Safe Guarding Children Flashcards
Q: What is the definition of safeguarding according to “Working Together to Safeguard Children” (2018)?
1- Protecting children from maltreatment.
2- Preventing impairment of their health or development.
3- Ensuring safe and effective care.
4- Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
Q: Who is responsible for safeguarding children?
A: Everyone is responsible, including members of the public, professionals, and agencies like Children’s Social Care (CSC).
Q: What are the four categories of child abuse?
1- Physical
2- Emotional
3- Neglect
4 - Sexual
Q: What are non-accidental injuries (NAI)?
A: Injuries purposefully inflicted on a person, often with attempts to hide or delay treatment.
Q: What is fabricated or induced illness (FII)?
A: When a parent or carer fakes, exaggerates, or induces illness in a child, causing significant harm.
Q: What constitutes neglect?
A: Persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical or psychological needs, such as lack of food, shelter, supervision, or medical care.
Q: What is child criminal exploitation?
A: Coercion of a child into criminal activity for the benefit of others, often through violence, threats, or manipulation.