Capillary Puncture Flashcards
Venous collection can be accomplished on children over 2 years old. True or False
Always make sure that your tray or cart full of phlebotomy supplies is out of the reach of the child. True or False
The method of choice in children under 1 year of age and for adults whose veins are inaccessible.
Capillary Puncture
Capillary puncture of the earlobe is recommended because the blood flow is not adequate. True or False
False - Not recommended
Capillary Punctures in adults are used when patients are severely burned, patients with cancer whose veins are
reserved for therapeutic purposes, obese patients, geriatric patients, and POCT. True or False
For a patient who is extremely cold, hands are needed to be warmed before the capillary puncture since heat enlarges the capillaries making the blood flows faster. True or False
Best way to warm the hand
warm wet washcloth
The ideal temperature of a warm wet washcloth is 42 Celcius for only 3 to 5 minutes. True or False
Massaging the patient’s finger is an alternative to warming when warming is not convenient. True or False
The patient’s position must be seated or lying down with the hand supported on a firm surface, palm up, and fingers pointed downward for fingersticks. True or False
For heelsticks, infants should be lying on the back with the heel in an upward position. True or False
False - downward
The earlobe is not recommended except in extreme cases, such as a severely burned patient, when no other location is available. True or False
if an infant’s heel is to be punctured, the site should be on the plantar surface medial to a line drawn posteriorly from the middle of the great toe to the heel, or lateral to a line drawn posteriorly from between the fourth and fifth toes to the heel. True or False
Capillary puncture in an adult is on the palmar surface of the distal phalanx of either the ring finger or the great (middle) finger. True or False
Clean finger with 70% isopropyl alcohol then allow it to air dry thoroughly before any puncture. True or False
If the alcohol is not allowed to air dry it will sting, contaminate the blood sample, and it prevents the formation of the rounded blood drop. True or False
Do not use povidone-iodine (Betadine) to clean and disinfect the puncture site. as it can elevate potassium, phosphorus, bilirubin, or uric acid. True or False
In heel puncture, the heel is held between the thumb and index finger of the non-dominant hand, with the index finger held over the heel and the thumb below the heel. True or False
In finger puncture, the finger is held between the non-dominant thumb and index finger, with the palmar surface facing up and the finger-pointing downward to increase blood flow. True or False
Do not use fingers on newborns or children
younger than 1 year. True or False
The smaller the patient, the shallower the puncture the phlebotomist should make. True or False
Before the blood sample is collected, the first drop of blood needs to be wiped away. True or False
As the finger is punctured, tissue cells are damaged, and interstitial fluid is released into the first drop, hence it is important to wipe the first drop. True or False
If the puncture is adequate, 0.5 mL of blood can be collected from a single puncture. True or False