Safety in Phlebotomy Flashcards
Procedures that are often established to protect the health care associate from being infected by the patient, vise versa.
Infection Control, Source, Communicable Infection, Nosocomial infection, Community-Acquired infection
Infection Control
Acquired before 48 hours after admission to the hospital
Infection Control, Source, Communicable Infection, Nosocomial infection, Community-Acquired infection
Community-Acquired infection
Also known as health
care-associated or hospital-acquired infection
Infection Control, Source, Communicable Infection, Nosocomial infection, Community-Acquired infection
Nosocomial infection
Infection prior to admission
Infection Control, Source, Communicable Infection, Nosocomial infection, Community-Acquired infection
Community-Acquired infection
Within 30 days after discharge from a healthcare facility
Infection Control, Source, Communicable Infection, Nosocomial infection, Community-Acquired infection
Nosocomial infection
Organisms that cause
the infection and disease spread from person to person.
Infection Control, Source, Communicable Infection, Nosocomial infection, Community-Acquired infection
Communicable Infection
Also known as reservoir
Infection Control, Source, Communicable Infection, Nosocomial infection
Source and host can be the same. True or False
infection from the source’s own flora
Autogenous infection
Key to infection concept
Susceptible host
In order for infection to break: Patient isolation, nursery precautions, healthy lifestyle,
immunization. True or False
Physical transfer of infective material from the source to a susceptible host
Direct contact, Indirect contact, Vehicle, Vector, Airborne, Droplet
Direct contact
Transfer of infective material via an object, such as bed linen, instruments, etc.
Direct contact, Indirect contact, Vehicle, Vector, Airborne, Droplet
Indirect contact
Transfer through the nose, mouth, eyes by coughing, sneezing, or talking
Direct contact, Indirect contact, Vehicle, Vector, Airborne, Droplet
Transfer of infective material through contaminated items
such as food, water, and blood
Direct contact, Indirect contact, Vehicle, Vector, Airborne, Droplet
Droplets that transfer on air currents, such as tuberculosis and transfers through coughing, sneezing, and talking
Direct contact, Indirect contact, Vehicle, Vector, Airborne, Droplet
Transmission by insects, such as malaria which is transmitted mosquitoes
Direct contact, Indirect contact, Vehicle, Vector, Airborne, Droplet
In order to break the transmission link: Hand hygiene, patient isolation, wear PPE. True or False
Means to enter the
susceptible host/reservoir
Portal of Entry
The Portal of entry can be the same as the portal of exit. True or False
Mucous membranes (mouth, nose, eyes), Gastrointestinal tract, Respiratory tract, Broken skin
Portal of Entry
Excretion, Secretions, Droplets
Portal of Exit
Assumes that all blood and body fluids are potentially infectious
Universal Precautions
Universal precautions evolved into a system called Body Substance Isolation (BSI); the key change was the requirement that gloves be worn when a health care provider is in contact with any body substance. True or False
Maintain that personal protective equipment and barrier controls must be worn for contact with all body fluid, whether or not blood is visible
Standard Precautions
The goal of standard precautions is to reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms from both recognized and unrecognized sources of infection. True or False
It is important to wash hands when changing gloves and between patients. True or False
Place intact needles/syringes and sharps in designated sharp containers. Do not bend, break, or cut needles. True or False
Physical and mechanical devices that are available to the health care associate to reduce or eliminate the potential to transfer infectious diseases.
