Sample Preparation and Handling Flashcards
It occurs prior to specimen testing and may include variables involving the process of obtaining a specimen.
Patient Identification, Tourniquet, Pre-examination errors
Pre-examination variable
Also called as Pre-Analytical Error and comprise 46 to 56% of all errors
Patient Identification, Tourniquet, Pre-examination errors
Pre-examination errors
This is the process of “correctly matching a patient” to appropriately intended interventions and communicating information about the patient’s identity accurately and reliably throughout the continuum of care.
Patient Identification, Tourniquet, Pre-examination errors
Patient Identification
Most serious and potentially dangerous pre-examination error.
Patient Identification, Tourniquet, Pre-examination errors
Patient Identification
A device that is used to apply pressure to a limb or extremity in order to limit – but not stop – the flow of blood.
Patient Identification, Tourniquet, Pre-examination errors
The tourniquet should be on arm no longer than 1 minute. True or False
Pumping Hand/Tight Fist = Increased Lactate. True or False
After extreme exercise, there will be an increase in Creatinine Kinase (CK), Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), Bilirubin, Creatinine, and Uric Acid. True or False
Glucose increases with stress and decreases with exercise. True or False
Preferred position of patient to prevent hemodilution or hemoconcentration
Supine to Sitting/Standing causes vasoconstriction and increase in Proteins, Bun, Lipids, Iron, Calcium. True or False
False - Increase in Enzymes, Calcium, Albumin
Sitting to Supine causes hemoconcentration and an increase in Enzymes, Calcium, Albumin. True or False
Standing to Supine causes a hemodilution and increase in Triglycerides, Lipoproteins, Cholesterol. True or False
False - decrease
Prolonged standing may cause an increase in potassium released by muscles. True or False
Prolonged bed rest decreases albumin or fluid retention. True or False
Calcium, Cholesterol, Lipids, Drugs, Steroids, Thyroid hormones, and Blood Pressure increases due to a change of posture. True or False
Phlebotomists should always determine if the patient is fasting by asking the patient. True or False
Fasting usually means no for 8 to 12 hours. True or False
Partial tubes can be poured
together. True or False
False - it cannot be poured together
Tubes should vary no more than plus or minus 10% in filling. True or False
All anticoagulant tubes must be mixed by inversion to disperse. True or False
Diurnal rhythm: Cortisol
Higher in morning
Diurnal rhythm: Iron
Lower in morning
Diurnal rhythm: ACTH, Renin, Aldosterone, Insulin
Higher in the morning, lower at night
Diurnal rhythm: GH, ACP
High in afternoon and evening
Diurnal rhythm: T4
Increase with exercise
Diurnal rhythm: Prolactin
Higher at 4 to 8 am and 8 to 10 pm
Diurnal rhythm: Calcium
Decrease supine and Circannual (increase in summer)
Type of collection that increases the chance of hemolysis and clotting of the samples
syringe collection
Preferred method of collection
Evacuated Tube System (ETS)
Povidone-iodine/tincture of iodine (Increases potassium, phosphorus, and uric acid level) are only used for Blood Culture Collection. True or False
Blood alcohol testing - must be done with a non-alcohol cleaner. True or False
The most common factor that varies test results over which the phlebotomist has control
order of draw
Arm-down position to prevent the anticoagulated blood from flowing back into the needle contaminating the next tube. True or False
Tests that require chilling
Ammonia, Acid Phosphatas, Catecholamines, Lactic Acid, pH/blood gas
Tests that must be maintained at body temperature.
Cold Agglutins, Cryoglobulin
Tests that must be protected from light
Bilirubin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K
If Amber tubes are not available, you can use aluminum foil to prevent the samples from light. True or False
Anticoagulated blood samples must be free from clots. True or False
a container in which the sample was collected
primary container
contains any leakage or breakage of the primary container (Self-Sealing bag/Camping coolers)
secondary container
most traumatic and needs faster delivery
pneumatic tube system
The destruction of red blood cells
Hemolysis happens because of Vigorous Shaking of Sample, Pulling back on the syringe, Freezing the whole blood, Heat, and The needle is too small. True or False
Practice good phlebotomy techniques and Separate serum/plasma before storage prevents hemolysis. True or False
When the tourniquet is left on too for too long
When the lid left off the sample, the water in serum/plasma evaporates - The ratio is off
caused by the increased amount of triglycerides and non-fasting specimen
Also known as Jaundice and It is caused by a build-up of bilirubin
Icterus is can be prevented with phlebotomy technique or fasting. True or False
False - Icterus cannot be prevented with phlebotomy technique or fasting
Clotting of samples indicates an inadequate mixing of tubes, the draw syringe sits too long and slow draw. True or False
To prevent clotting of samples, Invert the tube 8-10 times (Do not shake to prevent Hemolysis) and Do not delay filling tubes from the syringe. True or False
Bacterial infections are caused by improper phlebotomy or collection technique, inadequate cleaning of venipuncture site, non-sterile supplies, and expired supplies. True or False
Chemical contamination is caused by contamination of IV lines, Potassium drip, and Lactated ringers. True or False
Chemical contamination can cause various erroneous results. True or False
Storage condition for specimen: ambient
Room Temperature - 15-25 °C
Storage condition for specimen: refrigerated
-2-8 °C
Storage condition for specimen: frozen
< or = -20 °C and Ultra low -80 °C
The word stat is an abbreviation of the Latin word statim, which has the meaning “instantly/immediately” True or False
Cerebrospinal Fluid, Other fluids, and Trauma Specimens are samples of STAT specimens. True or False
Bilirubin, Vitamin B1 and B2, Porphyrins, Urine Porphobilinogen, Folate needs to be protected from light. True or False
Documentation from Specimen collection until final disposal and Any results that can be used in court (Drug test, Blood Alcohol, Rape Kits, Medico-Legal)
Chain of Custody
Biohazardous agents must be packaged so that PPE is not needed during transport. True or False
The specimen must be in the leak-proof primary container and The primary container must be leak-proof (sealed plastic bag). True or False