SAAB 340 Limitations Memory Items FCOM Chapter 2 Flashcards
Wing span of SF340B & WT?
340B = 21.44m
340B(WT) = 22.75
When do Icing conditions exist?
Icing conditions exist when visible moisture in any form is present is present on the ramps, taxiways or runways and the OAT or SAT is +5°C and below during ground and flight operation. In these conditions, or whenever the blue ICE SPD status light or EAI is on, the minimum speed for flight in icing conditions must be observed. IAS
mode must be selected on the FD if climbing when these conditions exist.
What are examples of Visible Moisture?
clouds, fog with visibility of one mile (1,850 m) or less, rain, snow, sleet, ice crystals) or standing water, slush, or snow (hardpacked snow excluded)
Maximum Flaps Extended Speeds, VFE
7-15 degrees = 175 KIAS
20 degrees = 165 KIAS
35 degrees = 140 KIAS
When may flaps be extended and up to what altitude?
Flaps may be extended on the ground, as required for take-off, low altitude holding, approach and landing. Up to a maximum altitude of 14000 ft.
Maximum Landing gear Speeds
VLE = 200 KIAS
Minimum Control Speeds for SF340B & WT
VMCL Flaps 20 & 35
VMCG = Incorporated into calculations for RTOW charts
VMCA = Incorporated into calculations for RTOW charts
VMCL SF340B flaps 20 & 35 = 106 KIAS
VMCL SF340B(WT) Flaps 20 & 35 = 103 KIAS
Maximum Operating Speed VMO
VMO = 250 KIAS up to approx. 16,000 ft. Above this altitude VMO decreases as indicated by the VMO pointer to approx. 210 KIAS at 25,000 ft.
Maximum Manoeuvring Speed VA
180 KIAS
Maximum Rough Air Penetration Speed VRA
VRA = 190 KIAS up to 21,000 ft ISA. Above this altitude, reduce the speed as indicated by the VMO pointer minus 30 knots.
Maximum take-off Tailwind Component
10 Kts.
Maximum Landing Tailwind Component
10 kts.
Maximum Landing Tailwind Component for AFMS-54/55 (which aircraft are those allocated to)
15 kts. AFMS-54 is applicable to all 340(WT) aircraft.
AFMS-55 is applicable to ZPA, ZPB, ZPC, ZXF, ZXG, ZXK.
Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) deviations?
Deviations from the ATC assigned altitude is authorised only to the extent necessary to comply with an ACAS Resolution Advisory (RA).
Manoeuvres must not be based solely on information presented on the Traffic Advisory (TA).
Flight Director use
Use of flight director information in Go-around MODE (double click on Power Levers) during take-off is not authorised.
Auto pilot
Autopilot operations not authorised
- Below 200 ft AGL - During take-off or go-around.
- Below 500 ft AGL - During Cruise
- Below 50 ft AGL - During Approach
- Below 100 ft AGL - For non-coupled approach.
In Icing Conditions FD/AP IAS mode is the only vertical mode to be used during CLIMB when ice accumulation is observed or if it is not certain there is no ice accumulation on the aircraft.
It is a requirement to disconnect the autopilot following an engine failure and re-trim the aircraft before re-engagement of the autopilot.
Yaw Damper is not authorised when?
Landing Flap and flap in icing conditions
(when must landing flap be set by and called by?) Holding in icning conditions what flap setting must be used?
Landing flap is to be set by 300 ft radio height during normal landing. Company requires that the final flap setting is called for no less than 500 ft AGL.
When holding in icing conditions Flap 0 must be set.
Instrument colour codes
Operating limits = red
Caution, temporary or idle range = yellow
Normal operating range = green
Cargo fire protection length
35 min for B models
60 min for WT models
Attitude/Heading Reference System:
1. Can you move the aircraft during initialisation on the ground?
2. When is take off permitted after initialisation?
3. What is the attitude difference between both EADI’s and standby AI?
4. What is the compass checked for?
During initialisation on the ground the aircraft must not be moved.
Take-off is not permitted until two minutes after initialisation is completed and the attitude difference between the attitude displayed on both EADI’s and the standby attitude indicator is 3 degrees or less (BANK & PITCH) and the heading on the compass card is not slewing away from the aircraft heading.
