Dimensión Física Flashcards
Hair, eye, nose
Pelo, ojo, nariz
Tall, short, fat, thin, pretty, ugly
Ser alto/bajo/gordo/delgado/guapo/feo
Ser rubio/moreno
Have blonde/dark/white hair
Tener el pelo rubio/moreno/blanco
Wear/have beard/mustache/glasses
Llevar/tener barba/bigote/gafas
Have bright/dark/blue/green/black/brown eyes
Tener los ojos claros/oscuros/azules/verdes/negros/marrones
Have big/small eyes
Tener los ojos grandes/pequeños
Get up; take a shower
Levantarse; ducharse
Listen to/hear
Head, face, arm, hand, finger, leg, foot
Cabeza, cara, brazo, mano, dedo, pierna, pie
Ear, tooth, throat, stomach, spine
Oído, muela, garganta, estómago, espalda
Ser/estar calvo
Have/wear smooth/curly/long/short hair
Tener/llevar el pelo liso/rizado/largo/corto
Wear a cap/hat/headscarf
Llevar una gorra/un sombrero/un pañuelo
Wash, comb, shave
Lavarse, peinarse, afeitarse
Walk, go for a walk, run
Andar, pasear, correr
Get on, get out of, sit down
Subir, bajar, sentarse
See, hear
Ver, oír
Take or pick up (incl. a vehicle)
Exercise, work out, do sports
Hacer ejercicio/gimnasia/deporte
Be born, grow up, have a child, die
Nacer, crecer, tener un hijo, morir
Muscle, bone, skin
Músculo, hueso, piel
Heart, lung
Corazón, pulmón
Neck, shoulders, chest, waist, belly
Cuello, hombros, pecho, cintura, barriga
Knee, ankle, elbow, wrist
Rodilla, tobillo, codo, muñeca
Position, look
Postura, mirada
Look like his father/ his brother/ them
Parecerse A su padre/A su hermano/ENTRE ellos
Have pale/dark/sensitive/smooth skin
Tener la piel clara/oscura/sensible/suave
Be dark, tan
Estar moreno
Be white/dark-skinned
Ser blanco/moreno (de piel)
Have a good/bad appearance/figure/style/presence
Tener buen/mal tipo/figura/estilo/presencia
Walk, go for a walk
Caminar, dar un paseo
To jump
To be sitting, standing up
Estar sentado/de pie
Breathe, cry, smell
Respirar, llorar, oler
To touch, kiss, hug
Tocar, besar, abrazar
Move up/move down/move your hands/arms/head
Levantar/bajar/mover las manos/los brazos/la cabeza
To release, drop
Life, death
Vida, muerte
Be pregnant, expect a child
Estar embarazada, esperar un hijo
Be a virgin, make love, have sexual relationships
Ser virgen, hacer el amor, tener relaciones sexuales
Take the pill, use protection
Tomar la píldora, usar preservativos
Have your period
Tener la regla
Forehead, cheek, chin, eyebrow, eyelash
Frente, mejilla, barbilla, ceja, pestaña
Gray hair, fingernail
Cana, uña
Brain, liver, kidney, intestine
Cerebro, hígado, riñón, intestine
Skeleton, spine, rib
Esqueleto, columna, costilla
Nerve, joint, artery, tendon
Nervio, articulación, arteria, tendón
Blind, deaf, mute
Ciego, sordo, mudo
Saliva, teardrop, sweat
Saliva, lágrima, sudor
Gesture, expression
Gesto, expresión
Be of normal/average/medium height (2)
Ser de estatura/altura normal/media/mediana
To have wrinkles/a scar
Tener arrugas/una cicatriz
To have a good/bad color/appearance
Tener buen/mal color/aspecto
To be the spitting image of/identical/like two drops of water
Ser clavados/idénticos/como dos gotas de agua
To knock yourself down/throw yourself/sit up/rise up/bend down
To cross your arms/legs
Cruzar los brazos/las piernas
To be crouching/standing
Estar agachado/derecho
To stand up/on your back/on your side/on your forehead/to kneel
Ponerse de pie/de espaldas/de perfil/de frente/de rodillas
To stay still/sleeping/crouching/on your back/on your knees
Quedarse quieto/dormido/agachado/de espaldas/de rodillas
To scratch yourself, to scrape, to stroke
Rascarse, arañar, acariciar
To kick/hit/punch
Dar una patada/una torta/puñetazo
To sneeze, yawn, sweat
Estornudar, bostezar, sudar
To chew, spit
Masticar, escupir
To hold (2)
Aguantar, sujetar
To applaud, point out, indicate
Aplaudir, señalar, indicar
Menstruation, fertilization, pregnancy, abortion, childbirth, cesarean section
Menstruación, fecundación, embarazo, aborto, parto, cesárea
Maternity, paternity
Maternidad, paternidad
Corpse, grave
Cadáver, tumba
Give birth, pass away
Dar a luz, fallecer
Bury, incinerate
Enterrar, incinerar