Engineering controls
Puncture-proof sharps
containers should be filled only to 90% to capacity to prevent needlestick injuries. True or False
False - 80%
the single most important way to prevent the spread of infection
Hands must be washed after each patient contact. True or False
Disinfecting hard surfaces is a work practices controls. True or False
least expensive and most effective disinfecting solutions
10% household bleach
All needles must be covered with a safety device immediately after use and not recapped. True or False
Alcohol-based cleaners are acceptable if handwashing is not available. True or False
alternative for people who are allergic to alcohol
Hydrogen peroxide, Tincture of iodine or povidone-iodine, 2% chlorhexidine gluconate and 70% isopropyl alcohol
Hydrogen peroxide
used for skin preparation for blood cultures
Hydrogen peroxide, Tincture of iodine or povidone-iodine, 2% chlorhexidine gluconate and 70% isopropyl alcohol
2% chlorhexidine gluconate and 70% isopropyl alcohol
mostly used for skin preparation for blood cultures or arterial punctures
Hydrogen peroxide, Tincture of iodine or povidone-iodine, 2% chlorhexidine gluconate and 70% isopropyl alcohol
Tincture of iodine or povidone-iodine
Benzalkonium chloride and Zephrine chloride is an alternative skin cleanser. True or False
spills and decontaminating soiled areas should be cleaned immediately. True or False
Broken glasses are can be picked up with the hands. True or False
False - Broken glasses should not be picked up with the hands
0.1% to 1% bleach is effective against HIV while 10% to 20% bleach is effective against hepatitis viruses. True or False
HBV Vaccination is also effective for other viruses. True or False
False - HBV Vaccination is not effective for other viruses.
HBV Vaccination is effective for 10 or more years in protecting the phlebotomist from contracting the disease or becoming a carrier. True or False
False - 15 years
Reduces the possibility of transmission of infection by separating the patient with a disease from other patients and health care sectors.
Private Rooms
Used by a phlebotomist may include masks, goggles, face shields, gowns, and gloves.
PPE or Personal Protective Equipment
An agency of the federal government that investigates
the possibility of unsafe practices in the work environment.
CLIA level fines for noncompliance with health and safety regulations. True or False
False - OSHA
OSHA requires recordkeeping of any injuries. True or False
Produce a very significant exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
Sharp Hazards
It is ok to recap a needle after being used. True or False
False - Never recap a needle
All sharps must be disposed of in puncture-resistant, leakproof containers labeled with biohazard symbols. True or False
Contains information on
physical and chemical characteristics, fire, explosion reactivity, health hazards, primary routes of entry, etc.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
All healthcare institutions are required to post evacuation routes and detailed plans to follow when a fire occurs. True or False
the universal fire extinguisher
Class ABC
It is important to keep the long hair back and removes dangling jewelry to avoid contact with equipment and patients. True or False
Defined as any pathogenic
microorganism that is present in human blood or any other potentially infectious material and can infect and cause disease in persons who are exposed to blood containing pathogens.
blood-borne pathogens
HBV, HIV, and HCV are types of blood-borne pathogens. True or False
Limits the amount of contact time a patient has to spread an infection.
Isolation techniques, Contact isolation, Tuberculosis isolation, Protective or Reverse isolation, Enteric precaution, Drainage/Secretion precautions, Respiratory isolation, Strict isolation
Isolation techniques
For patients with a contagious disease such as chickenpox, diphtheria, or pneumonia
Isolation techniques, Contact isolation, Tuberculosis isolation, Protective or Reverse isolation, Enteric precaution, Drainage/Secretion precautions, Respiratory isolation, Strict isolation
Strict isolation
For patients that have a disease that can be transmitted through direct contact such as scabies
Isolation techniques, Contact isolation, Tuberculosis isolation, Protective or Reverse isolation, Enteric precaution, Drainage/Secretion precautions, Respiratory isolation, Strict isolation
Contact isolation
For patients with diseases that can be transmitted through the air such as mumps, pertussis, or rubella
Isolation techniques, Contact isolation, Tuberculosis isolation, Protective or Reverse isolation, Enteric precaution, Drainage/Secretion precautions, Respiratory isolation, Strict isolation
Respiratory isolation
Isolation techniques are similar to respiratory respiration
Isolation techniques, Contact isolation, Tuberculosis isolation, Protective or Reverse isolation, Enteric precaution, Drainage/Secretion precautions, Respiratory isolation, Strict isolation
Tuberculosis isolation
Sometimes called the wound and skin precautions; for patients with open wounds result from abrasion, accidental skin cuts, etc.
