Salud E Higiene Flashcards
To be sick/unwell
Estar enfermo/malo
Doctor, nurse
Médico, enfermero
Go to the hospital/to the doctor’s
Ir al hospital/al médico
Water, soap
Agua, jabón
Wash your face/hands/hair/teeth
Lavarse la cara/las manos/el pelo/los dientes
To shower, to take a bath
Ducharse, bañarse
To feel well/unwell
Sentirse bien/mal
To have the flu/an allergy/a fever/a cough
Tener gripe/alergia/fiebre/tos
To lead a healthy life, to have an illness
Llevar una vida sana, tener una enfermedad
To have pain in the head/spine/stomach
Tener dolor de cabeza/de espalda/de estómago
To hurt
To be tired
Estar cansado
Social Security
Seguridad Social
Ambulance, emergency room
Ambulancia, urgencias
To take a medicine/a medicament
Tomar una medicina/un medicamento
Shower, bathtub, towel
Ducha, bañera, toalla
Shampoo, shower gel, cream, cologne, deodorant
Champú, gel, crema, colonia, desodorante
Cepillo/pasta de dientes
Have/get your hair/hands/teeth clean/dirty
Tener/llevar el pelo/las manos/los dientes limpios/sucios
To shave, comb, brush your teeth
Afeitarse, peinarse, cepillarse los dientes
To have/wear long/short/curly/straight hair
Tener/llevar el pelo largo/corto/rizado/liso
Medical/sickness/public/private insurance
Seguro médico/de enfermedad/público/privado
To have diarrhea/cancer/AIDS
Tener diarrea/cáncer/sida
To get sick/unwell/well
Ponerse enfermo/malo/bien
To have good/poor health
Tener buena/mala salud
To take care of/cure a sick person
Cuidar/curar a un enfermo
To follow a diet
Hacer (un) régimen
To be healthy/on sick leave
Estar sano/de baja
Burn, cut, wound
Quemadura, corte, herida
To fall, to take a hit
Caer(se), dar(se) un golpe
To burn/cut a finger/a hand
Quemar(se)/cortar(se) un dedo/una mano
To get a wound, to break a leg/an arm
Hacerse una herida, romperse una pierna/un brazo
To lose weight/to gain weight
Adelgazar, engordar
To be exhausted/stressed/with a cold/nauseous
Estar agotado/estresado/resfriado/mareado
Doctor, nurse
Doctor, enfermo
Clinic, health center
Clínica, centro de salud
Doctor/hospital/pharmacy on duty
Médico/hospital/farmacia de guardia
Blood/urine test
Análisis de sangre/de orina
Dentist, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, psychologist, surgeon
Dentista, ginecólogo, oculista, psicólogo, cirujano
To ask for a time/a date
Pedir hora/cita
To make a check,
To make blood/urine samples/test/analysis
Hacerse una revisión,
Hacerse unas pruebas/un control/un análisis de sangre/de orina
To admit to a hospital/to the emergency room
Ingresar en un hospital/en urgencias
To grant discharge/sick leave (2)
Dar de alta/baja, dar el alta/baja (médica)
Band-aid, alcohol, peroxide, cotton, thermometer
Tirita, alcohol, agua oxigenada, algodón, termómetro
Antibiotics, aspirin, drops, vaccine, pill
Antibiótico, aspirina, gotas, vacuna, pastilla
To apply a cream
Darse una crema
To take drops
Echarse unas gotas
To take a vaccine/the thermometer
Ponerse una vacuna/el termómetro
To make/give a prescription
Hacer/dar una receta (médica)
Brush, comb, hair dryer
Cepillo, peine, secador de pelo
Slippers, shower/bath cap
Zapatillas, gorro de ducha/baño
Shaving foam/gel/razor/knife
Espuma/gel/maquinilla/cuchilla de afeitar
Soap bar, perfume
Pastilla de jabón, perfume
Barra de labios
Haircut, having well-groomed hair
Corte de pelo, peinado
To put on eye makeup/lipstick
Pintarse los ojos/los labios
To have soft hands/skin
Tener las manos/la piel suave
To cut your hair
Cortarse el pelo
Diagnostics, treatment
Diagnóstico, tratamiento
Pharyngitis, diabetes, bronchitis, pneumonia, depression
Faringitis, diabetes, bronquitis, neumonía, depresión
To have high/low blood pressure, to have high cholesterol, to have sugar
Tener la tensión alta/baja, tener el colesterol alto, tener azúcar
Heart attack, epileptic seizure, anxiety attack
Ataque al corazón/epiléptico/de ansiedad
Chronic/minor/serious/terminal/mental/contagious/hereditary illness
Enfermedad crónica/leve/grave/terminal/mental/contagiosa/hereditaria
To see a patient
Atender a un enfermo
To infect, to transmit
Contagiar(se), transmitir
Curative, medicinal, therapeutic, harmful, beneficial
Curativo, medicinal, terapéutico, perjudicial, beneficioso
To diagnose
To take care of yourself, regain strength
Cuidarse, reponer fuerzas
