Savanna and Grassland Biome Flashcards
grassland with shrubs, isolated trees, and tall grasses
Where are savannas located
between rainforest and desert
In which places are savannas found
South America, Africa, India, and Australia
What are the main seasons of the savanna
long, dry winter and wet, humid summer
What is the amount of precipitation that savannas receive annually
30-50 inches
15-25 inches during summer
Savannas are maintained by …….
annual fires
Plant adaptations to the savanna
thick bark
water storage
long roots
defense mechanisms
Animals adaptations to the savanna
long legs or wings
dwell undergrounf at least part of the time
grazers and browsers
Examples of South American savannas
Where is the Cerrado savanna located
Characteristics of the Cerrado
Combination of savanna and shrubland
extremely biodiverse
Where is the Llanos savanna located
Characteristics of Llanos
floods annually
organisms have adapted to a semi-aquatic environment
What is savanna smog caused by
intentional fires set annually in the African savanna
What does the savanna smog do
refreshes overall biome
creates pollution
rolling terrain woth flowers, herbs, short grasses, and few trees
Where are grasslands located
within the interior of several continents
What are the main seasons of grasslands
hot, dry summers with temp. u to 100 degrees F
cold winters with temp. down to -40 degrees F
What is the annual amount of precipitation grasslands receive
10-30 inches
Are grasslands maintained by drought and fire
Plant adaptations to grasslands
fire and drought resistance
defense mechanisms
growth patterns
Animals adaptations to the grasslands
ground-dwelling birds
obtain water through plants
Why did the Dust Bowl occur
due to severe drought and poor farming practices
What was the Dust Bowl
wind and dust storms that carried topsoil out of the Great Plains
What was the effect of the Dust Bowl
mass immigration to the west coast
soil conservation methods established
Grassland organims that live in Africa
Grassland organims that live in South America
Grassland organims that live in North America