens
A pouch of skin that hangs from the penis which houses the testes and it protects the sperm by keeping the temperature of the testes slightly lower than normal body temperature
Produces a fluid rich in sugars that sperm cells use for energy
Seminal Vesicles
Transports sperm and seminal fluids to the urethra during ejaculation
Ejaculatory Ducts
Produces alkaline fluid that neutralizes the acids present in the female reproductive system
Prostate Gland
Produces alkaline fluid that neutralizes traces of acidic urine in the urethra
Bulbourethral Gland
Ducts of the male reproductive system
urethra, vas deferens, ejaculatory ducts
Glands of the male reproductive system
seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral gland
Located in the testes and fertilizes the egg
Sperm Cell
It is produced by the Leydig cells. (Found between the seminiferous tubules) It regulates the development of the male sex organs in embryo. It also controls sex drive and secondary sex characteristics at puberty
Testosterone (gland: testes)
Stimulates sperm and testosterone production
Luteinizing hormone (gland: pituitary)
Stimulates sperm production in the seminiferous tubules
Follicle-stimulating hormone (gland: pituitary)
These are small and almond-shaped organs located inside the female, just a few inches below the waist. It secrets hormones: estrogen & progesterone to produce mature egg
Ovaries produce and release ripined egg every __ days
Two very fine tubes which extend from each ovary into the uterus which contains egg until fertilization takes place and provide a passageway leading the sperm to the egg
Fallopian tubes or Oviducts
A hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ located between the two ovaries where the fertilized egg will develop and grow into a baby
Uterus or Womb
If the eggs remain unfertilized, the uterus sheds and passes through the vagina, through this process
Menstrual Discharge
A narrow structure within an inch-long canal connecting the lower end of the uterus to the upper portion of the vagina
A hollow tube leading to the cervix to the outside of the body with an elastic wall which allows it to expand during childbirth and sexual intercourse
Vagina or Birth Canal
Vulva, parts of the external genitalia
Mons Veneris, Labia Minora, Labia Majora, Clitoris, Vaginal Orifice
Controls sex drive and regulates the development of female secondary sex characteristics at puberty
Estrogen (gland: ovaries)
Induces mitosis in the cells of the uterus
Estrogen (gland: ovaries)
Controls the development of endometrium (mucus membrane lining womb) during menstrual cycle and maintenance of uterus during pregnancy
Progesterone (gland: ovaries)
Stimulates the production of milk in the mammary glands
Prolactin (gland: ovaries)
Stimulates ovulation, maturation of egg cell, and progesterone production
Luteinizing hormone (gland: pituitary)
Stimulates the maturation of egg cell in the ovary and estrogen and progesterone production
Follicle-stimulating hormone (gland: pituitary)
Causes one follicle in the ovary to grow and reach maturity
Follicle-stimulating hormone (gland: pituitary)
Females begin to menstruate between the ages __-__
Monthly shedding of the lining of the uterus
Menstruation (monthly period)
The first menstrual flow, signals that a girl enters a transition time called puberty
When a woman reaches late forties or early fifties, her menstruation eventually stops
Menstrual phase, follicular phase, ovulation phase, luteal phase
Menstrual Cycle
Menstrual Cycle
Menstrual blood discharges, egg develops, ovulation occurs, egg moves through the oviduct, egg enters uterus
The absence of menstruation for 3 months or longer
One experiences severe pain and discomfort before/during menstruation enough to interfere with normal daily activities
Characterized by depression or severe irritability before and during menstrual period
PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder)
Congenital or genetic abnormality where one is not clearly male or female
Congenital or genetic abnormality where a male develops as a female due to hormone androgen
Androgen-sexuality syndrome
Congenital or genetic abnormality where one has absence of one or both testes
Refers to a group of diseases that is characterized by uncontrolled division and growth of cells that, in many cases, form lumps or masses called tumors. (Cervical cancer; Prostate cancer)
An infection (STD) caused by gram-negative diplococcus Neisseia gonorrhoeae where women may suffer from painful pelvic inflammatory disease and men exhibit extensive symptoms from painful urination and a whitish discharge
An infection (STD) caused by the spirochete bacterium Treponema pallidum
Caused by herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2)
Genital Herpes
Caused by virus known as HIV, it attacks the immune system
Inability to produce a child
Formation of the gamete where the sperm and egg form & develop inside the reproductive systems
The sperm penetrates an egg then fusion of their nucleus takes place
The fertilized egg undergoes series of mitotic cell divisions and later becomes the early embryo
Preparing for migration patterns in the embryo to form two or more primary germ layers
Cell differentiation and formation of all major organs once the germ layers have formed
When the organs acquire the unique structures and chemical properties
Growth and tissue specialization
Human Development
Fertilization of the ovum, embryonic development, fetal development