Schizophrenia Flashcards
People with schizophrenia may ____ from other people and from everyday reality, often into a life of odd beliefs (delusions) and hallucinations
The lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia is slightly less than 1 percent, and it affects ____ slightly more often than ____
men, women
Schizophrenia sometimes begins in childhood, but it usually appears in late ____ or early adulthood, and usually somewhat earlier in men than in women.
____ comprise excesses and distortions, such as hallucinations and delusions. For the most part, acute episodes of schizophrenia are characterized by ____
Positive symptoms
Such ____, which are beliefs contrary to reality and firmly held in spite of disconfirming evidence, are common positive symptoms of schizophrenia.
A person may believe that thoughts that are not his or her own have been placed in his or her mind by an external source; this is called ____.
thought insertion
A person may believe that his or her thoughts are broadcast or transmitted, so that others know what he or she is thinking; this is called ____.
thought broadcasting
A person may believe that an ____ controls his or her feelings or behaviors.
external force
A person may have ____ delusions, an exaggerated sense of his or her own importance, power, knowledge, or identity
A person may have ____, incorporating unimportant events within a delusional framework and reading personal significance into the trivial activities of others
ideas of reference
The most dramatic distortions of perception are ____, sensory experiences in the absence of any relevant stimulation from the environment. They are more often auditory than visual,
The ____ symptoms of schizophrenia consist of behavioral deficits: they include avolition, asociality, anhedonia, blunted affect, and alogia
Apathy, or ____, refers to a lack of motivation and a seeming absence of interest in or an inability to persist in what are usually routine activities, including work or school, hobbies, or social activities.
Some people with schizophrenia have severe impairments in social relationships referred to as ____.
A loss of interest in or a reported lessening of the experience of pleasure is called ____.
There are two types of ____ ____ in the anhedonia construct
pleasure experiences
The first, called ____ pleasure, refers to the amount of pleasure experienced in-the-moment or in the presence of something pleasurable.
The second type of pleasure, called ____ pleasure, refers to the amount of expected or anticipated pleasure from future events or activities.
People with schizophrenia appear to have a ____ in anticipatory pleasure but not consummatory pleasure
____ refers to a lack of outward expression of emotion. A person with this symptom may stare vacantly, the muscles of the face motionless, the eyes lifeless.
Blunted affect
However, people with schizophrenia report experiencing the same amount or even more ____ than people without schizophrenia
____ refers to a significant reduction in the amount of speech.
____ symptoms include disorganized speech and disorganized behavior.
Also known as formal thought disorder, ____ refers to problems in organizing ideas and in speaking so that a listener can understand.
disorganised speech
Speech may also be disorganized by what are called ____, or derailment, in which case the person may be more successful in communicating with a listener but has difficulty sticking to one topic.
loose associations
Disorganised speech is associated with problems in what is called ____ problem solving, planning, and making associations between thinking and feeling.
executive functioning
Disorganised speech is also related to the ability to perceive ____ information (i.e., the meaning of words)
____ takes many forms. People with this symptom may go into inexplicable bouts of agitation, dress in unusual clothes, act in a childlike or silly manner, hoard food, or collect garbage.
Disorganised behavior
People with disorganised behaviour seem to lose the ability to ____ their behavior and make it conform to community standards. They also have difficulty performing the tasks of everyday living.
Grossly abnormal psychomotor behaviour refers to disturbances in ____ behavior. Catatonia is the prime example of this symptom.
The symptoms of ____ disorder are the same as those of schizophrenia but last only from 1 to 6 months
____ disorder lasts from 1 day to 1 month and is often brought on by extreme stress, such as bereavement.
Brief psychotic
____ disorder comprises a mixture of symptoms of schizophrenia and mood disorders. The DSM-5 requires either a depressive or manic episode rather than simply mood disorder symptoms
A person with ____ disorder is troubled by persistent delusions of persecution or by delusional jealousy, the unfounded conviction that a spouse or lover is unfaithful.
____ for schizophrenia most often include a combination of short-term hospital stays (during the acute phases of the illness), medication, and psychosocial treatment.
