sam 3 mt2 2021 Flashcards
Rabies Vs Aujeszky disease – difference in symptoms in dogs and cats
- Paraesthesia is common in Aujeszky disease; attacking behaviour is common in rabies
- Strabismus and ascending limb paralysis are common in Aujeszky disease; paraesthesia is common in rabies
- Dysphagia do not occur in Aujeszky disease, only in rabies; lung oedema is characteristic in Aujeszky disease
- Rabies does not occur in cats; only Aujeszky disease
- Paraesthesia is common in Aujeszky disease; attacking behaviour is common in rabies
Which is the most common reason of seizure in a young adult dog?
- Congenital heart disease
- Primer epilepsy
- Portosystemic shunt
- Cerebral neoplasia
- Primer epilepsy
Which antiepileptic drug is the first choice in the chronic treatment of epileptic dog?
- Phenobarbital and imepitoin
- Potassium bromide
- Levetiracetam
- Diazepam
- Phenobarbital and imepitoin
Which DOES NOT cause secondary immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia?
- Microsporum
- Mycoplasma
- Babesia
- Haemangiosarcoma
- Microsporum
Why is the multifil suture material not recommended by the surgeries on the gastrointestinal organs?
- Expensive
- High risk of septic consequences because of the drainage (caused by the
suture material) - Tensile security properties are worse
- Knot security properties are worse
- High risk of septic consequences because of the drainage (caused by the suture material)
Which statement is true?
- In case of haemolytic anaemia the plasma can be clear
- Elevated thrombocyte count is a feature of pancytopenia
- In case of acute blood loss, microcyter hypochromic anaemia develops within
a few hours - Babesia and mycoplasma infections are causing non-regenerative anaemia
- Babesia and mycoplasma infections are causing non-regenerative anaemia
Suturing of an enterotomy wound
- Monofil, absorbable suture material, simple interrupted suture pattern, in 2
layers - Multifil, absorbable suture material, simple interrupted suture pattern, in 2
layers - Monofil, absorbable suture material, simple interrupted/continuous suture
pattern, in 1 layer (seromuscular) - Monofil, non-absorbable suture material, simple interrupted/ continuous
suture pattern, in 1 layer (all layers)
- Monofil, non-absorbable suture material, simple interrupted/ continuous suture pattern, in 1 layer (all layers)
Lissencephaly (lyssencephalon) is:
- Complication of hydrocephalus
- Congenital under-development of sulci and gyri of the cortex
- One type of metabolic storage disorders of the brain
- Histopathological alteration of the brain as a sequel of rabies (lyssa)
- Congenital under-development of sulci and gyri of the cortex
Which drug can be used to stop seizures?
- Diazepam
- Propofol
- Both
- None of the above
- Both
Which statement is true?
- Botulism is caused by Coli bacteria and its main symptom is flaccid paresis
- Tetanus is caused by Clostridium bacteria and the main symptom is flaccid paresis
- Botulism is caused by Clostridium bacteria and the main symptom is flaccid
paresis - Tetanus is caused by Coli bacteria and the main symptom is muscle spasm
- Botulism is caused by Clostridium bacteria and the main symptom is flaccid paresis
Which blood parameters should be examined in anaemic patients?
- TCa, K, AST, CK, LDH
From which thrombocyte count (G/l) can we expect bleeding because of
* <50
* 50-100
* 100-200
* 200-400
- <50
What is the most characteristic localization of vertebral body tumours?
- The middle third of the vertebral body
- The end plates
- Multifidarius processes
- Articular process
- The middle third of the vertebral body
Which is an absolute indication for surgical treatment?
- Acute Hansen type 1 discus prolapsus with paraplegia without deep pain perception
- Atlantoaxial instability with neck pain
- Discopondylitis
- Cauda equina syndrome combines with severe hip dysplasia
- Acute Hansen type 1 discus prolapsus with paraplegia without deep pain perception
Which disease is acute?
- Type 1 discopathy
- Type 2 discopathy
- Lumbo-sacral instability
- Tumour
- Type 1 discopathy
Incubation period of rabies
- Usually 2-3 months, but can be shorter or longer, depends on which body part was infected
- Symptoms start 3-7 days after infection
- Incubation period is very short, symptoms start 1-2 days after infection
- Usually 1-2 weeks, but can be shorter if the front limbs of the patient had been bitten
- Usually 2-3 months, but can be shorter or longer, depends on which body part was infected
Which cannot be a symptom of transversal myelopathy?
- Postural deficits
- Lameness
- Ataxia
- Hyperreflexia
- Lameness
Which of the following arteries does not directly contribute to splenic blood supply?
- Left gastric
- Left gastroepiploic
- Short gastric
- Splenic
- Left gastric
How can we diagnose deep pain perception?
- Pinching the patient’s finger pulls it away
- After pinching the patient’s finger extend the limb on the opposite side
- By pinching the patient’s finger it pulls it out and turns it on his head vocalizes or ties to bite
- Following painful stimulation the cutaneous trunci muscle contracts
- By pinching the patient’s finger it pulls it out and turns it on his head vocalizes or ties to bite
What does DAMNIT-V schema stand for?
- For differentiating between hydrocephalus and brain stem hypoplasia during the physical examination of the neurological system
- For constructing a list of differential diagnosis based on anatomical and pathophysiological features of the diseases
- For grading the severity of the neurological lesions of the spinal cord during myelography
- For prognosis
- For constructing a list of differential diagnosis based on anatomical and pathophysiological features of the diseases
Regarding brain lesions which parts of the brain can be distinguished?
- Forebrain, brainstem, cerebellum.
- Forebrain, diencephalon, cerebellum.
- Cerebral hemispheres, pons, medulla oblongata.
- Forebrain, diencephalon, spinal cord.
- Forebrain, brainstem, cerebellum.
Which is the first choice in case of Hansen type 1 disc protrusion?
- Lateral corpectomy
- Fenestration
- Total laminectomy
- Hemilaminectomy
- Hemilaminectomy
On the basis of Modified Glasgow Coma Scale we can evaluate the prognosis of the
patient with head trauma according to:
- Pupil size, motor activity, consciousness
- Pupil size, motor activity, brainstem reflexes
- Motor activity, brainstem reflexes, consciousness
- Pupil size, brainstem reflexes, consciousness
- Motor activity, brainstem reflexes, consciousness
Why is permethrin toxic to cats?
- Pyrethrins inhibit Ca/Mg ATPase in nervous tissue
- Ca-oxalate monohydrate crystals mechanically damage the kidneys
- In case of MDR1 mutation the drug gets into the central nervous system
- In feline liver the glucuronidase activity is low and thus the compound can accumulate and reach toxic levels
- In feline liver the glucuronidase activity is low and thus the compound can accumulate and reach toxic levels
Which statement is incorrect concerning acute abdominal catastrophe?
- The precise diagnosis of particular organ dysfunctions is necessary for
surgical indication - The diagnosis of acute abdomen is sufficient for surgical indication
- The precise diagnosis of particular organ dysfunctions is necessary for surgical indication
which diagnostic tool is good for diagnosing fibrocartilago embolism?
-Liquor cytology
which artery is NOT directly participating in blood supply of the spleen?
- a. gastrica sin
- a. gastroepiploica sin
- a. gastricae breves
- a. lienalis
a. gastrica sin
in which cases cytology of the liquor can be helpful to evaluate?
- hansen type III discopathy
- wobbler syndrome
- hemivertebrae
- meningomyelitis
- meningomyelitis