Salts Flashcards
What is a salt?
A complex substance which includes metal cations and anions of acidic residues.
May also contain hydroxide or hydrogen ions.
What is the classification of salts?
Since salts are the product of complete or partial replacement of an acid by a metal, they can be classified according to their composition as follows:
Acid Salts
Medium salts,
Basic salts
Double salts
Mixed Salts
Complex Salts
Hydrate salts
What is an Acid Salt?
Salt formed by the incomplete replacement of hydrogen atoms by a metal in an acid.
Examples include:
LiHCO3 - Lithium Bicarbonate
NaHSO4 - Sodium Hydrogen sulfate
NaH2PO4 - Sodium dihydrogen phosphate
What are medium salts?
These are salts formed by the complete replacement of hydrogen atoms in an acid with a metal.
Examples include:
CuSO4 - Copper (II) Sulfate
CaCl2 - Calcium Chloride
What are basic salts?
These are products of incomplete replacement of hydroxide groups by an acidic residue.
An example includes Mg (OH)Cl.
What are double salts?
This is when the composition includes two different metals and one acid residue.
KNaSO4 - Potassium - Sodium Sulfate
KAl(SO4)2 - Potassium-Aluminum Sulfate
What are Mixed Salts?
These are salts that contain one metal and two different acidic residues.
Examples include:
CaClOCl- Calcium Chloride-Hypochloride
PbFCl- Lead Fluoride-Chloride
What are Complex Salts?
These are formed by complex cations or anions associated with several ligands.
An example includes:
K [AL (OH)4] Potassium tetrahydoxoaluminite
What are Hydrate Salts?
These are salts whose composition includes a molecule of crystallization water.
An example includes:
CuSO4.5H20 - Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate
How are medium salts obtained?
They can be formed during the following reactions:
Metal + Non-metal = Salt
Metal on the left of H2 in reactivity + Acid solution=Salt + Hydrogen gas
Metal + Salt solution with less reactive metal= Salt + Metal atom
Basic Oxide + Acid Oxide = Salt
Basic Oxide + Acid =Salt + Water
Base with acidic oxide = Salt + Water
Salt + Acid = Salt + Water/Gas/Acid
Base solution with salt solution = Salt +Hydroxide
How are acidic salts obtained?
They can be formed during the following reactions:
Acid + Metal = Salt + Hydrogen gas
Acid + Metal Oxide = Salt + Water
Acid + Metal Hydroxide = Salt + Water
Acid + Salt = Salt
Acid + Ammonia = Salt
Base + excess acid oxide = Acidic salt
How are basic salts obtained?
Acid + excess base = Basic Salt + Water
Addition of alkalis to solutions of medium metal salts = Salt + salt
Interaction of weak acids + Medium salts = Basic salt
How are complex salts obrained?
This is when a salt reacts with a ligand.
How do we make double salts?
These are obtained by the co-crystallization of two salts:
Cr2(SO4)3 + K2SO4 + 24H2O = 2[KCr(SO4)2.12H2O]
What are the chemical properties of Medium Salts?
Decompose into ions.
Thermally decompose to produce a gas and salt.
Interact with metals to form a new salt + metal.
Susceptible to hydrolysis.
Performs exchange reactions with acids, bases and between two salts.
Also undergo redox reactions
How do ammonia salts decompose?
Decompose to release nitrogen or nitrogen oxide if the anion in the composition exhibits oxidizing properties.
Other times, it may also lead to the release of Ammonia gas.
Chemical properties of acid salts.
Complete dissociation
Thermally decompose into a medium salt + water + gas
Interact with alkalis to form an average salt + water
Chemical properties of basic salts.
Thermally decompose into a metal oxide +gas/water
React with acids to form an average salt.
And dissociate completely like acid salts.
Chemical properties of complex salts
Interaction with excess strong acid leads to formation of two medium salts and water
While the lack of a strong acid leads to the formation of an average salt of the active metal, amphoteric hydroxide and water
Interaction with a weak acid forms an acid salt with the active metal, an amphoteric hydroxide and water.
And interaction with CO2 or SO2 leads to an acid salt of the active metal +Amphoteric hydroxide.
When interacting with Fe3+, Al3+ or Cr3+, products are two amphoteric hydroxides, and active metal.