School-Based Approaches to Promoting Physical Activity Flashcards
Physical and Health Education [PHE]
A school subject designed to help children and youth develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for participating in active, healthy living. They are integral components of the total school experience.
The study of human movement and all it’s associated knowledge and professional practices
Physical activity
Movement of the body that expends energy. It is the vehicle to becoming physically educated.
In school-based PA programs, we want the ability to reach […] amounts of children as once for […]
very low costs
In school-based PA programs, we can prevent and control […]
obesity and diabetes
In school-based PA programs, the goal in class is […]
MVPA for at least 50% of class time
in 2014, we have the first generation of children […]
to live shorter lives than their parents
Low PA levels can be blamed on […] (3)
low PA for kids
Changes of lifestyle
School policies
Comminities in which we live
What are four challenges with/outside of school-based PA
- PE classes is not enough to reach national guidelines
- Academic balancing initiative are taking away time from PE and free play
- School are no longer in walking distance
- Parents fear for their kid’s safety and limit PA participation
What is the cause of school’s not being in walkable distance
The build environment, makes it not safe
Youth should continue to be encouraged to engage in PA […]. How?
class related
Before, during and after class
By having active transportation, sports and leisure/recreational activities
What are community recommendations for PE programs (5)
in terms of staff, equipment, etc
- Adequate facilities
- Properly trained educators
- Appropriate class sizes
- Include all students
- Mix of motor skills
To get people involved in their PA it should […]
Focus on learning, not simplistic behaviours or solely physiological status
What are the three advantages of high quality PHE programs
- Amount of time in MVPA can be increased by 50%
- Time spent in MVPA can range from 3.3-15%
- Increase in aerobic capacity
What does the spark program promote
Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids promotes enjoyable activities and teaching movement skills