Scheduled performance Flashcards
What is the definition of Mean Aerodynamic Chord?
The chord of an imaginary rectangular aerofoil with the same area and aerodynamic properties of the actual wing.
What is the definition of Centre of Gravity (CofG)?
This is the position where the mass of the airplane is considered concentrated for balance purposes. It is normally referred to in terms of %MAC.
How is the Ramp Weight (RW) calculated?
Add the fuel weight to the Actual Zero Fuel Weight (AZFW).
What is the MAC length of the Phenom?
Which items make up the Phenom aircraft payload?
- Weight of occupants
- Baggage
- Cabinet contents
What is the definition of Moment Arm in the Phenom weight and balance calculations?
The distance from the aircraft’s Datum to its Centre of Gravity.
What is the length of the balance arm to the Leading Edge of the wing Mean Aerodynamic Chord (LEMAC) in the Phenom T1?
5.325 m from the Airplane Datum.
What comprises the Actual Zero Fuel Weight (AZFW)?
- The Basic Empty Weight (BEW)
- Actual payload
What is metal fatigue?
The reduction of structural integrity under repeated cycles of stress due to the growth of cracks.
What is the maximum allowable probability of structural failure during an aircraft’s planned life in its intended role?
What is the definition of Stress on a structure?
The load force per unit of a structure’s cross-sectional area.
What is the definition of Strain on a structure?
The deformation per unit length in a material under stress.
What type of repeated stress is the main cause of fatigue damage, especially in the lower skin of wings and lower wing spar booms?
Tensile stress.
What is the name of the graphical curve that illustrates the relationship between applied alternating stress levels and the endurance to failure of a material?
S-N Curve.
Which design philosophy aims to establish a fixed structural lifetime during which no significant fatigue damage will occur?
Safe life.
Which design philosophy aims to build with sufficient structural redundancy such that any single point of failure will not lead to catastrophic loss?
Fail Safe.
Which aircraft design philosophy and maintenance procedure ensures cracks will be detected long before they reach CCL?
Damage Tolerance.
What is the aim of Scheduled Performance Planning?
To ensure that the space available for any maneuver always exceeds the space required to complete the maneuver.
What is the performance classification of a multi-engine turbo-prop aircraft with a take-off weight under 5700kg and less than 9 passengers?
Perf Group B.
Which performance group do multi-engine turbo-jet passenger aircraft belong?
Perf Group A.
What is the performance classification of a multi-piston-engine propeller aircraft with a take-off weight over 5700kg and carrying more than 9 passengers?
Perf Group C.
What is the definition of Net or Factored performance?
Gross performance diminished by the amount considered necessary to allow for various contingencies.
What defines an aircraft’s required take-off distance?
The ground run from the brake release point to lift off from the runway, plus the distance for the initial climb to the regulated screen height.
What is the definition of Stopway?
A defined rectangular area at the end of and the same width as the runway, designated as a suitable area in which an aircraft can be stopped in the case of an abandoned take-off.
What is the definition of Clearway?
A defined rectangular area either side of the centreline at the end of the runway, under control of the airport authority, clear of any obstacles that would affect an aircraft’s initial climb to its screen height.
What is the definition of TORA?
The available length of surface able to bear the weight of an aircraft during take-off. Normally this is the length of the paved runway between the thresholds.
What is the definition of TODA?
The combined length of the runway and clearway.
What is the definition of ASDA?
The combined length of the stopway and runway.
In SP planning what is the maximum value of TODA?
1.5 times TORA.
Which V speed is used to signify decision speed during take-off?
What is the definition of VR?
The speed at which the pilot initiates rotation during the take-off ground run with the intention of becoming airborne.
What is the Perf A take-off screen height?
35 ft dry or 15 ft wet.
What is the WAT limit?
The initial climb performance limit imposed by aircraft weight, pressure altitude and static air temperature.
What is the definition of balanced field?
TODA equals ASDA.
How is the headwind component factored for take-off calculations?
No more than 50% of the headwind component can be factored in the calculations.
What does V1 signify?
V1 is the speed above which the take-off must be continued in the event of a critical engine failure.
Why is V1 speed decreased when the runway is wet?
To increase stopping distance available following an abort on a wet runway.
What speed is the minimum limit for V1?