Salivation Glands Flashcards
What gland can be examined extra orally?
sub mandibular and Parotid
Which glands have Single discrete ducts?
submandibular and Parotid
What ducts does the sublingual have?
ducts along sublingual folds underneath tongue
What do sublingual ducts do?
Merge into single duct then join submandibular duct
What is secretomotor innervation?
motor innervation that stimulates salivation
What nerves provide motor innervation that stimulate salivation?
Facial CN7 and glossopharyngeal CN 9
What are the secretomotor fibres in CN7 and CN9?
autonomic nerves - parasymp. nervous system
What is the biggest salivary gland?
Parotid gland
Where is single parotid duct?
Run anterior over masseter to medially pierce Buccinator
Where does parotid duct open into?
vestibule- opposite crown of second Upper Molar
How is Parotid secretomotor innervation?
What is secretomotor nerve pathway for parotid?
tympanic branch via ear cavity> plexus> lesser petrosal nerve to cranial cavity> otic ganglion> Auriculotemporal nerve > parotid
What is a branch of Glossopharyngeal nerve?
Tympanic branch
Where is submandibular gland?
inferior margin of mandible and posterior border of mylohoid muscle
Where are submandibular ducts located?
Sublingual Papillae
What is parasymp. innervation of submandibular gland?
Facial nerve CN 7
where do sublingual ducts open into?
floor of mouth along w/ sublingual fold
What is secretomotor nerve pathway for submandibular/lingual gland ?
chorda tympani> join lingual nerve> submandibular ganglion> glands
What is a branch of facial nerve CN7?
Chorda tympani
Greater petrosal
what happens in post ganglionic fibres in sublingual gland?
fibers reach the sublingual gland after they re-enter the lingual nerve first
what happens when tongue is raised?
sublingual folds raised- submandibular duct open on papilla
What is secretomotor nerve pathway for Palatine gland?
CN7> Greater petrosol nerve branch> cranial cavity > pterygoid canal> pterygoid fossa> pterygopalatine fossa>pterygopalatine ganglion> hard/soft palates
what is a minor salivary gland?
Palatine gland