S44 Viral Hep Flashcards
Hep transmitted via Feces
Fecal - oral
Hep A and E
Hep transmitted via Blood / body fluids
Percutaneous / permucosal
Hep B,C and D
This Type of Hep is not Chronic
Hep A and E
This type of Hep is Chronic
Hep B,C and D
Fecal-oral spread: hygiene, drug use, high risk sexual activity, travelers, day care, food
Hep A
Sexually transmitted – 100x more infectious than HIV
Blood-borne (sex, injection drug use, mother-child, and health care)
Hep B
Blood borne (injection drug use primarily) – 4-5x more common than HIV NOT vaccine-preventable
Hep C
How is HCV most commonly transmitted in the US?
A Healthcare
B Mother-child
C Injection drug use
D Fecal-oral
C Injection drug use
Hep c Life cycle begins with ingestion of virus → absorbed in the _______or small intestine → up took by the liver → replication in the _______ → released into the blood and secreted into bile → reabsorbed to continue cycle or excreted in stool.
Which vaccine is indicated for
ages 1-18 at 0.5 mL with 2 at 0, 6-12 months
ages ≥19 at 1 mL with 2 doses at 0, 6-12 months
Which vaccine is indicated for
ages 1-18 at 0.5 mL with 2 doses at 0, 6-18 months
ages ≥19 at 1 mL with 2 doses at 0, 6-18 months
VAQTA given IM
Which vaccine is indicated for ages ≥18 at 1 mL with 3 doses given at 0, 1, 6 months
TWINRX given IM is HEP A and B vaccine