SAAB 340 Line Training Flashcards
Fuel Tankering; What should be considered when calculating fuel to be carried?
Fuel Tankering Policy PPM 11.3
- Do not tanker more than round trip fuel.
- Minimise fuel from outports.
- Minimise unnecessary fuel margin above the minimum sector fuel from outports.
- Maximise fuel from approved city pairs but not compromising payload.
- Saab crew should maximise tankering from hub airports but no compromising payload.
Fuel Tankering Policy PPM 11.3
Fuel Tankering; Can flight crew uplift whatever fuel they want at outports?
Fuel Tankering Policy PPM 11.3
Yes, but if fuel uplifted creates difference between FOB and minimum fuel required which is more than 100 kg, a brief reason of the margin fuel is to be noted on the comments section of flight log (EFL/DFL).
Fuel Tankering Policy PPM 11.3
Automation Usage; When must the PF have their hands and feet on controls/power levers?
FCOM Chapter 3 3.14.7 Autopilot/Flight Director Usage
- During an instrument approach or;
- Whenever AP engaged below 1500 ft AGL.
* 1 hand on control wheel
* for approach only 1 hand on power levers
* both feet on rudder pedals
FCOM Chapter 3 3.14.7 Autopilot/Flight Director Usage
Automation Usage; before selecting ALT on MSP what ROC/ROD shall you be less than?
FCOM Chapter 3 3.14.7 Autopilot/Flight Director Usage
1500 fpm.
FCOM Chapter 3 3.14.7 Autopilot/Flight Director Usage
Automation Usage; When should 1/2 BANK be selected ON?
FCOM Chapter 3 3.14.7 Autopilot/Flight Director Usage
- OEI Departures/Climb (including OEI GA) Once at crusing altitude 1/2 BANK may be turned OFF
- Moderate/Servere Icing.
- All operations below Venr+10 (Flap 0)(Venr+20 in Icing) or V2+10 (Flap 15)(V2+20 in Icing)
ALL other operations 1/2 BANK OFF icnluding IAP (AEO & OEI) except reversal proc with a wide base turn where 1/2 BANK may be used for the turn.
FCOM Chapter 3 3.14.7 Autopilot/Flight Director Usage
When can you let the FA go after take-off?
PPM 12S.14.9 Cabin Service Signal After Take-off
at 1500 ft AGL & above MSA if Captain confident that it is safe and comfortable for FA.
PPM 12S.14.9 Cabin Service Signal After Take-off
Thunderstorm Avoidance:
1. Before T/O
2. After T/O
3. Cruise
4. Descent and Approach to Land
PPM 12S.22.5 Thunderstorm Avoidance
- Before T/O
1. Do not start take-off if active TS is approach and will be withing 5NM of the aircraft directly after T/O. - After T/O
1. If clear path not available on departure track, hold the aircraft clear of TS until departure track clear or alternative track is alloted by ATC. - Cruise
1. Normal Avoidance must be made (refering to FCOM) - Descent and Approach to Land
1. Fly aircraft clear of TS either by holding or flying an alternative approach trackl. The circuit and approach to land not closer than 5NM to TS.
Low Visibility Take-off:
1. When do the procedures apply?
2. Flight crew who are able to perform the take-off?
3. Minimum visbility for airport and runway confirmed?
4. Does a departure alternate need to be avaliable?
5. Can the pilots assessment of the RVR replace the reported RVR/RV and at what point?
6. Can you perform an intersection departure?
7. What changes must happen to the taxi brief?
8. Standard calls when deviation from centreline greater than what?
RV/RVR = Runway Visibility & Runway Visual Range.
FCOM Chapter 4: 4.5
- VIS < 550RV/RVR at Controlled Aerdrome.
- Qualified crew from left seat ONLY.
- REDL (Runway Edge Lighting) spacing intervals not > 60 metres
- RCLM (Runway Centreline Markings) clearly visbile, or RCLL (Runway centre line lighting)
- No NOTAM affecting low vis take-off or taxi routes
- No MEL prohibiting reduced vis take-off
- check weather conditions.
RV/RVR between 550 & 350 metres. TDZ 350, MID 350, END 350, MAX XWIND 15 kts.
- Yes departure alternate must be ensured avaliable.
- Yes it can in the initial part of the take-off run.
- No intersection departures.
- The taxi brief must be detailed.
- 2 metres and PM calls STEER LEFT/RIGHT with PF response CHECKED.
PPM Reduced Visibility Operations:
1. What visibility requires the Take off to be left hand seat only?
2. What does it mean when the visibility is 800m or less?
PPM Chapter 12S - 12S.22.2 Reduced Visibility Operations
- Less than 1000m unless PIC deems safey is enhanced by substituting the PF role.
- Only one aircraft or vehicle can manoeuvre on the around at any uncontrolled aerdrome.
Wind Shear Escape:
What is the windshear escape manoeuvre?
What is standard phraseology for
1. Clear of Wind Shear and initiating ATC instruction or procedure
2. Clear of Wind Shear and clearance of instruction has been resumed
3. When given an instruction contradictory of escape manoeuvre
FCOM Chapter 5: 5.30.6
- PF or PM call “WIND SHEAR”
1. P/L - Advance to 80% Tq
2. Simultaneously pitch up to G/A attitude if on approach OR higher than normal lift-off attitude on departure, to check rate of descent.
3. Accept airspeed loss to that approaching stall warning/stick shaker speeds, as applicable or until rate of climb is commenced. DO NOT STALL.
4. Climb straight ahead. - PM - Apply rated power or max avaliable power.
NOTE: Delay flaps and gear if ground contact possible during shear. Do NOT retrim until stabilised condition have again been established.