A problem with any kind of treatment for schizophrenia is that some people with schizophrenia lack ____ their impaired condition and refuse any treatment at all
In the 1950s, several medications collectively referred to as ____ drugs, also referred to as neuroleptics because they produce side effects similar to the symptoms of a neurological disease, were found to help with some of the symptoms of schizophrenia.
First-Generation Antipsychotic Drugs and Their Side Effects. The discovery of the ____, including the drug Thorazine, led to a complete change in the treatment of schizophrenia.
Other types of antipsychotics that are used to treat schizophrenia include the ____ (e.g., haloperidol, trade name Haldol) and the thioxanthenes (e.g thiothixene, trade name Navane).
These classes of drugs can reduce the ____ and ____ symptoms of schizophrenia but have little or no effect on the negative symptoms, perhaps because their primary mechanism of action involves blocking dopamine D2 receptors.
positive and disorganised
Commonly reported ____ of all antipsychotics include sedation, dizziness, blurred vision, restlessness, and sexual dysfunction.
side effects
In addition, some particularly disturbing side effects, termed ____ side effects, resemble the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. People taking antipsychotics may develop tremors of the fingers, a shuffling gait, and drooling.
Other side effects include ____, a state of muscular rigidity and ____, an abnormal motion of voluntary and involuntary muscles, producing chewing movements as well as other movements of the lips fingers, and legs; together they cause arching of the back and a twisted posture of the neck and body
dystonia, and dyskinesia
Another side effect is ____, an inability to remain still; people pace constantly and fidget. In a rare muscular disturbance called tardive dyskinesia, the mouth muscles involuntarily make sucking, lip-smacking, and chin-wagging motions.
Finally, a side effect called ____ ____ syndrome occurs in about 1 percent of cases. In this condition, which can sometimes be fatal, severe rigidity develops, accompanied by fever. The heart races, pressure increases, and the person may lapse into a coma.
neuroleptic malignant
Drugs, including clozapine, are referred to as the ____ antipsychotic drugs because their mechanism of action is not like that of the typical or first-generation antipsychotic medications.
Two second-generation antipsychotics developed after ____ are olanzapine (trade name Zyprexa) and risperidone (trade name Risperdal).
Early studies of these two drugs indicated that they produced fewer of the side effects that first-generation antipsychotics produce, suggesting people were somewhat less likely to ____ treatment.
Comparing the second-generation drugs with one another, all of them work about the ____, with some advantage in reducing positive symptoms observed for clozapine and olanzapine.
The second-generation antipsychotics appear to be equally as effective as first-generation antipsychotics in ____ positive and disorganized symptoms.
Studies suggest that second-generation antipsychotics may have serious side effects of their own: produce extrapyramidal side effects, cause ____, other serious health problems, such as increased cholesterol and increases in blood glucose, which can cause type 2 diabetes.
weight gain
____ training is designed to teach people with schizophrenia how to successfully manage a wide variety of interpersonal situations.
Social skills
Social skills training typically involves ____ and other group exercises to practice skills, both in a therapy group and in actual social situations
Many people with schizophrenia who are discharged from hospitals go home to their families. Earlier we discussed research showing that high levels of expressed emotion (EE) within the family, including being hostile, hypercritical, and overprotective, have been linked to relapse and rehospitalization. Based on this finding, a number of ____ have been developed.
family therapies
These therapies may differ in length, setting, and specific techniques, but they have several features in ____: Education about schizophrenia, Information about antipsychotic medication, Blame oidance and reduction, Communication and problem-solving skills within the family, Social network expansion, and Hope.
A growing body of evidence demonstrates that the maladaptive beliefs of some people with schizophrenia can in fact benefit from ____ (CBT)
cognitive behavior therapy
Recently developed treatments that seek to enhance basic ____ such as verbal learning ability are referred to as cognitive remediation training or cognitive enhancement therapy (CET) or cognitive training.
cognitive functions
____ is an approach that to educate people about their illness, including the symptoms of the disorder, the expected time course of symptoms, the biological and psychological triggers for symptoms, and treatment strategies
Schizophrenia is a disorder characterized by disturbances in thought, emotion, and behaviour -disordered thinking, in which ideas are not logically related; faulty perception and attention; a lack of emotional expressiveness or, at times, inappropriate expressions; and disturbances in movement and behavior, such as a disheveled appearance.