Schmolck Flashcards
What is the aim of Schmolck?
To see where semantic memory is in the brain/how brain damage lines up with semantic knowledge
How big was the sample?
6 amnesia patients and 8 controls
Which design is Schmolck?
Matched pairs- they were matched on age, sex and education then were in one condition
The brain damaged patients could be looked at in two halves which were
MTL only damage and MTL & Anterolateraltemporal lobe damage
What resources were used?
24 pictures of objects and 24 pictures of animals which could be broken into groups i.e water animals
How many tasks did they do?
13, 9 from the semantic battery
What sort of tasks did they do?
Name the picutre, point at a named object, describe an object, put them into categories
How were the description tasks scored?
by observers on a 1-4 scale
What are the results?
MTL+ patients performed worse than MTL (who were no different from the controls)
What are the results about HM?
HM did the worst in the MTL group
For non living objects which is the correct percentage identified?
MTL+ 62pc vs MTL 90pc
What is a problem with the sample?
All of the brain damage is unique and therefore cannot be representative of others
Does this study have a good sample size?
This is a small sample of participants and so the results might not be representative to a wider population
What is a strength of the design used?
It used a matched-pairs design which reduces participant variables since people were matched on things like intelligence beforehand so it doesn’t impact the results
Is Schmolck eliable?
Most of the procedure is standardised like everyone having the same pictures of objects and animals
Is Schmock high in mundane realism?
No as line drawings of objects/animals and the tasks etc are not like real life examples of using memory
What is a strength of this study in terms of reliability?
Inter-rater reliablity was gained from researchers on the description tasks
What is a problem with the ethics of the study?
Since they had brain damage and memory issues they might have had problems with informed consent