Weights for SF340B & (WT)
Maximum Taxi
Maximum Take-off
Maximum Landing
Maximum Zero Fuel
Maximum Taxi Weight = 13,290 kg. (WT) 13740 (B)
Maximum Take-off Weight = 13,155 kg. 13605 (B)
Maximum Landing Weight = 12,930 kg.
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight = 12,020 kg.
Max cabin differential in flight
7.5 psi.
Max landing cabin differential
0.3 psi
Cabin pressure warning and cabin altitude CABIN PRESS warning
7.5 psi.
10,000 ft.
DC generator Voltage Normal Range and max
27.5 to 29 V DC
Max is 29
DC Generators nominal load per generator normal and maximum load for 5 minutes
400 amps.
600 amps max 5 min
Main batteries Voltage
24 V DC
External Power GPU voltage min and max
min 28 V DC
max is 29.5 V DC
External Power Battery Cart min and max
min = higher than the aircraft batteries for engine start
max = 29.5 V DC
External Power Amperage requirement for Normal operation and engine start
600 Amps normal
1400 MIN to 1600 MAX Amps Engine start
Minimum fuel take-off, each tank
135 kg.
Maximum imbalance between tanks
90 kg.
LOW LEVEL light comes on at
135 kg plus or minus 30 kg
XFEED & CONN VALVE switches shall be in the OFF & CLOSED position during take-off and landing in NORMAL operation.
Total quantity of usable fuel
2542 kg at a fuel density of 0.79 kg/litre.
Windshield heating time in NORM before switching to HIGH
7 minutes.
How long until switching STBY PITOT ON until full ice protection is obtained
5 minutes.
Windshield wipers speed limitations in LOW and HIGH positions
130 Kts LOW
160 kts HIGH
Altimeters operational tolerances
With an accurate QNH set, all 3 altimeters should read the nominated elevation to within 60 ft.
If an altimeter has an error in excess of +/- 75 ft it is to be considered unserviceable.
The SAAB 340 requires all 3 altimeters for IFR operations;
2 of the altimeters must read the nominated elevation to within 60 ft. When the remaining altimeter has an error between 60 ft and 75 ft, flight under IFR to the first point of landing, where the accuracy of the altimeter can be rechecked, is approved.
In the event that the altimeter shows an error in excess of 60 ft on the second check the altimeter must be considered unserviceable.
Refer also to the MEL for Standby Altimeter unserviceability.
Airspeed indicator operational tolerances
Maximum difference between two indicators is +/- 8 KIAS.
Number of brake applications on fully charged brake accumulators
11 each
Max speed for use of brakes with the anti-skid system OFF or INOPERATIVE
40 kts.
Take-off Power + APR or go-around power TRQ, ITT, PROP limitations
max 5 min and max 2 min
5 min max TRQ 107%, 940 ITT, 1396 PRPM
2 min max TRQ 107%, 950 ITT, 1396 PRPM
Take-off Power TRQ, ITT, PROP limitations
max 5 min and max 2 min
5 min max TRQ 100%, 917 ITT, 1396 PRPM
2 min max TRQ 100%, 927 ITT, 1396 PRPM
Max Continuous (OEI) TRQ, ITT, PROP limitations
100% TRQ, 944 ITT, 1396 PRPM
Transient except take-off (max 12 seconds) TRQ, ITT, PRPM limitations
112% TRQ, 965 ITT, 1572 PRPM
Max ITT engine start
965 ITT
Ng limitations for a motoring start
Max Ng for motoring = 26%
Minimum stabilised Ng prior to C/L START - 17%
Minimum Ng prior to Tailwind start - 20%
Starter / generator (S/G) Duty Cycle limits
Start Duty Cycle
Start Duty Cycle; 2 start attempts with 3 minutes cooling between, then 25 minutes cooling before subsequent starts.
Motoring; 3 30 second ventilations with 3 minutes cooling between each, then a 1 hour cooling period between subsequent starts or motoring.
start time to light off
time to light-off (from initial Ng rotation to ITT rise), 20 seconds maximum (direct start only)
Maximum time with starter engaged
70 seconds of which max 30 seconds of plain motoring.
What is the Tq tolerance to selected CTOT value?
+/- 2%
What is the MAX Tq difference between indication with the CTOT selected ON?