S3_L3: Muscle Performance Examination (MMT) Flashcards
Ability of muscle to do work (linear or rotational)
Muscle performance
Force exerted by a muscle or muscle group to overcome resistance in one maximal effort.
Muscle strength
Work produced per unit of time. It has a speed component.
Muscle power
Ability of muscle to contract repeatedly over time; Repeated contraction
Muscle endurance
TRUE OR FALSE: Muscle performance examination evaluates the patient’s need for supportive apparatus and determines the patient’s prognosis.
Muscle grade: muscle is only capable of trace contraction/twitches; no gross movement involved?
Muscle grade: Flaccid muscles; no strength at all?
Muscle grade: cannot complete the entire ROM actively against gravity, but if you position the pt such that the muscles will have to act on the limb where the gravity is no longer a hindrance to movement, the pt can complete the movement?
Muscle grade: pt is able to complete the ROM against gravity?
Muscle grade: pt is able to tolerate moderate resistance?
Muscle grade: muscle is able to tolerate maximal resistance?
Procedure for the evaluation of the function and strength of muscles or group of muscles in relation to the gravity and manual resistance
Manual Muscle Testing (MMT)
What position is described as: position the limbs in such a way that it will be challenged by gravity; opposite to
pull of gravity?
Gravity resisted
What position is described as: position the limbs in such a way that it will not hinder the movement, instead it will assist the movement; does not directly oppose the pull of gravity and minimizes effect of gravity?
Gravity minimized
TRUE OR FALSE: Stabilization can be used to check for substitutions or trick motions
Resistance is applied in the ___ direction of the muscle motion
Resistance is applied near the ___ end of segments to which the muscle attaches
Exception: hip abductors and scapular muscles (SITS)
A technique where manual resistance is applied on the limb after it has completed available ROM or after the examiner
has positioned the limb until it “breaks”. It allows time for the patient to establish maximum contraction prior to resistance application.
Break test
TRUE OR FALSE: Pain should not be elicited during MMT
A technique where the application of manual resistance is against an actively contracting muscle or muscle group, all throughout the ROM. The resistance is gradual, increasing until motion ceases.
Active resistance technique
If the pt can do full ROM, the minimum grade given to the muscle is ___
Muscle grade: partial ROM in a gravity-minimized position. No resistance given.
Muscle grade: at least 50% ROM in a gravity-resisted position. No resistance given.
Muscle grade: full ROM in a gravity-resisted position. Minimal resistance is given.
TRUE OR FALSE: For patients with LOM, their available ROM taken during the ROM measurement is considered the full ROM (normal ROM) during MMT for that PT session.
Facial & Tongue Muscle Strength Grade: Moderate impairment; asymmetry in terms of muscle movement.
WF (Weak Functional)
Facial & Tongue Muscle Strength Grade: Severe impairment; little movement compared to the functional side.
NF (Non-Functional)
Facial & Tongue Muscle Strength Grade: Normal / slight impairment.
F (Functional)
TRUE OR FALSE: For the hand, ankle, and foot muscles, the force is minimal so effect of gravity is usually not considered. Thus, only 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are the grades used.
5/5 muscle grade for gastrocnemius & soleus muscles: __ full heel raises
25 for gastroc
20 for soleus
4/5 muscle grade for gastrocnemius & soleus muscles: __ full heel raises
10-24 for gastroc
10-19 for soleus
3/5 muscle grade for gastrocnemius & soleus muscles: __ full heel raises
In MMT, the examiner always starts at grade __
Progress to 4 and 5 or if grade 3 was not reached, move to 2
Determine the corresponding myotomal levels with the muscles innervated
- Neck lateral flexion
- Shoulder abduction
- Neck flexion, extension
- Shoulder shrug
A. C1-C2
C. C4
D. C5
- B
- D
- A
- C
Determine the corresponding myotomal levels with the muscles innervated
- Wrist ulnar deviation
- Hip flexors
- Elbow flexors, wrist extensors
- Finger abductors/adductors
- Elbow extensors, wrist flexors
A. C6
C. C8
D. T1
E. L2
- C
- E
- A
- D
- B
Determine the corresponding myotomal levels with the muscles innervated
- Toe extensors
- Ankle plantarflexors
- Knee extensors
- Knee flexors
- Ankle dorsiflexors
A. L3
B. L4
C. L5
D. S1
E. S2
- C
- D
- A
- E
- B
Portable devices placed between the examiner’s hand and patient’s body that measure mechanical force at the point of application and are used in assessing grip strength.
Hand-held dynamometry
Test done by pushing against resistance in maximal isometric contraction
Make test
Stationary, electromechanical devices that
control the velocity of a moving body segment by resisting and measuring the patient’s effort so that the body segment cannot accelerate beyond the preset angular velocity. It is used for large, strong muscle groups and measures torque (Nm) and for muscle power and muscle
Isokinetic Dynamometry
it is done to test the power of the quadriceps by explosive jumping
Vertical jump test
Ability to change the direction of the body in an efficient and effective manner. It requires strength, balance, speed, coordination.
An agility test done by asking the patient to run around the box in 8-figures. It is commonly used in athletes and done in different sports.
Illinois Agility Run Test
An endurance test done by measuring the number of sit-ups made in 30 seconds (as many as possible)
NCF Abdominal Conditioning Test