Caring for Pediatric Patients Flashcards
caring for pediatric patients
Pediatric Care
Performing pediatric phlebotomy is an important duty with a detailed procedure that must be adhered to correctly. True or False
It is important to be calm and confident when caring for pediatric patients. True or False
Get down on the child’s level and explain every step of the procedure. True or False
Parents or caregivers must be reassured as well as the child. True or False
Magical thinking (creates misconceptions)
Ages 10 and older, 6 to 9 years of age, Ages 2 to 6 years, The first 2 years
Ages 2 to 6 years
Feels stress due to separation from familiar caregivers
Ages 10 and older, 6 to 9 years of age, Ages 2 to 6 years, The first 2 years
The first 2 years
Understand some mechanics of health (e.g. digestion, respiratory)
Ages 10 and older, 6 to 9 years of age, Ages 2 to 6 years, The first 2 years
6 to 9 years of age
Medical care may be viewed as punishment for bad behavior
Ages 10 and older, 6 to 9 years of age, Ages 2 to 6 years, The first 2 years
Ages 2 to 6 years
Limited understanding of illness
Ages 10 and older, 6 to 9 years of age, Ages 2 to 6 years, The first 2 years
The first 2 years
Can understand how procedures will help cure illness
Ages 10 and older, 6 to 9 years of age, Ages 2 to 6 years, The first 2 years
6 to 9 years of age
Internal organs are difficult to understand
Ages 10 and older, 6 to 9 years of age, Ages 2 to 6 years, The first 2 years
Ages 2 to 6 years
A fairly clear understanding of illness
Ages 10 and older, 6 to 9 years of age, Ages 2 to 6 years, The first 2 years
Ages 10 and older
Still have some misconceptions
Ages 10 and older, 6 to 9 years of age, Ages 2 to 6 years, The first 2 years
6 to 9 years of age
Can explain why they do not feel well
Ages 10 and older, 6 to 9 years of age, Ages 2 to 6 years, The first 2 years
Ages 10 and older
Infants and toddlers are much vulnerable to separation, have limited mobility due to the procedure, and are sensitive to excess stimulation. True or False
To minimize the stress of a preschooler patient, provide as much TLC as possible, talk to the patient in a calm and soothing voice, and encourage parents to allow the patient to bring comfort. True or False
False - Infants and Toddlers
Stress Factors:
- Separation and stranger anxiety
- Limited understanding of body functions
Stress Factors:
- Limited mobility due to the procedure
- Changes in daily schedule and routine
Infants and Toddlers
To minimize the stress of a preschooler patient, explain what is going to be done, use simple coping strategies, and reinforce the reason for treatments. True or False
Telling the child that fingerstick or venipuncture will not hurt them rather than it will only hurt as an ant bite. True or False
False - Instead of not telling the child that fingerstick or venipuncture will not hurt them, we must tell them rather that it will only hurt as an ant bite.
Mature in their ability to locate and explain the pain
School-age children, Children, Toddlers, Infants
Experiences pain but cannot always pinpoint the source
School-age children, Children, Toddlers, Infants
Rely on parents/caregivers to notice pain
School-age children, Children, Toddlers, Infants
Can locate pain in terms of body parts
School-age children, Children, Toddlers, Infants
School-age children
Distractions have been found more successful in calming a child. True or False
Parents can put topical anesthetics like Lidocaine and prilocaine cream (ELA- MAX) to numb the venipuncture. True or False
False - Physicians and nurses are the only authorized personnel
a sugar-coated pacifier that
children can such on comfort when they are required a heel stick
Sweet - Ease
Most effective analgesic effect
The more you involve a child in the process, the more they will understand and cooperate. True or False
Neonatal screening and Bilirubin (newborn) are some of the tests that are commonly performed by fingerstick or heel stick on children or infants. True or False
Venipuncture by syringe is a method of choice for children. True or False
False - Butterfly
Venipuncture on children is performed the same way as adults. However, smaller evacuated tubes (2 to 3 mL) or smaller syringe attached to a 23- gauge butterfly is used. True or False
Low-intensity light sources can be used to locate veins. True or False
False - high-intensity
Infrared Imaging is the alternative high-intensity lighting in locating veins. True or False
The dorsal hand vein of newborn or infant less than two years of age is often preferred as rather than heelstick or fingerstick. True or False
False - The dorsal hand vein of newborn or infant less than two years of age is often preferred as alternative heelstick or fingerstick.
Proper restraint techniques are necessary to avoid hurting the child. True or False
If an accident takes place during the procedure, remove the needle immediately to avoid injury. True or False
Restrain is performed to have the child hold still especially that their natural reaction is to pull away from the pain. True or False
Parents may hold their child on their lap while holding the child’s arm in a straight position and restraining the rest of the child’s body. True or False
Effective method and preferable over all other restrains.
Parent’s assistance
___________ are used to restrain a child. These are large boards commonly used by infants and toddlers.
Papoose board
The papoose technique is extremely traumatic to the child and is usually the last option. True or False
Blanket around the child or mummy restraint is an excellent substitute for papoose board. True or False
If the phlebotomist cannot answer a question, they should say “I don’t know” True or False