Samples Flashcards
what was the sample in the study by Andrade
the sample consisted of 40 participants
• from the medical research council (MRC)
applied psychology unit
• they were aged between 18-55 years
• there were 5 males and 35 females
• they were coming from a colleagues experiment on ways of giving directions
list 5 characteristics of the sample in group 4 (1Q method group)- Baron Cohen
they were randomly selected from the general population
• they were IQ matched with group 1 witha mean of 116 1Q points
• they had a mean age of 28 years
list 5 characteristics of the sample in group 3 (normal students) Baron Cohen
it had 103 students from cambridge university
• 53 males and 50 females
-they were assumed to have a high iq
• they had a mean age of 20.8 years
• they were recruited through opportunity sampling
-71 studied sciences and 32 other subiects
list 5 characteristics of the sample in group 2 (normal adults) Baron Cohen
it had 123 individuals
• they were drawn from adult community and education classes in Exeter and the public library users in cambridge
• they had a broad mix of educational level
• they had a broad mix of day time occupations from unemployment, to clerical workers, to professionals
list five characteristics of the sample in group 1 (AS/HFA group) Baron Cohen
they all had autism or asperger syndrome
• they were all males, it was an androcentric sample
• their mean age was 29.7 years
• it was self-selecting sampling - they were recruited from adverts in the national
autistic society magazine (asm)
• they were all given the WAIS-A
• they had a mean of 115 IQ points
• they had all been diagnosed in specialist centres using DSM-iv
Describe 4 features of the sample of children in the study by Pozzulo
-59 children
- aged between 4-7 years with a mean age of 4.98 years
-21 females, 38 males
• from pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classes in Eastern Ontario Canada.
describe the sample of bandura et al
-72 participants, 36 boys, 36 girls
- All obtained from stanford university nursery school
-They had an age range of 37-69 months
Describe the sample in
Milgram (obedience)
40 males
-Age range of 20-50 yrs
-Recruited from New Haven area and the surrounding community
• They were obtained from a newspaper advert asking for volunteers for a study of memory
-They were paid $45 for coming
-The sample had a wide range of occupations; -Salesmen
- Cobblers
- Labourers
- Highschool teacher
- engineers
Describe the experimenter from the study by Milgram
the role was played by a 31yr old high school biology teacher
He was called “Mr William”
his manner was impassive and his appearance was stern throughout the experiment he is dressed in a grey lab coat
Describe the Confederate from the study by Milgram
The role was played by a 47 year old accountant
Has been trained for the role
He was of irish American decent
Most observers found him mild mannered and likeable
He was called “Mr Wallace”
He was a stooge and played the role of the learner
Describe the sample for Fagen
-4 female juveniles (numbered 1-4)
- 1 female adult
-All housed at the same elephant stable in
- The juveniles were aged between 5-7 years
-The adult was estimated to be in her 50’s
• The elephants spent most of the day grazing in the jungle under control of their mahouts
• They spent the rest of the day leg chained to the stable, with a freedom to move 6-8 feet around the stable
Describe the sample of Saavedra and Silverman (button phobia)
9 year old Hispanic American boy
-He developed an intense fear of buttons which interfered with his school life \
-He sought support at the Child anxiety and phobia program in Florida international university Miami
-He met the DSM-iv criteria for a specific phobia
What is the sample in the study by perry
-54 male undergraduates from the university of Haifa
-Aged between 19-32 years
-Mean age of 25.29 years
-They were given incentive in the form of course credit/payment
-5 ss were left handed
-They all had normal vision and no history of psychiatric or neurological disorder
Describe the sample in the study by Dement and Kleitman
The sample consisted of 7 male adults and 2 female adults, 5 of which were studied in detail and 4 were used to confirm the results of the first 5
• The 5 main participants spent about 6-17 nights in the lab
-They were woken up approximately 50-77 times
-The other 4 participants spent only one or two nights in the lab with 4-10 awakenings.
-Participants were identified by their initials to maintain confidentiality
what was the sample in the study by Holzel
16 healthy right handed individuals, 10 females 6 males
• participants were recruited from four
MBSR courses held at the Center for
Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical School
• the participants were self-reported as physically and psychologically healthy and not taking any medications
• aged between 25-55 years
-not claustrophobic
-they were safe to go through the scanner - they had no metal in their bodies
what was the sample Hassett
21 male and 61 females rhesus monkeys living in natal birth groups as part of a wider group of 135 monkeys at the yerkes primate research station in the usa
What was the sample in the study by Piliavin et al
• 4450 men and women travelling on the the 8th avenue independent subway train in
• The study was done on people who were using those trains between 11 am and 3pm
on weekdays
-The racial composition of the train was 45% black and 55% white
-The mean number of people per carriage was
-The mean number of people per critical area was 8.5