Once ground contact is no longer possibility
* PF & PM apply normal G/A procedures.
1. PM “ REX …. Clear of Wind Shear, Returning to (ATC clearance or instruction and/or procedure)”
2. PM “REX …. Clear of Wind Shear, ….(ATC clearance or instruction and/or procedure) resumed”
3. REX …. Unable to comply, windshear escape”
Land & Hold Short Operations (LAHSO):
1. What is LAHSO?
2. What is participating aircraft Active and Passive mean?
3. What conditions need to be met for LAHSO?
AIP ENR 1.1 - 7. Page 39 Land & Hold Short Operations.
- LAHSO are operations where an aircraft can be landing on one runway whilst another is landing or taking off on a crossing runway.
- Active = When an aircraft is issued a hold short requirement and is alerted about traffic on crossing runway.
Passive = When an aircraft has unrestricted use of the full runway length and is alerted about traffic on crossing runway. - NOT > 20kt crosswind
- NOT > 5kt tailwaind dry runway
- no tailwind when runway not dry.
- simultaneous take-offs By DAY ONLY
- simultaneous landings by DAY & NIGHT
- Celing not < MVA and VIS not < 8km but may be reduced by ATC to 5km.
- If runway WET braking must be reported as GOOD.
Stabilised Approaches:
1. What is a stabilised approach characterised by?
2. When should an approach be stabilised by and what is the criteria that needs to be met from that point?
3. What is the MAX bank angle during descent from the MDA on a runway aligned approach or 300 ft AGL on Visual Approach?
4. What rates of descent should not be exceeded?
5. What deviations are considered not acceptable?
6. When should a missed approach be conducted?
* Constant angle & ROD to Touchdown point where landing manoeuvre begins.
* All appropriate checklists and briefings completed before approach
* Stabilised from the FAF for runway aligned IAP OR 300 ft. in other cases.
- Stabilised from the FAF for runway aligned IAP OR 300 ft. in other cases.
* Aircraft on TRACK
* Aircraft on allowable slope i.e Vertical Guidance
* In Landing configuration (flap 35 may be delayed until 500 ft AGL)
* Speed in acceptable range
* ROD is not greater than 1000fpm
* Power setting appropriate from landing config selected
* Pilot flying require only normal correction to maintain track and profile to the TDZ. - Should NOT exceed 15 degrees.
- 2000fpm below 2000ft AGL and 1000fpm after FAF or below 1000ft AGL is VISUAL. (IF IAP approach profile require ROD > 1000fpm past FAF, special approach brief should be given).
- Frequent or sustained deviations caused by poor pilot performance not acceptable.
- If TAWS/GPWS warning triggered any time during approach, or if other criteria cannot be maintained from the above relevant minimum altitude/position to the landing flare unless PIC believes doing so reduced safety of operation.
TAWS/GPWS Warning In Flight:
In response to a TAWS/GPWS in IMC or at NIGHT pilots must immediately do what?
What about in VMC?
Does a report need to be made?
FCOM Chapter 5: 5.21
- Disconnect AP, wings level, simultaneously pitch up at 2-3 degrees per second to best angle of climb attitude approx 12 deg.
- Apply MCP and execute pull up action
- Continue maximum climb stright ahead until visual and aural warning cease.
- Monitor radio altimeter for trend towards terrain contact, adjust pitch accordingly
- Advice ATC as required
- Duing the day in VMC pilots should assess the warning and take whatever corrective action is required.
- Report to be made if TAWS warning at night or in IMC.
Stall Recovery:
1. What identifies a stall onset?
2. What is the reccomended procedure when recovering?
FCOM Chapter 5: 5.28
- Light bufferting of controls,
- Stick shaker/pusher
- PUSH 1 -2 Lights
- AP disconnect
* PF CALLS “MAX POWER” & Advance POWER to approx 80% tq
* AP/YD Disconnect
* PITCH - Immediately decrease approx by 5 degrees or as commanded by stick pusher (do NOT fight pusher) avoid unnecessary dive.
* POWER - PM to set MCP.
NOTE : the ABOVE is conducted simultaneously
- SPEED - Accelerate to higher of Venr (+10 in icing) or 30 knots above encountered stall / warning speed. (VENR @ max weight is 138 kts)
- ALTITUDE - When positive climb rate is indicated recover lost altitude. If low level stall or stall with gear and flap extended apply G/A procedures once minimum VREF + 10 or stall/warning speed + 30 knots is attained.
1. What must crew do on hearing a TA annunciation?
2. What are the RA actions?
3. What does the TCAS system assume for a response time? what about increase or reveral RA?
4. What limits apply for AEO and OEI Power, Pitch & Speed?
5. If target is Visually acquired can you manoeuvre as require to avoid the collision?
FCOM Chapter 5: 5.22
- Crew must immdiately try and make visual contact with the intruder.
* PF - Disconnects AP and applies pitch and power to comply with RA instructions on VSI.
PM - Calls ATC “REX …. TCAS RA” Monitors Flight path and attempts to visually acquire traffic.
* PF - Once the “Clear of Conflict” is annunciated, return to previous level.
PM - Calls “REX …. Clear of conflict, returning to ….” and once at returned level “REX …. Clear of conflict, …. Resumed”
* PF - If RA contradicts ATC clearance or instruction, COMPLY WITH RA
PM - calls “REX …. unable, TCAS RA”
- 5 seconds to an RA. 2.5 seconds
* MCP if required
* AEO Pitch +/- 15 degrees
* AEO Speed V2 or VENR+10 in Icing.
* OEI TA ONLY Pitch +6.5 and -15 degrees
* OEI TA ONLY Speed V2 or VENR+10 in Icing
- Yes you can.