Isolation techniques, Contact isolation, Tuberculosis isolation, Protective or Reverse isolation, Enteric precaution, Drainage/Secretion precautions, Respiratory isolation, Strict isolation
Drainage/Secretion precautions
For patients with severe diarrhea due to contagious bacteria such as shigella, etc.
Isolation techniques, Contact isolation, Tuberculosis isolation, Protective or Reverse isolation, Enteric precaution, Drainage/Secretion precautions, Respiratory isolation, Strict isolation
Enteric precaution
Protect the patient from the outside pathogens. For patients that are highly immunocompromised.
Isolation techniques, Contact isolation, Tuberculosis isolation, Protective or Reverse isolation, Enteric precaution, Drainage/Secretion precautions, Respiratory isolation, Strict isolation
Protective or Reverse isolation
Reduce the risk of air-borne, droplet, and contact transmission of pathogens.
Transmission-Based Isolation, Second-tier Transmission- based precautions, Droplet precautions, Contact precautions, Airborne precautions
Transmission-Based Isolation
for patients diagnosed or suspected of having transmissible disease.
Transmission-Based Isolation, Second-tier Transmission- based precautions, Droplet precautions, Contact precautions, Airborne precautions
Second-tier Transmission- based precautions
The microorganism can remain infective while being carried through the air on the dried residue of a droplet or a dust particle.
Transmission-Based Isolation, Second-tier Transmission- based precautions, Droplet precautions, Contact precautions, Airborne precautions
Airborne precautions
be transmitted on most particles produced during coughing and sneezing. - Droplets can travel only short distances through the air, less than 3 feet.
Transmission-Based Isolation, Second-tier Transmission- based precautions, Droplet precautions, Contact precautions, Airborne precautions
Droplet precautions
Infection can be transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact or by indirect contact by touching objects.
Transmission-Based Isolation, Second-tier Transmission- based precautions, Droplet precautions, Contact precautions, Airborne precautions
Contact precautions
When collecting a blood in an isolation room it is important to bring only the necessary equipment. True or False
Waste must be rendered noninfectious so that the people handling the waste will not become infected and the environment will not be contaminated. True or False
Waste burned to ash kills any potentially infectious organisms and makes the items within the waste non-usable.
Autoclave, Incineration, Chemical treatment
Method consists of
grinding or chopping the waste into small pellets and then treating the pellets with a disinfectant chemical to kill an infectious organism.
Autoclave, Incineration, Chemical treatment
Chemical treatment
Used in small operations where only a small amount of waste is generated and control tapes are placed on the biohazard bags to ensure adequacy in the sterilize.
Autoclave, Incineration, Chemical treatment
Chemicals that produce a toxic or irritant vapor must be used only in an approved chemical hood or fume hood. True or False
In case of a chemical spill or splash to the eyes of body parts, the affected part should be flushed with flowing water for 5 minutes. True or False
False - 15 minutes
Also known as irritant contact dermatitis and symptoms begin 24 to 72 hours after exposure.
Latex Allergy
Three prong plug must be used in case of electrical shock. True or False
A Type IV allergy is the most common; Type 2 latex allergy is more serious. True or False
False - Type 1 latex allergy
Eliminate the use of needles when safety features and evaluate their use to determine which are most effective and acceptable. True or False
It is important to analyze needlestick and sharp related injuries in the workplace to identify hazards and injury trends. True or False
Defines as any exposure the health care associate to blood, body fluids, or tissues.
accidental biohazard exposure
accidental biohazard exposure should be reported immediately to the supervisor. True or False
The exposed associate must be tested for HIV or HBV only if the associate gives consent. True or False
If the source patient refuses testing, is HIV and HBV positive, or high-risk category. The associate may elect to receive _______________
prophylactic treatment
All exposed associated are counseled to be alert for viral symptoms for 12 weeks after exposure. True or False