Introduction to Phlebotomy Flashcards
Phlebotomy is the process of collecting blood and is defined in Webster’s dictionary as “the act or practice of bloodletting as a therapeutic measure.” True or False
The history of bloodletting dates back to the early Europeans and continues into modern times. It was once thought that the practice would rid the body of diseases and provide. True or False
False - Egyptians
In the twelfth century, bloodletting was practiced by barbers, whose red-and-white barber poles became the symbol of their trade. True or False
In ___________, a sharp lancet-type instrument pierced the veins and made them bleed.
Venesection, Venipuncture, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Cupping, Leeches
A heated glass cup was placed on a person’s back.
Venesection, Venipuncture, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Cupping, Leeches
The first president of the United States that had a severe throat infection. The cure for the infection was heavy bleeding. He bled of more than 9 pints of blood in less than 24 hours and died on December 14, 1799.
Venesection, Venipuncture, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Cupping, Leeches
George Washington
Urine and feces had been examined since medieval times. True or False
_________ a much modern method to the excess blood and reduce the symptoms
Venesection, Venipuncture, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Cupping, Leeches
In polycythemia vera and hereditary hemochromatosis, bleeding of individuals to reduce the patient’s amount of blood does occur today to treat diseases. True or False
The phlebotomist is usually cross-trained in venipuncture, capillary collection, patient care, receptionist duties, sample processing, and computer work. True or False
85 percent of hospitals follow ____________ approach where the phlebotomist is dispatched from the laboratory to either nursing units or outpatient areas.
centralized phlebotomy, Hybrid phlebotomy, decentralized phlebotomy, waiting-to-serve time
centralized phlebotomy
This time of waiting for work to do is called __________.
centralized phlebotomy, Hybrid phlebotomy, decentralized phlebotomy, waiting-to-serve time
waiting-to-serve time
With ____________, more people are collecting blood samples during the busy times.
centralized phlebotomy, Hybrid phlebotomy, decentralized phlebotomy, waiting-to-serve time
decentralized phlebotomy
In centralized phlebotomy, the duties of the hospital staff revolve more around the patient and the need to treat the patient quickly rather than being restricted to a specific job description. True or False
False - decentralized phlebotomy
a blend of centralized and decentralized phlebotomy.
centralized phlebotomy, Hybrid phlebotomy, decentralized phlebotomy, waiting-to-serve time
Hybrid phlebotomy
This department does electrocardiograms (EKGs).
Pharmacy department, Radiology department, Nursing department, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical therapy department, Electroencephalography department, Electrocardiography department
Electrocardiography department
This department does electroencephalograms (EEGs), which record the electrical activity of the brain.
Pharmacy department, Radiology department, Nursing department, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical therapy department, Electroencephalography department, Electrocardiography department
Electroencephalography department
Works with patients who, due to disease or injury are no longer able to function to their full physical capacity.
Pharmacy department, Radiology department, Nursing department, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical therapy department, Electroencephalography department, Electrocardiography department
Physical therapy department
The ______________ of the hospital is much different from the corner drugstore.
Pharmacy department, Radiology department, Nursing department, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical therapy department, Electroencephalography department, Electrocardiography department
Pharmacy department
Patients who have difficulty speaking or who have lost the ability to speak because of a stroke or disease are retaught how to speak.
Pharmacy department, Radiology department, Nursing department, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical therapy department, Electroencephalography department, Electrocardiography department
Speech Therapy
Patients work to overcome their physical handicaps so they can be productive again in their old job or function in a new job.
Pharmacy department, Radiology department, Nursing department, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical therapy department, Electroencephalography department, Electrocardiography department
Occupational Therapy
The largest department the phlebotomist works with
Pharmacy department, Radiology department, Nursing department, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical therapy department, Electroencephalography department, Electrocardiography department
Nursing department
The department used to just x-ray lungs or broken bones, but the field has expanded to include cardiac catheterization, computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasound.
Pharmacy department, Radiology department, Nursing department, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical therapy department, Electroencephalography department, Electrocardiography department
Radiology department
The clinical laboratory may be in one location or maybe decentralized in a variety of locations in the hospital. True or False
Takes the laboratory out of a physical location and to the patient.
Point of Care Testing, Phlebotomy, Patient-Focused care
Patient-Focused care
The instrument is taken to the patient’s room
Point of Care Testing, Phlebotomy, Patient-Focused care
Point of Care Testing
The office section of the laboratory receives and routes laboratory-related telephone calls, sample collection requests, and some patient samples. True or False
Collects samples from patients and processes samples for testing or transport.