To undergo/suffer/recover from an illness
Padecer/sufrir/pasar una enfermedad
To catch/get a virus/a cold
Coger/contagiar un virus/un catarro
To get/suffer an infarct/paralysis/allergic reaction/fainting fit
Dar/sufrir un infarto/una parálisis/una reacción alérgica/un desmayo
To be in a coma
Estar en coma
To be on a diet (2)
Estar a régimen/a dieta
To have an iron/“bomb-proof” health
Tener una salud de hierro/a prueba de bomba
To get a (dental) filling
Hacerse un empaste
To lose your appetite/the desire to eat
Perder el apetito/las ganas de comer
To put in a cast, bandage
Escayolar, vendar
Serious/deep/superficial/minor wound
Herida grave/profunda/superficial/leve
To have/be left a scar
Tener/quedar una cicatriz
To cure a wound
Curar(se) una herida
To have a pulled muscle/a spasm
Tener un tirón/una contractura (muscular)
To get a sprain, to twist an ankle
Hacerse un esguince, torcerse un tobillo
To stitch
Dar puntos
To put a cast/a bandaid/surgical tape/gauze
Poner una escayola/una venda/un esparadrapo/una gasa
To gain/lose weight
Ganar/perder peso
Symptom, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, nausea
Síntoma, cansancio, debilidad, mareos, náuseas
High/low fever
Fiebre alta/baja
To vomit, get nauseous
Vomitar, marearse
To feel fatigue/pain
Sentir cansancio/dolor
To be depressed/in low spirits
Estar deprimido/decaído
To have anxiety/shivers/dizziness/nausea/discomfort/upsets
Tener ansiedad/escalofríos/mareos/náuseas/malestar/molestias
Outpatient clinic, doctor’s office, sanatorium
Ambulatorio, consultorio, sanatorio
X-ray, scanner, CAT scan, blood transfusion, echograph, check
Radiografía, escáner, TAC, transfusión de sangre, ecografía, chequeo
Doctor’s/dentist/gynecologist visit
Consulta del médico/del dentista/del ginecólogo
Medical/home visit
Asistencia médica/domiciliaria
Pediatrician, otolaryngologist, traumatologist, anesthesiologist, social worker/assistant
Pediatra, otorrino(laringólogo), traumatólogo, anestesista, trabajador/asistente social
First aid kit, stretcher
Botiquín, camilla
Operations room, surgery
Quirófano, cirugía
Gynecological/dental/yearly check
Revisión ginecológica/dental/anual
To hospitalize, operate, put under anesthesia, cure
Hospitalizar, operar, anestesiar, curar
To take blood pressure
Tomar(se) la tensión
Injection, ointment, painkiller, suppository, analgesic, anti-inflammatory
Inyección, pomada, calmante, supositorio, analgésico, antiinflamatorio
Directions for use, contraindication, side effects, symptoms
Prospecto, contraindicaciones, efectos secundarios, síntomas
Gauze, bandage, tape
Gasa, venda, esparadrapo
Over-the-counter/homeopathic/contraindicated medicament
Medicamento genérico/homeopático/contraindicado
Minimum/daily/recommended dosage
Dosis mínima/diaria/recomendada
To vaccinate
To prescribe
Essence, bath salts, dental floss (2)
Esencia, sales de baño, hilo/seda dental
Scissors, file, nail clippers
Tijeras, lima, cortaúñas
Hydromassage bath, hot tub, shower cabin
Bañera de hidromasaje, jacuzzi, cabina de ducha
Greasy/healthy/shiny hair
Pelo graso/sano/brillante
White/yellow/healthy teeth
Dientes blancos/amarillentos/sanos
To take a warm/cold/quick shower
To take a warm/cold/relaxing/foamy bath
Darse una ducha caliente/fría/rápida
Darse un baño caliente/frío/relajante/de espuma
To cut/file/polish your nails
Cortarse/limarse/cepillarse las uñas
To (un)tangle/tie up/brush you hair
(Des)enredarse/recogerse/cepillarse el pelo
Long hair/bob
Make-up, blush, eye shadow, mascara
Maquillaje, colorete, sombra de ojos, rímel
Hairspray, fixing gel, hair gel
Laca, gel fijador, gomina
(Hydro)massage, sauna
(Hidro)masaje, sauna
Esthetics, (natural) cosmetics, cosmetic products
Estética, cosmética (natural), productor cosméticos
Beauty salon/center, spa
Salón/centro de belleza, balneario
Spots, pimples
Manchas, granos
Hydrating/conditioning/cleansing/nutritional/sun cream
Crema hidratante/suavizante/limpiadora/ nutritiva/solar
To get pretty
Ponerse guapo
Change your hairstyle/your appearance
Cambiar de peinado/de aspecto
To stay/remain well/unwell/young
Mantenerse/conservarse bien/mal/joven
To get a therapeutic/relaxing massage
Darse un masaje terapéutico/relajante
To cut out your mustache/beard
Recortarse el bigote/la barba