Sample Flashcards
Holzel et al. (mindfulness)
- 33 (initially 35) right handed, healthy adults, aged 25-55 years
- Recruited from four MBSR courses held at the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical School
- Participants enrolled to help with stress reduction either because they had chosen to attend the course, or had been referred by their doctor
- Individuals were included in the study if they self-reported as physically and psychologically healthy and not taking any medications
Further inclusion criteria was:
1. No meditation classes in the past 6 months
2. No more than four classes in the past 5 years, or 10 classes in their lifetime
3. No contradictions for MRI scanning (metallic implants, claustrophobia)
4. Commitment to attend all eight classes and complete the daily homework
* Initially: 8 males, 10 females. Now, 6 males and 10 females as two males left after the first MRI session due to discomfort
* The remaining sample had a mean age of 38 years and included 13 Caucasian, 1 Asian, 1 African American, and 1 multi-ethnic participant
* avg 17.7 yrs of education
CONTROL GROUP (waitlist control grp)
* 11 males and 6 females with a mean age of 39 years
* avg 17.3 years of education
* 13 Caucasians, 2 Asians, 2 African Americans, and 1 Hispanic participant
- Written consent was obtained from all 33 participants
- Both the MBSR and the control groups did not differ in terms of age or education
- control group has the same eligibility criteria as the experimental group
- All participants received a discounted MBSR course fee for participation
Andrade (doodling)
- 40 members of the MRC Applied Psychology Unit participant panel (opportunity sampling)
- aged between 18-55 years
- doodling group = 20 people (3 men)
- control group = 20 people (2 men)
- asked to join the study immediately after participating in an unrelated experiment for another researcher
- 40 males aged 20-50 years from New Haven and surrounding areas in the USA, with a range of professions and educational levels (volunteer sampling; responded to advert on local newspaper)
- e.g. high school teachers, postal clerks, etc
- ppts were paid $4.50 for their participation
Bandura et al. (aggression)
- 72 children recruited from Stanford University nursing (opportunity sampling)
- 36 girls and 36 boys
- aged from 37-69 months
- mean age of 52 months
- approx. 4450 men and women (55% white, 45% black)
- NYC subway passengers (opportunity sampling)
Dement and Kleitman (sleep and dreams)
- 7 male and 2 female adults
- 5 studied in detail
- rest of the participants’ results were used to confirm results of the 5
Hassett et al. (monkey toy preferences)
- 21 male & 61 female rhesus monkeys living in natal groups
- as part of a wider group of 135 animals at Yerkes Primate Research Station in USA
- of these 135 animals, 14 adults weren’t studied as they received hormone treatments
- each natal group was housed in 25x25m outdoor area with access to a temp-controlled indoor environment with water available
Fagen et al. (elephant learning)
- 5 female elephants
- 4 juveniles aged 5-7 years, all born in captivity
- 1 adult aged at least 50 years
- elephants were chosen because they were all relatively tame and NONE were pregnant, and because their mahouts were happy to take part (opportunity sampling)
- elephants had NO previous experience with secondary positive reinforcement and had only been trained using traditional methods
- 59 child participants
- aged 4-7 years
- 21 females
- recruited from pre-k/kindergarten classes in 3 private schools in Ontario
- 53 adult participants
* aged 17-30 years
* 36 females
* recruited from Introductory Psychology Participant Pool in Eastern Ontario Uni
Baron-Cohen (eyes test)
- Group 1: AS/HFA
* 15 people (ALL MALE)
* mean IQ of 115, mean age of 29.7 years
* VOLUNTEER SAMPLING: adverts in Autistic Society Magazine
* all diagnosed using DSM or ICD - Group 2: adult comparison group
* 122 people
* mean age of 46.5 years
* no diagnosis of AS/HFA
* OPPORTUNITY/VOLUNTEER SAMPLING: via ADULT COMMUNITY and EDUCATION CLASSES in Exeter and PUBLIC LIBRARY USERS in Cambridge - Group 3: student comparison group
* 103 people
* mean age of 20.8 years
* OPPORTUNITY/VOLUNTEER SAMPLING: from Uni of Cambridge - Group 4: IQ matched group
* 14 people
* mean IQ of 116
* mean age of 28 years
* RANDOM SAMPLING from generlal population
Saavedra and Silverman (button phobia)
- 9 year old Hispanic American boy
- he and mother sought support from Child Anxiety and Phobia Program at Florida Int. Uni.
- met criteria for specific phobia of buttons
- experienced symptoms for 4 years prior to study
Perry et al. (personal space)