Point of Care Testing, Phlebotomy, Patient-Focused care
Studies the blood in normal and diseased states. Usually limited to the study of cellular components and not the chemistry of blood.
Hematology, Urinalysis, Immunology, Cytology, Immunohematology, Cytogenetics, Molecular diagnostics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Coagulation
Study of blood clotting mechanisms as an aid in diagnosis or monitoring of patient therapy.
Hematology, Urinalysis, Immunology, Cytology, Immunohematology, Cytogenetics, Molecular diagnostics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Coagulation
Study of urine to aid in patient diagnosis to follow the course of a disease or the body’s metabolism.
Hematology, Urinalysis, Immunology, Cytology, Immunohematology, Cytogenetics, Molecular diagnostics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Coagulation
Performs biochemical analysis of blood and body fluids to determine the status of a patient.
Hematology, Urinalysis, Immunology, Cytology, Immunohematology, Cytogenetics, Molecular diagnostics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Coagulation
Studies antigens and antibodies to determine immunity to disease or presence of disease.
Hematology, Urinalysis, Immunology, Cytology, Immunohematology, Cytogenetics, Molecular diagnostics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Coagulation
Cultures samples to determine if pathogenic organisms are present in a sample and determine the organisms’ sensitivity to antibiotics (culture and sensitivity).
Hematology, Urinalysis, Immunology, Cytology, Immunohematology, Cytogenetics, Molecular diagnostics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Coagulation
The samples are processed and then examined microscopically by a cytotechnologist.
Hematology, Urinalysis, Immunology, Cytology, Immunohematology, Cytogenetics, Molecular diagnostics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Coagulation
Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technologies to study the presence of various diseases or infections.
Hematology, Urinalysis, Immunology, Cytology, Immunohematology, Cytogenetics, Molecular diagnostics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Coagulation
Molecular diagnostics
Study of deficiencies related to genetic diseases.
Hematology, Urinalysis, Immunology, Cytology, Immunohematology, Cytogenetics, Molecular diagnostics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Coagulation
Determines compatibility of blood and blood products that are to be administered to patients.
Hematology, Urinalysis, Immunology, Cytology, Immunohematology, Cytogenetics, Molecular diagnostics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Coagulation
Examples of Tests: Prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), D- dimer, factor VIII, fibrinogen assay, heparin level, von Willebrand factor (ristocetin).
Hematology, Urinalysis, Immunology, Cytology, Immunohematology, Cytogenetics, Molecular diagnostics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Coagulation
Examples of Tests: Complete blood cell count (CBC), hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelet count, sedimentation rate, body fluid cell counts.
Hematology, Urinalysis, Immunology, Cytology, Immunohematology, Cytogenetics, Molecular diagnostics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Coagulation
Examples of Tests: Urinalysis, reducing substance, urine pH, urine glucose.
Hematology, Urinalysis, Immunology, Cytology, Immunohematology, Cytogenetics, Molecular diagnostics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Coagulation
Examples of Tests: urine cultures, parasite identification, stool culture, mycobacterial (tuberculosis) culture, virus cultures, fungal cultures, genital cultures, mycoplasma cultures,
antibiotic susceptibility testing.
Hematology, Urinalysis, Immunology, Cytology, Immunohematology, Cytogenetics, Molecular diagnostics, Microbiology, Chemistry, Coagulation
White blood cell (leukocyte) count and differential white count; red blood cell (erythrocyte) count; hematocrit; hemoglobin; red blood cell indices, which include the mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and the platelet (thrombocyte) count.
Comprehensive metabolic panel, Hepatic function panel, Electrolyte panel, Complete Blood Cell Count
Complete Blood Cell Count
Sodium, potassium, chloride, carbon dioxide.
Comprehensive metabolic panel, Hepatic function panel, Electrolyte panel, Complete Blood Cell Count
Electrolyte panel
Total protein; albumin; total and direct bilirubin; alkaline phosphatase; AST, also known as serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT); ALT, also known as serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT).
Comprehensive metabolic panel, Hepatic function panel, Electrolyte panel, Complete Blood Cell Count
Hepatic function panel
Glucose, BUN, creatinine, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, carbon dioxide, albumin, total protein, alkaline phosphatase, AST, ALT, and total bilirubin.
Comprehensive metabolic panel, Hepatic function panel, Electrolyte panel, Complete Blood Cell Count
Comprehensive metabolic panel
Handles stat (emergency) requests.
STAT laboratory
All laboratories have a separate stat laboratory. Often the stats are handled out of the main laboratory. True or False
False - not all laboratories
It provides rapid turnaround of results on frequently ordered tests for outpatients.
