Bulimia Flashcards
____ nervosa involves both bingeing and compensatory behaviour.
Bingeing often involves sweet foods and is more likely to occur when someone is alone, after a ____ social encounter, and in the morning or afternoon.
One striking difference between anorexia and bulimia is _____: people with anorexia nervosa lose a tremendous amount of weight, whereas people with bulimia nervosa do not.
weight loss
Bulimia typically begins in late _____ and is more common in women than men.
____ often co-occurs with bulimia, and each condition appears to be a risk factor for the other.
Dangerous changes to the ____ can also occur as a result of bulimia, such as menstrual problems, tearing in the stomach and throat, and swelling of the salivary glands.
DSM-5 Criteria for ____ ____ Recurrent episodes of binge eating. Recurrent compensatory behaviours to prevent weight gain, for example, vomiting Body shape and weight are extremely important for self-evaluation
Bulimia Nervosa
____ factors appear to play a role in both anorexia and bulimia. Both disorders tend to run in families, and twin studies support the role of genetics in the actual disorders and particular characteristics of the disorders, such as body preoccupation with thinness, and binge eating.
The hypothalamus does not appear to be directly involved in eating disorders, and low levels of ____ ____ are seen concurrently with bulimia, but not before the onset of the disorder. Thus, changes in food intake could affect the opioid system instead of changes in the opioid system affecting food intake.
endogenous opioids
Research findings on the role of ____ in anorexia are mixed. Serotonin may play a role in bulimia, with studies finding a decrease in serotonin metabolites and smaller responses to serotonin agonists.
Newer research suggests ____ may play a role in restrained eating, a characteristic that is found in people with eating disorders.
The ____ factors do not do a particularly good job of accounting for some key features of anorexia and bulimia, in particular the intense fear of becoming fat.
____ ____ theories focus on body dissatisfaction, preoccupation with thinness and attention and memory.
Cognitive behavioural
The ____ Scale measures concerns about dieting and overeating and high scores are linked to binge eating among people without eating disorders.
The eating pattern of people with bulimia and binge eating disorder is similar to, but more ____ than, the behaviour highlighted in the studies of restrained eaters.
Studies have found that concerns about body shape and weight ____ restrained eating, which in turn predicted an increase in binge eating.
People with eating disorders pay greater attention to food and body-image-related things, and they tend to remember these better as well, suggesting that their ____ and ____ may be biased toward food and body image.
attention and memory
____ medications have shown some benefit in the treatment of bulimia, but not anorexia. However, people with bulimia are more likely to discontinue the medication than to discontinue therapy.
The most effective psychological treatment for bulimia is ____ ____ therapy
cognitive behaviour
CBT involves changing a patients ____ and ____ about thinness, being over- weight, dieting, and restriction of food, with the overall goal being to reestablish normal eating patterns.
beliefs and thinking
CBT alone is more effective than medication treatment, though antidepressants can help lessen ____ depression.
Sociocultural factors, including society’s preoccupation with thinness, may play a role in eating disorders. This preoccupation is linked to dieting efforts, and ____ precedes the development of eating disorders among many people.
In addition, the preoccupation with thinness, as well as media portrayals of thin models predicts an increase in body ____, which also precedes the development of eating disorders.
____ associated with being overweight also contributes.
Women are more likely to have eating disorders than men, and the ways in which women’s bodies are ____ may lead some women to see their bodies as others do (self-objectify), which in turn may increase body dissatisfaction and eating pathology.
Eating disorders are slightly more common among ____ ____ than women of colour. Eating disorders used to be more common among women of higher socioeconomic status, but this is less true today.
white women
Research on personality characteristics finds that ____ may play a role. Other personality characteristics that predicted disordered eating across 3 years include body dissatisfaction, the extent to which people can distinguish different biological states of their bodies, and a propensity to experience negative emotions.
Troubled family ____ are fairly common among people with eating disorders, but this could be a result of the eating disorder, not necessarily a cause of it.
High rates of ____ and ____ abuse are found among people with eating disorders, but these are not risk factors specific to the development of eating disorders.
sexual and physical