Outpatient laboratory
Patient identification is the most important step in the process of preexamination. True or False
A set of operations to determine the value or characteristics of a property.
examination, postexamination, preexamination
Results of the testing are communicated to the physician.
examination, postexamination, preexamination
Correct sample collection
examination, postexamination, preexamination
Maintaining testing equipment and reagents
examination, postexamination, preexamination
Storage of samples after the examination
examination, postexamination, preexamination
Maintaining sample integrity until the examination (analytical) process
can begin
examination, postexamination, preexamination
Follow-up to repeat testing or address physician concerns
examination, postexamination, preexamination
Developed as a complex system to coordinate the provision of health services and health benefits.
managed care, Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Affordable Healthcare Act, Esoteric Tests, Regional Laboratory, Laboratory Tests, Patient service centers (PSCs), Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
managed care
Provide health coverage for both hospital and physician services.
managed care, Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Affordable Healthcare Act, Esoteric Tests, Regional Laboratory, Laboratory Tests, Patient service centers (PSCs), Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
Contacts with certain health care facilities but offer more freedom for patients to choose to whom they go.
managed care, Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Affordable Healthcare Act, Esoteric Tests, Regional Laboratory, Laboratory Tests, Patient service centers (PSCs), Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
enacted to help those that could not afford insurance.
managed care, Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Affordable Healthcare Act, Esoteric Tests, Regional Laboratory, Laboratory Tests, Patient service centers (PSCs), Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
Affordable Healthcare Act
Located away from the hospital near groups of physician practices and less expensive to operate than the hospital laboratory.
managed care, Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Affordable Healthcare Act, Esoteric Tests, Regional Laboratory, Laboratory Tests, Patient service centers (PSCs), Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
Patient service centers (PSCs)
Competing hospitals are now forming joint laboratory ventures but still compete vigorously against each other on all other areas. True or False
Usually at an off-site location, central to all the hospitals involved and where most of the PSC and outpatient testing are performed.
managed care, Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Affordable Healthcare Act, Esoteric Tests, Regional Laboratory, Laboratory Tests, Patient service centers (PSCs), Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
Regional Laboratory
These tests are not very common that can be performed at the regional laboratory.
managed care, Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Affordable Healthcare Act, Esoteric Tests, Regional Laboratory, Laboratory Tests, Patient service centers (PSCs), Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
Esoteric Tests
Technical positions in a laboratory don’t require 4-year degree positions or 2-year associate degree positions. True or False
False - it requires 4-year degree positions or 2-year associate degree positions.
Physician who reads and interprets the results of laboratory tests or examines tissues under a microscope to diagnosis and monitor disease.
Medical laboratory technicians, Cytotechnologists, Histotechnologists, Pathologists, Medical technologists, Phlebotomists
Holds a minimum of a baccalaureate degree and is responsible for performing a full range of laboratory test, confirming the accuracy of test results, and reporting laboratory findings to the pathologist and other physicians.
Medical laboratory technicians, Cytotechnologists, Histotechnologists, Pathologists, Medical technologists, Phlebotomists
Medical technologists
Under the supervisor of the medical technologist, performs general tests.
Medical laboratory technicians, Cytotechnologists, Histotechnologists, Pathologists, Medical technologists, Phlebotomists
Medical laboratory technicians
Collects blood samples to be used in many laboratory tests to detect and monitor treatment.
Medical laboratory technicians, Cytotechnologists, Histotechnologists, Pathologists, Medical technologists, Phlebotomists
Examines cells under the microscope to detect signs of cancel in the earlier stages, when a cure is most likely.
Medical laboratory technicians, Cytotechnologists, Histotechnologists, Pathologists, Medical technologists, Phlebotomists
works in five major areas of the laboratory: blood banking, chemistry, hematology, immunology, and microbiology.
Medical laboratory technicians, Cytotechnologists, Histotechnologists, Pathologists, Medical technologists, Phlebotomists
Medical technologists
experts in diagnosing such diseases such as cancer, diabetes, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), hepatitis, and thyroid conditions.
Medical laboratory technicians, Cytotechnologists, Histotechnologists, Pathologists, Medical technologists, Phlebotomists
Prepares body tissue samples for microscopic examination by the pathologist using sophisticated techniques such as immunohistochemistry.
Medical laboratory technicians, Cytotechnologists, Histotechnologists, Pathologists, Medical technologists, Phlebotomists
Perform skin punctures and venipunctures.
Phlebotomy Technician 1
Perform only skin punctures.
Limited Phlebotomy Technician
Perform skin punctures, venipunctures, and arterial punctures.
Phlebotomy Technician 2
Laboratories often employ an individual with high school education and laboratory experience to work as a laboratory assistant.
Phlebotomy Technician 2
Phlebotomy Technician 1 is required to perform 50 venipunctures, 10 skin punctures (fingersticks), and pass an approved national certifying organization’s exam. True or False
Limited Phlebotomy Technician is required to perform 20 skin punctures (fingersticks) before meeting the qualifications for this standard. True or False
False - 25 skin punctures
Phlebotomy Technician 2 is required to perform 20 arterial punctures and meets the requirements of the Certified Phlebotomy Technician 1. True or False
The agency that is accepted worldwide in the laboratories for all certification and registries is the NCCT. True or False
False - ASCP
Patient care partnership Ensures greater satisfaction of the patient, physician, and health care facility. True or False
The patient has the right to have an advance directive concerning treatment or designating a surrogate decision maker with the expectation that the hospital will honor the intent of that directive to the extent permitted by law and hospital policy. True or False
The patient has the right to ask and is informed of the existence of business relationships among the hospital, educational institutions, other health care providers, or payers that may influence the patient’s treatment and care. True or False
The patient has the right to and is encouraged to obtain from physicians and other direct caregivers relevant, current, and understandable information concerning diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. True or False
The patient has the right to review the records pertaining to his or her medical care and to have the information explained or interpreted as necessary, except when restricted by law. True or False
Documents are written before incapacitating illness that give instructions about persons’ health care if, in the future, they can speak for themselves. True or False
False - Documents written before incapacitating illness that give instructions about persons’ health care if, in the future, they cannot speak for themselves
The patient self-determination act of 1980 requires all hospitals participating in Medicare or Medicaid programs to ask all adult inpatients if they have advance directives. True or False
False - 1990
The __________ was formed in 1951 to give hospitals a way to assure the public of their high standard of care.
Sentinal event, Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act, College of American Pathologists, Joint Commission
Joint Commission
An unexpected occurence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or risk thereof.
Sentinal event, Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act, College of American Pathologists, Joint Commission
Sentinal event
Inspects the laboratory and requires it to meet additional standards of performance by sending proficiency test samples to the laboratory throughout the year.
Sentinal event, Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act, College of American Pathologists, Joint Commission
College of American Pathologists
Checking on the performance of hospitals and laboratories is the individual state board of health. True or False
issues publications that describe laboratory procedures, bench, and reference methods, and evaluation protocols in all specialties of the laboratory.
Sentinal event, Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act, College of American Pathologists, Joint Commission
Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute
was mandated comprehensive regulation of laboratories involved in interstate commerce.
Sentinal event, Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act, College of American Pathologists, Joint Commission
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act
Designed to set safety policies and procedures that protect patients.
Sentinal event, Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act, College of American Pathologists, Joint Commission
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988
Tests that are simple, unvarying, and require a minimum of judgment and interpretation.
High-complexity tests, Moderate-complexity tests, Physician-performed microscopy tests, Waived tests
Waived tests
Tests in which the physician personally looks under the microscope and makes the judgment and interpretation.
High-complexity tests, Moderate-complexity tests, Physician-performed microscopy tests, Waived tests
Physician-performed microscopy tests
Tests that require more complex testing equipment and a moderate amount of judgment and interpretation.
High-complexity tests, Moderate-complexity tests, Physician-performed microscopy tests, Waived tests
Moderate-complexity tests
Tests that require the most complex testing equipment and a large amount of judgment and interpretation.
High-complexity tests, Moderate-complexity tests, Physician-performed microscopy tests, Waived tests
High-complexity tests
NACLS is an international agency for the accreditation and approval of educational programs for clinical laboratories and other health care professions. True or False
Phlebotomists must realize that quality is their responsibility. True or False
Most of the preexamination (preanalytical) process is the responsibility of the phlebotomist. True or False
The most common error is administrative (clerical), where the phlebotomist spells the name wrong, mislabels a sample, or draws the incorrect sample tube. True or False
Quality Assurance comprises the methods of monitoring the processes that are providing patient care, that is, equipment maintenance and calibration of equipment, following phlebotomy standards. True or False
False - Quality Control
Quality Control strives to guarantee that all areas of the health care facility are providing the highest quality and most appropriate patient care. True or False
False - Quality Assurance
A secret shopper is a person hired by the laboratory to come to a draw site with an order from a physician. True or False
Quality control would be to determine if the phlebotomist is meeting this minimum level or threshold. True or False
The TQM plan aims at more than just meeting the minimum standards. True or False
False - CQI
TQM plan is a management plan that ensures that the quality expected can be met. True or False
six sigma works to identify and improve processes using data and customer requirements to reduce errors. True or False
lean philosophy helps develop work-flow programs to streamline laboratory operations. True or False
The review and monitoring of the outcome of these processes in order to continually improve them is quality assurance. True or False
False - quality improvement